提交 ded1d39d 编写于 作者: aaronchen2k2k's avatar aaronchen2k2k

update resource

上级 d9b212fb
...@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ fields: ...@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ fields:
from: address.cn.v1.china # 从data/address/v1.xlsx文件中读取名为china的工作簿。 from: address.cn.v1.china # 从data/address/v1.xlsx文件中读取名为china的工作簿。
select: city # 查询city字段。 select: city # 查询city字段。
where: state like '%山东%' # 条件是省份包含山东。 where: state like '%山东%' # 条件是省份包含山东。
rand: true # 随机取数据
postfix: "\t" postfix: "\t"
- field: field_with_children # 字段多层嵌套 - field: field_with_children # 字段多层嵌套
...@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ fields: ...@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ fields:
from: address.cn.v1.china # Read the sheet named 'china' in data/address/cn.v1.xlsx. from: address.cn.v1.china # Read the sheet named 'china' in data/address/cn.v1.xlsx.
select: city # Query the field city. select: city # Query the field city.
where: cityCode = 852 # Query condition. where: cityCode = 852 # Query condition.
rand: true # Random for query
postfix: "\t" postfix: "\t"
- field: field_with_children # nested fields. - field: field_with_children # nested fields.
...@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ fields: ...@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ fields:
from: address.cn.v1.china # 从data/address/v1.xlsx文件中读取名为china的工作簿。 from: address.cn.v1.china # 从data/address/v1.xlsx文件中读取名为china的工作簿。
select: city # 查询city字段。 select: city # 查询city字段。
where: state like '%山东%' # 条件是省份包含山东。 where: state like '%山东%' # 条件是省份包含山东。
rand: true # 随机取数据
postfix: "\t" postfix: "\t"
- field: field_with_children # 字段多层嵌套 - field: field_with_children # 字段多层嵌套
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