librdkafka - Apache Kafka C/C++ client library ============================================== Copyright (c) 2012-2014, [Magnus Edenhill]( []( **librdkafka** is a C library implementation of the [Apache Kafka]( protocol, containing both Producer and Consumer support. It was designed with message delivery reliability and high performance in mind, current figures exceed 800000 msgs/second for the producer and 3 million msgs/second for the consumer. **librdkafka** is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license. For an introduction to the performance and usage of librdkafka, see []( See the [wiki]( for a FAQ. **NOTE**: The `master` branch is actively developed, use latest release for production use. [![Gitter chat](]( **Apache Kafka 0.8 support:** * Branch: master * Producer: supported * Consumer: supported * Compression: snappy and gzip * Debian package: librdkafka1 and librdkafka-dev in Debian and Ubuntu * ZooKeeper: not supported * C API: Stable, ABI safe, not backwards compatible with 0.7 * C++ API: Testing * Tests: Regression tests in `tests/` directory. * Statistics: JSON formatted, see `rd_kafka_conf_set_stats_cb` in `rdkafka.h`. * Status: Stable **Apache Kafka 0.7 support:** * Branch: 0.7 * Producer: supported * Consumer: supported * Compression: not supported * ZooKeeper: not supported * C API: backwards compatible with 0.6 * Status: Stable **Apache Kafka 0.6 support:** * Branch: 0.6 * Producer: supported * Consumer: supported * Compression: not supported * ZooKeeper: not supported * Status: Testing #Language bindings# * Haskell: [haskakafka]( * Haskell: [haskell-kafka]( * Node.js: [node-kafka]( * Lua: [luardkafka]( * OCaml: [ocaml-kafka]( * PHP: [phpkafka]( * PHP: [php-rdkafka]( * Python: [python-librdkafka]( * Python: [PyKafka]( * Ruby: [Hermann]( * Tcl: [KafkaTcl]( #Users of librdkafka# * [kafkacat]( - Apache Kafka swiss army knife * [Wikimedia's varnishkafka]( - Varnish cache web log producer * [Wikimedia's kafkatee]( - Kafka multi consumer with filtering and fanout * [rsyslog]( * [syslog-ng]( * [collectd]( * [logkafka]( - Collect logs and send to Kafka * [redBorder]( * [Headweb]( * [Produban's log2kafka]( - Web log producer * [fuse_kafka]( - FUSE file system layer * [node-kafkacat]( * [OVH]( - [AntiDDOS]( * []('s [trackdrd]( - Varnish log reader * large unnamed financial institution * *Let [me]( know if you are using librdkafka* # Usage ## Requirements The GNU toolchain GNU make pthreads zlib (optional, for gzip compression support) libssl-dev (optional, for SSL support) libsasl2-dev (optional, for SASL support) ## Instructions ### Building ./configure make sudo make install **NOTE**: See [README.win32](README.win32) for instructions how to build on Windows with Microsoft Visual Studio. ### Usage in code See [examples/rdkafka_example.c]( for an example producer and consumer. Link your program with `-lrdkafka -lz -lpthread -lrt`. ## Documentation The **C** API is documented in [src/rdkafka.h](src/rdkafka.h) The **C++** API is documented in [src-cpp/rdkafkacpp.h](src-cpp/rdkafkacpp.h) Configuration properties are documented in []( For a librdkafka introduction, see []( ## Examples See the `examples/`sub-directory. ## Tests See the `tests/`sub-directory. ## Support File bug reports, feature requests and questions using [GitHub Issues]( Questions and discussions are also welcome on, #apache-kafka, nickname Snaps. ### Commercial support Commercial support is available from [Edenhill services](