提交 c84005b5 编写于 作者: J Joerg Jaspert

Move a bunch of commands into their own daklib files

上级 0a838972
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import apt_pkg
import daklib.archive
import daklib.gpg
import daklib.admin
from daklib import utils
from daklib.dbconn import *
......@@ -297,169 +298,28 @@ dispatch['component'] = component
def __suite_list(d, args):
s = d.session()
for j in s.query(Suite).join(Suite.archive).order_by(Archive.archive_name, Suite.suite_name).all():
if len(args) > 2 and args[2] == "--print-archive":
print "{0} {1}".format(j.archive.archive_name, j.suite_name)
print "{0}".format(j.suite_name)
def __suite_show(d, args):
if len(args) < 2:
die("E: showing an suite entry requires a suite")
s = d.session()
su = get_suite(args[2].lower())
if su is None:
die("E: can't find suite entry for %s" % (args[2].lower()))
print su.details()
def __suite_add(d, args, addallarches=False):
die_arglen(args, 4, "E: adding a suite requires at least a name and a version")
suite_name = args[2].lower()
version = args[3]
rest = args[3:]
if len(version) == 0:
version = None
def get_field(field):
for varval in args:
if varval.startswith(field + '='):
return varval.split('=')[1]
return None
print "Adding suite %s" % suite_name
if not dryrun:
s = d.session()
suite = Suite()
suite.suite_name = suite_name
suite.overridecodename = suite_name
suite.version = version
suite.label = get_field('label')
suite.description = get_field('description')
suite.origin = get_field('origin')
suite.codename = get_field('codename')
signingkey = get_field('signingkey')
if signingkey is not None:
suite.signingkeys = [signingkey.upper()]
archive_name = get_field('archive')
if archive_name is not None:
suite.archive = get_archive(archive_name, s)
suite.archive = s.query(Archive).filter(~Archive.archive_name.in_(['build-queues', 'new', 'policy'])).one()
suite.srcformats = s.query(SrcFormat).all()
except IntegrityError as e:
die("E: Integrity error adding suite %s (it probably already exists)" % suite_name)
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
die("E: Error adding suite %s (%s)" % (suite_name, e))
print "Suite %s added" % (suite_name)
if addallarches:
arches = []
q = s.query(Architecture).order_by(Architecture.arch_string)
for arch in q.all():
print "Architectures %s added to %s" % (','.join(arches), suite_name)
def __suite_rm(d, args):
die_arglen(args, 3, "E: removing a suite requires at least a name")
name = args[2]
print "Removing suite {0}".format(name)
if not dryrun:
s = d.session()
su = get_suite(name.lower())
if su is None:
die("E: Cannot find suite {0}".format(name))
except IntegrityError as e:
die("E: Integrity error removing suite {0} (suite-arch entries probably still exist)".format(name))
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
die("E: Error removing suite {0} ({1})".format(name, e))
print "Suite {0} removed".format(name)
def __suite_add_build_queue(d, args):
session = d.session()
die_arglen(args, 6, "E: Adding a build queue needs four parameters.")
suite_name = args[2]
build_queue_name = args[3]
build_queue_codename = args[4]
build_queue_archive_name = args[5]
suite = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite_name).one()
except NoResultFound:
die("E: Unknown suite '{0}'".format(suite_name))
build_queue_archive = session.query(Archive).filter_by(archive_name=build_queue_archive_name).one()
except NoResultFound:
die("E: Unknown archive '{0}'".format(build_queue_archive_name))
# Create suite
s = Suite()
s.suite_name = build_queue_name
s.origin = suite.origin
s.label = suite.label
s.description = "buildd {0} incoming".format(suite_name)
s.codename = build_queue_codename
s.notautomatic = suite.notautomatic
s.overridesuite = suite.overridesuite or suite.suite_name
s.butautomaticupgrades = suite.butautomaticupgrades
s.signingkeys = suite.signingkeys
s.include_long_description = False
s.archive = build_queue_archive
bq = BuildQueue()
bq.queue_name = build_queue_codename
bq.suite = s
def suite(command):
args = [str(x) for x in command]
Cnf = utils.get_conf()
d = DBConn()
am = daklib.admin.ArchiveMaint()
die_arglen(args, 2, "E: suite needs at least a command")
mode = args[1].lower()
if mode == 'list':
__suite_list(d, args)
am.suite_list(d, args)
elif mode == 'show':
__suite_show(d, args)
am.suite_show(d, args)
elif mode == 'rm':
__suite_rm(d, args)
am.suite_rm(d, args)
elif mode == 'add':
__suite_add(d, args, False)
am.suite_add(d, args, False)
elif mode == 'add-all-arches':
__suite_add(d, args, True)
am.suite_add(d, args, True)
elif mode == 'add-build-queue':
__suite_add_build_queue(d, args)
am.suite_add_build_queue(d, args)
die("E: suite command unknown")
......@@ -468,104 +328,26 @@ dispatch['s'] = suite
def __suite_architecture_list(d, args):
s = d.session()
for j in s.query(Suite).order_by(Suite.suite_name):
architectures = j.get_architectures(skipsrc = True, skipall = True)
print j.suite_name + ': ' + \
', '.join([a.arch_string for a in architectures])
def __suite_architecture_listarch(d, args):
die_arglen(args, 3, "E: suite-architecture list-arch requires a suite")
suite = get_suite(args[2].lower(), d.session())
if suite is None:
die('E: suite %s is invalid' % args[2].lower())
a = suite.get_architectures(skipsrc = True, skipall = True)
for j in a:
print j.arch_string
def __suite_architecture_listsuite(d, args):
die_arglen(args, 3, "E: suite-architecture list-suite requires an arch")
architecture = get_architecture(args[2].lower(), d.session())
if architecture is None:
die("E: architecture %s is invalid" % args[2].lower())
for j in architecture.suites:
print j.suite_name
def __suite_architecture_add(d, args):
if len(args) < 3:
die("E: adding a suite-architecture entry requires a suite and arch")
s = d.session()
suite = get_suite(args[2].lower(), s)
if suite is None: die("E: Can't find suite %s" % args[2].lower())
for arch_name in args[3:]:
arch = get_architecture(arch_name.lower(), s)
if arch is None: die("E: Can't find architecture %s" % args[3].lower())
except IntegrityError as e:
die("E: Can't add suite-architecture entry (%s, %s) - probably already exists" % (args[2].lower(), arch_name))
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
die("E: Can't add suite-architecture entry (%s, %s) - %s" % (args[2].lower(), arch_name, e))
print "Added suite-architecture entry for %s, %s" % (args[2].lower(), arch_name)
if not dryrun:
def __suite_architecture_rm(d, args):
if len(args) < 3:
die("E: removing an suite-architecture entry requires a suite and arch")
s = d.session()
if not dryrun:
suite_name = args[2].lower()
suite = get_suite(suite_name, s)
if suite is None:
die('E: no such suite %s' % suite_name)
arch_string = args[3].lower()
architecture = get_architecture(arch_string, s)
if architecture not in suite.architectures:
die("E: architecture %s not found in suite %s" % (arch_string, suite_name))
except IntegrityError as e:
die("E: Can't remove suite-architecture entry (%s, %s) - it's probably referenced" % (args[2].lower(), args[3].lower()))
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
die("E: Can't remove suite-architecture entry (%s, %s) - %s" % (args[2].lower(), args[3].lower(), e))
print "Removed suite-architecture entry for %s, %s" % (args[2].lower(), args[3].lower())
def suite_architecture(command):
args = [str(x) for x in command]
Cnf = utils.get_conf()
d = DBConn()
am = daklib.admin.ArchiveMaint()
die_arglen(args, 2, "E: suite-architecture needs at least a command")
mode = args[1].lower()
if mode == 'list':
__suite_architecture_list(d, args)
am.suite_architecture_list(d, args)
elif mode == 'list-arch':
__suite_architecture_listarch(d, args)
am.suite_architecture_listarch(d, args)
elif mode == 'list-suite':
__suite_architecture_listsuite(d, args)
am.suite_architecture_listsuite(d, args)
elif mode == 'add':
__suite_architecture_add(d, args)
am.suite_architecture_add(d, args)
elif mode == 'rm':
__suite_architecture_rm(d, args)
am.suite_architecture_rm(d, args)
die("E: suite-architecture command unknown")
......@@ -574,103 +356,26 @@ dispatch['s-a'] = suite_architecture
def __suite_component_list(d, args):
s = d.session()
for j in s.query(Suite).order_by(Suite.suite_name):
components = j.components
print j.suite_name + ': ' + \
', '.join([c.component_name for c in components])
def __suite_component_listcomponent(d, args):
die_arglen(args, 3, "E: suite-component list-component requires a suite")
suite = get_suite(args[2].lower(), d.session())
if suite is None:
die('E: suite %s is invalid' % args[2].lower())
for c in suite.components:
print c.component_name
def __suite_component_listsuite(d, args):
die_arglen(args, 3, "E: suite-component list-suite requires an component")
component = get_component(args[2].lower(), d.session())
if component is None:
die("E: component %s is invalid" % args[2].lower())
for s in component.suites:
print s.suite_name
def __suite_component_add(d, args):
if len(args) < 3:
die("E: adding a suite-component entry requires a suite and component")
s = d.session()
suite = get_suite(args[2].lower(), s)
if suite is None: die("E: Can't find suite %s" % args[2].lower())
for component_name in args[3:]:
component = get_component(component_name.lower(), s)
if component is None: die("E: Can't find component %s" % args[3].lower())
except IntegrityError as e:
die("E: Can't add suite-component entry (%s, %s) - probably already exists" % (args[2].lower(), component_name))
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
die("E: Can't add suite-component entry (%s, %s) - %s" % (args[2].lower(), component_name, e))
print "Added suite-component entry for %s, %s" % (args[2].lower(), component_name)
if not dryrun:
def __suite_component_rm(d, args):
if len(args) < 3:
die("E: removing an suite-component entry requires a suite and component")
s = d.session()
if not dryrun:
suite_name = args[2].lower()
suite = get_suite(suite_name, s)
if suite is None:
die('E: no such suite %s' % suite_name)
component_string = args[3].lower()
component = get_component(arch_string, s)
if component not in suite.components:
die("E: component %s not found in suite %s" % (component_string, suite_name))
except IntegrityError as e:
die("E: Can't remove suite-component entry (%s, %s) - it's probably referenced" % (args[2].lower(), args[3].lower()))
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
die("E: Can't remove suite-component entry (%s, %s) - %s" % (args[2].lower(), args[3].lower(), e))
print "Removed suite-component entry for %s, %s" % (args[2].lower(), args[3].lower())
def suite_component(command):
args = [str(x) for x in command]
Cnf = utils.get_conf()
d = DBConn()
am = daklib.admin.ArchiveMaint()
die_arglen(args, 2, "E: suite-component needs at least a command")
mode = args[1].lower()
if mode == 'list':
__suite_component_list(d, args)
am.suite_component_list(d, args)
elif mode == 'list-component':
__suite_component_listcomponent(d, args)
am.suite_component_listcomponent(d, args)
elif mode == 'list-suite':
__suite_component_listsuite(d, args)
am.suite_component_listsuite(d, args)
elif mode == 'add':
__suite_component_add(d, args)
am.suite_component_add(d, args)
# elif mode == 'rm':
# __suite_architecture_rm(d, args)
# am.suite_architecture_rm(d, args)
die("E: suite-component command unknown")
# Copyright (C) 2012, Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar@debian.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
"""module for administrative tasks in a dak install.
This module provides classes to do administrative tasks in a dak install,
eg. creating/modifying archives, suites, architectures, etc..
from daklib import utils
from daklib.dbconn import *
class ArchiveMaint(object):
"""Handle low-level archive changes
def __init__(self):
def suite_list(self, d, args):
s = d.session()
for j in s.query(Suite).join(Suite.archive).order_by(Archive.archive_name, Suite.suite_name).all():
if len(args) > 2 and args[2] == "--print-archive":
print "{0} {1}".format(j.archive.archive_name, j.suite_name)
print "{0}".format(j.suite_name)
def suite_show(self, d, args):
if len(args) < 2:
die("E: showing an suite entry requires a suite")
s = d.session()
su = get_suite(args[2].lower())
if su is None:
die("E: can't find suite entry for %s" % (args[2].lower()))
print su.details()
def suite_add(self, d, args, addallarches=False):
die_arglen(args, 4, "E: adding a suite requires at least a name and a version")
suite_name = args[2].lower()
version = args[3]
rest = args[3:]
if len(version) == 0:
version = None
def get_field(field):
for varval in args:
if varval.startswith(field + '='):
return varval.split('=')[1]
return None
print "Adding suite %s" % suite_name
if not dryrun:
s = d.session()
suite = Suite()
suite.suite_name = suite_name
suite.overridecodename = suite_name
suite.version = version
suite.label = get_field('label')
suite.description = get_field('description')
suite.origin = get_field('origin')
suite.codename = get_field('codename')
signingkey = get_field('signingkey')
if signingkey is not None:
suite.signingkeys = [signingkey.upper()]
archive_name = get_field('archive')
if archive_name is not None:
suite.archive = get_archive(archive_name, s)
suite.archive = s.query(Archive).filter(~Archive.archive_name.in_(['build-queues', 'new', 'policy'])).one()
suite.srcformats = s.query(SrcFormat).all()
except IntegrityError as e:
die("E: Integrity error adding suite %s (it probably already exists)" % suite_name)
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
die("E: Error adding suite %s (%s)" % (suite_name, e))
print "Suite %s added" % (suite_name)
if addallarches:
arches = []
q = s.query(Architecture).order_by(Architecture.arch_string)
for arch in q.all():
print "Architectures %s added to %s" % (','.join(arches), suite_name)
def suite_rm(self, d, args):
die_arglen(args, 3, "E: removing a suite requires at least a name")
name = args[2]
print "Removing suite {0}".format(name)
if not dryrun:
s = d.session()
su = get_suite(name.lower())
if su is None:
die("E: Cannot find suite {0}".format(name))
except IntegrityError as e:
die("E: Integrity error removing suite {0} (suite-arch entries probably still exist)".format(name))
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
die("E: Error removing suite {0} ({1})".format(name, e))
print "Suite {0} removed".format(name)
def suite_add_build_queue(self, d, args):
session = d.session()
die_arglen(args, 6, "E: Adding a build queue needs four parameters.")
suite_name = args[2]
build_queue_name = args[3]
build_queue_codename = args[4]
build_queue_archive_name = args[5]
suite = session.query(Suite).filter_by(suite_name=suite_name).one()
except NoResultFound:
die("E: Unknown suite '{0}'".format(suite_name))
build_queue_archive = session.query(Archive).filter_by(archive_name=build_queue_archive_name).one()
except NoResultFound:
die("E: Unknown archive '{0}'".format(build_queue_archive_name))
# Create suite
s = Suite()
s.suite_name = build_queue_name
s.origin = suite.origin
s.label = suite.label
s.description = "buildd {0} incoming".format(suite_name)
s.codename = build_queue_codename
s.notautomatic = suite.notautomatic
s.overridesuite = suite.overridesuite or suite.suite_name
s.butautomaticupgrades = suite.butautomaticupgrades
s.signingkeys = suite.signingkeys
s.include_long_description = False
s.archive = build_queue_archive
bq = BuildQueue()
bq.queue_name = build_queue_codename
bq.suite = s
def suite_architecture_list(self, d, args):
s = d.session()
for j in s.query(Suite).order_by(Suite.suite_name):
architectures = j.get_architectures(skipsrc = True, skipall = True)
print j.suite_name + ': ' + \
', '.join([a.arch_string for a in architectures])
def suite_architecture_listarch(self, d, args):
die_arglen(args, 3, "E: suite-architecture list-arch requires a suite")
suite = get_suite(args[2].lower(), d.session())
if suite is None:
die('E: suite %s is invalid' % args[2].lower())
a = suite.get_architectures(skipsrc = True, skipall = True)
for j in a:
print j.arch_string
def suite_architecture_listsuite(self, d, args):
die_arglen(args, 3, "E: suite-architecture list-suite requires an arch")
architecture = get_architecture(args[2].lower(), d.session())
if architecture is None:
die("E: architecture %s is invalid" % args[2].lower())
for j in architecture.suites:
print j.suite_name
def suite_architecture_add(self, d, args):
if len(args) < 3:
die("E: adding a suite-architecture entry requires a suite and arch")
s = d.session()
suite = get_suite(args[2].lower(), s)
if suite is None: die("E: Can't find suite %s" % args[2].lower())
for arch_name in args[3:]:
arch = get_architecture(arch_name.lower(), s)
if arch is None: die("E: Can't find architecture %s" % args[3].lower())
except IntegrityError as e:
die("E: Can't add suite-architecture entry (%s, %s) - probably already exists" % (args[2].lower(), arch_name))
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
die("E: Can't add suite-architecture entry (%s, %s) - %s" % (args[2].lower(), arch_name, e))
print "Added suite-architecture entry for %s, %s" % (args[2].lower(), arch_name)
if not dryrun:
def suite_architecture_rm(self, d, args):
if len(args) < 3:
die("E: removing an suite-architecture entry requires a suite and arch")
s = d.session()
if not dryrun:
suite_name = args[2].lower()
suite = get_suite(suite_name, s)
if suite is None:
die('E: no such suite %s' % suite_name)
arch_string = args[3].lower()
architecture = get_architecture(arch_string, s)
if architecture not in suite.architectures:
die("E: architecture %s not found in suite %s" % (arch_string, suite_name))
except IntegrityError as e:
die("E: Can't remove suite-architecture entry (%s, %s) - it's probably referenced" % (args[2].lower(), args[3].lower()))
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
die("E: Can't remove suite-architecture entry (%s, %s) - %s" % (args[2].lower(), args[3].lower(), e))
print "Removed suite-architecture entry for %s, %s" % (args[2].lower(), args[3].lower())
def suite_component_list(self, d, args):
s = d.session()
for j in s.query(Suite).order_by(Suite.suite_name):
components = j.components
print j.suite_name + ': ' + \
', '.join([c.component_name for c in components])
def suite_component_listcomponent(self, d, args):
die_arglen(args, 3, "E: suite-component list-component requires a suite")
suite = get_suite(args[2].lower(), d.session())
if suite is None:
die('E: suite %s is invalid' % args[2].lower())
for c in suite.components:
print c.component_name
def suite_component_listsuite(self, d, args):
die_arglen(args, 3, "E: suite-component list-suite requires an component")
component = get_component(args[2].lower(), d.session())
if component is None:
die("E: component %s is invalid" % args[2].lower())
for s in component.suites:
print s.suite_name
def suite_component_add(self, d, args):
if len(args) < 3:
die("E: adding a suite-component entry requires a suite and component")
s = d.session()
suite = get_suite(args[2].lower(), s)
if suite is None: die("E: Can't find suite %s" % args[2].lower())
for component_name in args[3:]:
component = get_component(component_name.lower(), s)
if component is None: die("E: Can't find component %s" % args[3].lower())
except IntegrityError as e:
die("E: Can't add suite-component entry (%s, %s) - probably already exists" % (args[2].lower(), component_name))
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
die("E: Can't add suite-component entry (%s, %s) - %s" % (args[2].lower(), component_name, e))
print "Added suite-component entry for %s, %s" % (args[2].lower(), component_name)
if not dryrun:
def suite_component_rm(self, d, args):
if len(args) < 3:
die("E: removing an suite-component entry requires a suite and component")
s = d.session()
if not dryrun:
suite_name = args[2].lower()
suite = get_suite(suite_name, s)
if suite is None:
die('E: no such suite %s' % suite_name)
component_string = args[3].lower()
component = get_component(arch_string, s)
if component not in suite.components:
die("E: component %s not found in suite %s" % (component_string, suite_name))
except IntegrityError as e:
die("E: Can't remove suite-component entry (%s, %s) - it's probably referenced" % (args[2].lower(), args[3].lower()))
except SQLAlchemyError as e:
die("E: Can't remove suite-component entry (%s, %s) - %s" % (args[2].lower(), args[3].lower(), e))
print "Removed suite-component entry for %s, %s" % (args[2].lower(), args[3].lower())
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