Native win32 build instructions using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 (MSVC). Requirements: * zlib is installed automatically from NuGet, but probably requires the NuGet VS extension. * OpenSSL-win32 must be installed in C:\OpenSSL-win32. Download and install the latest v1.0.2 non-light package from: (This would be using NuGet too but the current OpenSSL packages are outdated and with broken dependencies, so no luck) The Visual Studio solution file for librdkafka resides in win32/librdkafka.sln Artifacts: - C library - C++ library - rdkafka_example - tests Missing: - remaining tools (rdkafka_performance, etc) - SASL support (no official Cyrus libsasl2 DLLs available) - LZ4 support If you build librdkafka with an external tool (ie CMake) you can get rid of the __declspec(dllexport) / __declspec(dllimport) decorations by adding a define -DLIBRDKAFKA_STATICLIB to your CFLAGS