# Documents for OpenHarmony Developers This project provides documents including the quick start, development guide, and API reference, Welcome to participate in the open source project and improve these documents for developers. ## Directory Structure - quick-start: [Getting Started](quick-start/Readme-EN.md) - get-code: [Source Code Acquisition/Tool Acquisition](get-code/Readme-EN.md) - driver: [Device Development Guidelines](driver/Readme-EN.md) - kernel: [Kernel Usage Guidelines](kernel/Readme-EN.md) - subsystems: [Subsystem Development Guidelines](subsystems/Readme-EN.md) - bundles: [Bundle Development](bundles/Readme-EN.md) - guide: [Device Development Guidelines](guide/Readme-EN.md) - security: [Privacy and Security](security/Readme-EN.md) - api-LinkIoT: [LinkIoT Modules API](api/api-LinkIoT/Readme-EN.md) - api-SmartVision-Devices: [SmartVision Devices API](api/api-SmartVision-Devices/Readme-EN.md) - contribute: [Contribution](contribute/contribution.md) - term: [Glossary](term/Glossary.md) ## Contribution You are welcome to contribute to documentation. You are recommended to offer feedback and contribution in various ways. You can evaluate existing documents, make simple changes, provide feedback on document quality, and contribute your original content. For details, see [Contributing Documents](contribute/documentation-contribution.md). Excellent contributors will be awarded and publicized in the developer community.