提交 edc57f22 编写于 作者: W wizardforcel

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上级 93b31574
...@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ OReilly Hands On Machine Learning with Scikit Learn and TensorFlow ...@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ OReilly Hands On Machine Learning with Scikit Learn and TensorFlow
| 十三、卷积神经网络 | [@akonwang](https://github.com/wangxupeng) [@WilsonQu](https://github.com/WilsonQu) | [@飞龙](https://github.com/wizardforcel) | | 十三、卷积神经网络 | [@akonwang](https://github.com/wangxupeng) [@WilsonQu](https://github.com/WilsonQu) | [@飞龙](https://github.com/wizardforcel) |
| 十四、循环神经网络 | [@akonwang](https://github.com/wangxupeng) @Gladiator [@alexcheen](https://github.com/alexcheen) | [@飞龙](https://github.com/wizardforcel) | | 十四、循环神经网络 | [@akonwang](https://github.com/wangxupeng) @Gladiator [@alexcheen](https://github.com/alexcheen) | [@飞龙](https://github.com/wizardforcel) |
| 十五、自编码器 | [@akonwang](https://github.com/wangxupeng) | [@飞龙](https://github.com/wizardforcel) | | 十五、自编码器 | [@akonwang](https://github.com/wangxupeng) | [@飞龙](https://github.com/wizardforcel) |
| 十六、强化学习 | [@friedhelm739](https://github.com/friedhelm739) | | 十六、强化学习 | [@friedhelm739](https://github.com/friedhelm739) | [@飞龙](https://github.com/wizardforcel) |
| 其它 | [@片刻](https://github.com/jiangzhonglian) | | 其它 | [@片刻](https://github.com/jiangzhonglian) |
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