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......@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ setTimeout() and related functions for specifying code to be executed after a sp
Some of the sections in this chapter—notably, the sections on typed arrays and regular expressions—are quite long because there is significant background information you need to understand before you can use those types effectively. Many of the other sections, however, are short: they simply introduce a new API and show some examples of its use.
11.1 Sets and Maps
## 11.1 Sets and Maps
JavaScript’s Object type is a versatile data structure that can be used to map strings (the object’s property names) to arbitrary values. And when the value being mapped to is something fixed like true, then the object is effectively a set of strings.
Objects are actually used as maps and sets fairly routinely in JavaScript programming, but this is limited by the restriction to strings and complicated by the fact that objects normally inherit properties with names like “toString”, which are not typically intended to be part of the map or set.
For this reason, ES6 introduces true Set and Map classes, which we’ll cover in the sub-sections that follow.
11.1.1 The Set Class
### 11.1.1 The Set Class
A set is a collection of values, like an array is. Unlike arrays, however, sets are not ordered or indexed, and they do not allow duplicates: a value is either a member of a set or it is not a member; it is not possible to ask how many times a value appears in a set.
Create a Set object with the Set() constructor:
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ oneDigitPrimes.forEach(n => { product *= n; });
product // => 210: 2 * 3 * 5 * 7
The forEach() of an array passes array indexes as the second argument to the function you specify. Sets don’t have indexes, so the Set class’s version of this method simply passes the element value as both the first and second argument.
11.1.2 The Map Class
### 11.1.2 The Map Class
A Map object represents a set of values known as keys, where each key has another value associated with (or “mapped to”) it. In a sense, a map is like an array, but instead of using a set of sequential integers as the keys, maps allow us to use arbitrary values as “indexes.” Like arrays, maps are fast: looking up the value associated with a key will be fast (though not as fast as indexing an array) no matter how large the map is.
Create a new map with the Map() constructor:
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ m.forEach((value, key) => { // note value, key NOT key, value
It may seem strange that the value parameter comes before the key parameter in the code above, since with for/of iteration, the key comes first. As noted at the start of this section, you can think of a map as a generalized array in which integer array indexes are replaced with arbitrary key values. The forEach() method of arrays passes the array element first and the array index second, so, by analogy, the forEach() method of a map passes the map value first and the map key second.
11.1.3 WeakMap and WeakSet
### 11.1.3 WeakMap and WeakSet
The WeakMap class is a variant (but not an actual subclass) of the Map class that does not prevent its key values from being garbage collected. Garbage collection is the process by which the JavaScript interpreter reclaims the memory of objects that are no longer “reachable” and cannot be used by the program. A regular map holds “strong” references to its key values, and they remain reachable through the map, even if all other references to them are gone. The WeakMap, by contrast, keeps “weak” references to its key values so that they are not reachable through the WeakMap, and their presence in the map does not prevent their memory from being reclaimed.
The WeakMap() constructor is just like the Map() constructor, but there are some significant differences between WeakMap and Map:
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ WeakSet does not have a size property.
WeakSet is not frequently used: its use cases are like those for WeakMap. If you want to mark (or “brand”) an object as having some special property or type, for example, you could add it to a WeakSet. Then, elsewhere, when you want to check for that property or type, you can test for membership in that WeakSet. Doing this with a regular set would prevent all marked objects from being garbage collected, but this is not a concern when using WeakSet.
11.2 Typed Arrays and Binary Data
## 11.2 Typed Arrays and Binary Data
Regular JavaScript arrays can have elements of any type and can grow or shrink dynamically. JavaScript implementations perform lots of optimizations so that typical uses of JavaScript arrays are very fast. Nevertheless, they are still quite different from the array types of lower-level languages like C and Java. Typed arrays, which are new in ES6,3 are much closer to the low-level arrays of those languages. Typed arrays are not technically arrays (Array.isArray() returns false for them), but they implement all of the array methods described in §7.8 plus a few more of their own. They differ from regular arrays in some very important ways, however:
The elements of a typed array are all numbers. Unlike regular JavaScript numbers, however, typed arrays allow you to specify the type (signed and unsigned integers and IEEE-754 floating point) and size (8 bits to 64 bits) of the numbers to be stored in the array.
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ You must specify the length of a typed array when you create it, and that length
The elements of a typed array are always initialized to 0 when the array is created.
11.2.1 Typed Array Types
### 11.2.1 Typed Array Types
JavaScript does not define a TypedArray class. Instead, there are 11 kinds of typed arrays, each with a different element type and constructor:
Constructor Numeric type
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ Uint8ClampedArray is a special-case variant on Uint8Array. Both of these types h
Each of the typed array constructors has a BYTES_PER_ELEMENT property with the value 1, 2, 4, or 8, depending on the type.
11.2.2 Creating Typed Arrays
### 11.2.2 Creating Typed Arrays
The simplest way to create a typed array is to call the appropriate constructor with one numeric argument that specifies the number of elements you want in the array:
let bytes = new Uint8Array(1024); // 1024 bytes
......@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ let lastK = new Uint8Array(buffer, 1023*1024); // Last kilobyte as bytes
let ints2 = new Int32Array(buffer, 1024, 256); // 2nd kilobyte as 256 integers
These four typed arrays offer four different views into the memory represented by the ArrayBuffer. It is important to understand that all typed arrays have an underlying ArrayBuffer, even if you do not explicitly specify one. If you call a typed array constructor without passing a buffer object, a buffer of the appropriate size will be automatically created. As described later, the buffer property of any typed array refers to its underlying ArrayBuffer object. The reason to work directly with ArrayBuffer objects is that sometimes you may want to have multiple typed array views of a single buffer.
11.2.3 Using Typed Arrays
### 11.2.3 Using Typed Arrays
Once you have created a typed array, you can read and write its elements with regular square-bracket notation, just as you would with any other array-like object:
// Return the largest prime smaller than n, using the sieve of Eratosthenes
......@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ let ints = new Int16Array(10); // 10 short integers
ints.fill(3).map(x=>x*x).join("") // => "9999999999"
Remember that typed arrays have fixed lengths, so the length property is read-only, and methods that change the length of the array (such as push(), pop(), unshift(), shift(), and splice()) are not implemented for typed arrays. Methods that alter the contents of an array without changing the length (such as sort(), reverse(), and fill()) are implemented. Methods like map() and slice() that return new arrays return a typed array of the same type as the one they are called on.
11.2.4 Typed Array Methods and Properties
### 11.2.4 Typed Array Methods and Properties
In addition to standard array methods, typed arrays also implement a few methods of their own. The set() method sets multiple elements of a typed array at once by copying the elements of a regular or typed array into a typed array:
let bytes = new Uint8Array(1024); // A 1K buffer
......@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ We saw previously that you can create an ArrayBuffer with the ArrayBuffer() cons
let bytes = new Uint8Array(1024); // 1024 bytes
let ints = new Uint32Array(bytes.buffer); // or 256 integers
let floats = new Float64Array(bytes.buffer); // or 128 doubles
11.2.5 DataView and Endianness
### 11.2.5 DataView and Endianness
Typed arrays allow you to view the same sequence of bytes in chunks of 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits. This exposes the “endianness”: the order in which bytes are arranged into longer words. For efficiency, typed arrays use the native endianness of the underlying hardware. On little-endian systems, the bytes of a number are arranged in an ArrayBuffer from least significant to most significant. On big-endian platforms, the bytes are arranged from most significant to least significant. You can determine the endianness of the underlying platform with code like this:
// If the integer 0x00000001 is arranged in memory as 01 00 00 00, then
......@@ -390,12 +390,12 @@ DataView also defines 10 corresponding Set methods that write values into the un
Typed arrays and the DataView class give you all the tools you need to process binary data and enable you to write JavaScript programs that do things like decompressing ZIP files or extracting metadata from JPEG files.
11.3 Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
## 11.3 Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
A regular expression is an object that describes a textual pattern. The JavaScript RegExp class represents regular expressions, and both String and RegExp define methods that use regular expressions to perform powerful pattern-matching and search-and-replace functions on text. In order to use the RegExp API effectively, however, you must also learn how to describe patterns of text using the regular expression grammar, which is essentially a mini programming language of its own. Fortunately, the JavaScript regular expression grammar is quite similar to the grammar used by many other programming languages, so you may already be familiar with it. (And if you are not, the effort you invest in learning JavaScript regular expressions will probably be useful to you in other programming contexts as well.)
The subsections that follow describe the regular expression grammar first, and then, after explaining how to write regular expressions, they explain how you can use them with methods of the String and RegExp classes.
11.3.1 Defining Regular Expressions
### 11.3.1 Defining Regular Expressions
In JavaScript, regular expressions are represented by RegExp objects. RegExp objects may be created with the RegExp() constructor, of course, but they are more often created using a special literal syntax. Just as string literals are specified as characters within quotation marks, regular expression literals are specified as characters within a pair of slash (/) characters. Thus, your JavaScript code may contain lines like this:
let pattern = /s$/;
......@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ The y flag indicates that the regular expression is “sticky” and should matc
These flags may be specified in any combination and in any order. For example, if you want your regular expression to be Unicode-aware to do case-insensitive matching and you intend to use it to find multiple matches within a string, you would specify the flags uig, gui, or any other permutation of these three letters.
11.3.2 String Methods for Pattern Matching
### 11.3.2 String Methods for Pattern Matching
Until now, we have been describing the grammar used to define regular expressions, but not explaining how those regular expressions can actually be used in JavaScript code. We are now switching to cover the API for using RegExp objects. This section begins by explaining the string methods that use regular expressions to perform pattern matching and search-and-replace operations. The sections that follow this one continue the discussion of pattern matching with JavaScript regular expressions by discussing the RegExp object and its methods and properties.
......@@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ Surprisingly, if you call split() with a RegExp delimiter and the regular expres
const htmlTag = /<([^>]+)>/; // < followed by one or more non->, followed by >
"Testing<br/>1,2,3".split(htmlTag) // => ["Testing", "br/", "1,2,3"]
11.3.3 The RegExp Class
### 11.3.3 The RegExp Class
This section documents the RegExp() constructor, the properties of RegExp instances, and two important pattern-matching methods defined by the RegExp class.
The RegExp() constructor takes one or two string arguments and creates a new RegExp object. The first argument to this constructor is a string that contains the body of the regular expression—the text that would appear within slashes in a regular-expression literal. Note that both string literals and regular expressions use the \ character for escape sequences, so when you pass a regular expression to RegExp() as a string literal, you must replace each \ character with \\. The second argument to RegExp() is optional. If supplied, it indicates the regular expression flags. It should be g, i, m, s, u, y, or any combination of those letters.
......@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ We could fix this problem by removing the g flag (which is not actually necessar
The moral here is that lastIndex makes the RegExp API error prone. So be extra careful when using the g or y flags and looping. And in ES2020 and later, use the String matchAll() method instead of exec() to sidestep this problem since matchAll() does not modify lastIndex.
11.4 Dates and Times
## 11.4 Dates and Times
The Date class is JavaScript’s API for working with dates and times. Create a Date object with the Date() constructor. With no arguments, it returns a Date object that represents the current date and time:
let now = new Date(); // The current time
......@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ To get or set the other fields of a Date, replace “FullYear” in the method n
Note that the methods for querying the day-of-month are getDate() and getUTCDate(). The more natural-sounding functions getDay() and getUTCDay() return the day-of-week (0 for Sunday through 6 for Saturday). The day-of-week is read-only, so there is not a corresponding setDay() method.
11.4.1 Timestamps
### 11.4.1 Timestamps
JavaScript represents dates internally as integers that specify the number of milliseconds since (or before) midnight on January 1, 1970, UTC time. Integers as large as 8,640,000,000,000,000 are supported, so JavaScript won’t be running out of milliseconds for more than 270,000 years.
For any Date object, the getTime() method returns this internal value, and the setTime() method sets it. So you can add 30 seconds to a Date with code like this, for example:
......@@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ The performance object is part of a larger Performance API that is not defined b
const { performance } = require("perf_hooks");
Allowing high-precision timing on the web may allow unscrupulous websites to fingerprint visitors, so browsers (notably Firefox) may reduce the precision of performance.now() by default. As a web developer, you should be able to re-enable high-precision timing somehow (such as by setting privacy.reduceTimerPrecision to false in Firefox).
11.4.2 Date Arithmetic
### 11.4.2 Date Arithmetic
Date objects can be compared with JavaScript’s standard <, <=, >, and >= comparison operators. And you can subtract one Date object from another to determine the number of milliseconds between the two dates. (This works because the Date class defines a valueOf() method that returns a timestamp.)
If you want to add or subtract a specified number of seconds, minutes, or hours from a Date, it is often easiest to simply modify the timestamp as demonstrated in the previous example, when we added 30 seconds to a date. This technique becomes more cumbersome if you want to add days, and it does not work at all for months and years since they have varying numbers of days. To do date arithmetic involving days, months, and years, you can use setDate(), setMonth(), and setYear(). Here, for example, is code that adds three months and two weeks to the current date:
......@@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ let d = new Date();
d.setMonth(d.getMonth() + 3, d.getDate() + 14);
Date setting methods work correctly even when they overflow. When we add three months to the current month, we can end up with a value greater than 11 (which represents December). The setMonth() handles this by incrementing the year as needed. Similarly, when we set the day of the month to a value larger than the number of days in the month, the month gets incremented appropriately.
11.4.3 Formatting and Parsing Date Strings
### 11.4.3 Formatting and Parsing Date Strings
If you are using the Date class to actually keep track of dates and times (as opposed to just measuring time intervals), then you are likely to need to display dates and times to the users of your code. The Date class defines a number of different methods for converting Date objects to strings. Here are some examples:
let d = new Date(2020, 0, 1, 17, 10, 30); // 5:10:30pm on New Year's Day 2020
......@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ None of these date-to-string methods is ideal when formatting dates and times to
Finally, in addition to these methods that convert a Date object to a string, there is also a static Date.parse() method that takes a string as its argument, attempts to parse it as a date and time, and returns a timestamp representing that date. Date.parse() is able to parse the same strings that the Date() constructor can and is guaranteed to be able to parse the output of toISOString(), toUTCString(), and toString().
11.5 Error Classes
## 11.5 Error Classes
The JavaScript throw and catch statements can throw and catch any JavaScript value, including primitive values. There is no exception type that must be used to signal errors. JavaScript does define an Error class, however, and it is traditional to use instances of Error or a subclass when signaling an error with throw. One good reason to use an Error object is that, when you create an Error, it captures the state of the JavaScript stack, and if the exception is uncaught, the stack trace will be displayed with the error message, which will help you debug the issue. (Note that the stack trace shows where the Error object was created, not where the throw statement throws it. If you always create the object right before throwing it with throw new Error(), this will not cause any confusion.)
Error objects have two properties: message and name, and a toString() method. The value of the message property is the value you passed to the Error() constructor, converted to a string if necessary. For error objects created with Error(), the name property is always “Error”. The toString() method simply returns the value of the name property followed by a colon and space and the value of the message property.
......@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ let error = new HTTPError(404, "Not Found", "http://example.com/");
error.status // => 404
error.message // => "404 Not Found: http://example.com/"
error.name // => "HTTPError"
11.6 JSON Serialization and Parsing
## 11.6 JSON Serialization and Parsing
When a program needs to save data or needs to transmit data across a network connection to another program, it must to convert its in-memory data structures into a string of bytes or characters than can be saved or transmitted and then later be parsed to restore the original in-memory data structures. This process of converting data structures into streams of bytes or characters is known as serialization (or marshaling or even pickling).
The easiest way to serialize data in JavaScript uses a serialization format known as JSON. This acronym stands for “JavaScript Object Notation” and, as the name implies, the format uses JavaScript object and array literal syntax to convert data structures consisting of objects and arrays into strings. JSON supports primitive numbers and strings and also the values true, false, and null, as well as arrays and objects built up from those primitive values. JSON does not support other JavaScript types like Map, Set, RegExp, Date, or typed arrays. Nevertheless, it has proved to be a remarkably versatile data format and is in common use even with non-JavaScript-based programs.
......@@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ let o = {s: "test", n: 0};
JSON.stringify(o, null, 2) // => '{\n "s": "test",\n "n": 0\n}'
JSON.parse() ignores whitespace, so passing a third argument to JSON.stringify() has no impact on our ability to convert the string back into a data structure.
11.6.1 JSON Customizations
### 11.6.1 JSON Customizations
If JSON.stringify() is asked to serialize a value that is not natively supported by the JSON format, it looks to see if that value has a toJSON() method, and if so, it calls that method and then stringifies the return value in place of the original value. Date objects implement toJSON(): it returns the same string that toISOString() method does. This means that if you serialize an object that includes a Date, the date will automatically be converted to a string for you. When you parse the serialized string, the re-created data structure will not be exactly the same as the one you started with because it will have a string where the original object had a Date.
If you need to re-create Date objects (or modify the parsed object in any other way), you can pass a “reviver” function as the second argument to JSON.parse(). If specified, this “reviver” function is invoked once for each primitive value (but not the objects or arrays that contain those primitive values) parsed from the input string. The function is invoked with two arguments. The first is a property name—either an object property name or an array index converted to a string. The second argument is the primitive value of that object property or array element. Furthermore, the function is invoked as a method of the object or array that contains the primitive value, so you can refer to that containing object with the this keyword.
......@@ -1083,12 +1083,12 @@ let text = JSON.stringify(address, ["city","state","country"]);
let json = JSON.stringify(o, (k, v) => v instanceof RegExp ? undefined : v);
The two JSON.stringify() calls here use the second argument in a benign way, producing serialized output that can be deserialized without requiring a special reviver function. In general, though, if you define a toJSON() method for a type, or if you use a replacer function that actually replaces nonserializable values with serializable ones, then you will typically need to use a custom reviver function with JSON.parse() to get your original data structure back. If you do this, you should understand that you are defining a custom data format and sacrificing portability and compatibility with a large ecosystem of JSON-compatible tools and languages.
11.7 The Internationalization API
## 11.7 The Internationalization API
The JavaScript internationalization API consists of the three classes Intl.NumberFormat, Intl.DateTimeFormat, and Intl.Collator that allow us to format numbers (including monetary amounts and percentages), dates, and times in locale-appropriate ways and to compare strings in locale-appropriate ways. These classes are not part of the ECMAScript standard but are defined as part of the ECMA402 standard and are well-supported by web browsers. The Intl API is also supported in Node, but at the time of this writing, prebuilt Node binaries do not ship with the localization data required to make them work with locales other than US English. So in order to use these classes with Node, you may need to download a separate data package or use a custom build of Node.
One of the most important parts of internationalization is displaying text that has been translated into the user’s language. There are various ways to achieve this, but none of them are within the scope of the Intl API described here.
11.7.1 Formatting Numbers
### 11.7.1 Formatting Numbers
Users around the world expect numbers to be formatted in different ways. Decimal points can be periods or commas. Thousands separators can be commas or periods, and they aren’t used every three digits in all places. Some currencies are divided into hundredths, some into thousandths, and some have no subdivisions. Finally, although the so-called “Arabic numerals” 0 through 9 are used in many languages, this is not universal, and users in some countries will expect to see numbers written using the digits from their own scripts.
The Intl.NumberFormat class defines a format() method that takes all of these formatting possibilities into account. The constructor takes two arguments. The first argument specifies the locale that the number should be formatted for and the second is an object that specifies more details about how the number should be formatted. If the first argument is omitted or undefined, then the system locale (which we assume to be the user’s preferred locale) will be used. If the first argument is a string, it specifies a desired locale, such as "en-US" (English as used in the United States), "fr" (French), or "zh-Hans-CN" (Chinese, using the simplified Han writing system, in China). The first argument can also be an array of locale strings, and in this case, Intl.NumberFormat will choose the most specific one that is well supported.
......@@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@ let hindi = Intl.NumberFormat("hi-IN-u-nu-deva").format;
hindi(1234567890) // => "१,२३,४५,६७,८९०"
-u- in a locale specifies that what comes next is a Unicode extension. nu is the extension name for the numbering system, and deva is short for Devanagari. The Intl API standard defines names for a number of other numbering systems, mostly for the Indic languages of South and Southeast Asia.
11.7.2 Formatting Dates and Times
### 11.7.2 Formatting Dates and Times
The Intl.DateTimeFormat class is a lot like the Intl.NumberFormat class. The Intl.DateTimeFormat() constructor takes the same two arguments that Intl.NumberFormat() does: a locale or array of locales and an object of formatting options. And the way you use an Intl.DateTimeFormat instance is by calling its format() method to convert a Date object to a string.
As mentioned in §11.4, the Date class defines simple toLocaleDateString() and toLocaleTimeString() methods that produce locale-appropriate output for the user’s locale. But these methods don’t give you any control over what fields of the date and time are displayed. Maybe you want to omit the year but add a weekday to the date format. Do you want the month to be represented numerically or spelled out by name? The Intl.DateTimeFormat class provides fine-grained control over what is output based on the properties in the options object that is passed as the second argument to the constructor. Note, however, that Intl.DateTimeFormat cannot always display exactly what you ask for. If you specify options to format hours and seconds but omit minutes, you’ll find that the formatter displays the minutes anyway. The idea is that you use the options object to specify what date and time fields you’d like to present to the user and how you’d like those formatted (by name or by number, for example), then the formatter will look for a locale-appropriate format that most closely matches what you have asked for.
......@@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@ Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-u-ca-persian", opts).format(d) // => "1398 AP"
Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-u-ca-indian", opts).format(d) // => "1941 Saka"
Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-u-ca-chinese", opts).format(d) // => "36 78"
Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-u-ca-japanese", opts).format(d) // => "2 Reiwa"
11.7.3 Comparing Strings
### 11.7.3 Comparing Strings
The problem of sorting strings into alphabetical order (or some more general “collation order” for nonalphabetical scripts) is more challenging than English speakers often realize. English uses a relatively small alphabet with no accented letters, and we have the benefit of a character encoding (ASCII, since incorporated into Unicode) whose numerical values perfectly match our standard string sort order. Things are not so simple in other languages. Spanish, for example treats ñ as a distinct letter that comes after n and before o. Lithuanian alphabetizes Y before J, and Welsh treats digraphs like CH and DD as single letters with CH coming after C and DD sorting after D.
If you want to display strings to a user in an order that they will find natural, it is not enough use the sort() method on an array of strings. But if you create an Intl.Collator object, you can pass the compare() method of that object to the sort() method to perform locale-appropriate sorting of the strings. Intl.Collator objects can be configured so that the compare() method performs case-insensitive comparisons or even comparisons that only consider the base letter and ignore accents and other diacritics.
......@@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@ const traditionalSpanish = Intl.Collator("es-ES-u-co-trad").compare;
let palabras = ["luz", "llama", "como", "chico"];
palabras.sort(modernSpanish) // => ["chico", "como", "llama", "luz"]
palabras.sort(traditionalSpanish) // => ["como", "chico", "luz", "llama"]
11.8 The Console API
## 11.8 The Console API
You’ve seen the console.log() function used throughout this book: in web browsers, it prints a string in the “Console” tab of the browser’s developer tools pane, which can be very helpful when debugging. In Node, console.log() is a general-purpose output function and prints its arguments to the process’s stdout stream, where it typically appears to the user in a terminal window as program output.
The Console API defines a number of useful functions in addition to console.log(). The API is not part of any ECMAScript standard, but it is supported by browsers and by Node and has been formally written up and standardized at https://console.spec.whatwg.org.
......@@ -1307,7 +1307,7 @@ This function takes a string as its first argument. If that string had previousl
This function takes a single string argument. If that argument had previously been passed to console.time(), then it prints that argument and the elapsed time. After calling console.timeEnd(), it is no longer legal to call console.timeLog() without first calling console.time() again.
11.8.1 Formatted Output with Console
### 11.8.1 Formatted Output with Console
Console functions that print their arguments like console.log() have a little-known feature: if the first argument is a string that includes %s, %i, %d, %f, %o, %O, or %c, then this first argument is treated as format string,6 and the values of subsequent arguments are substituted into the string in place of the two-character % sequences.
The meanings of the sequences are as follows:
......@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@ In web browsers, the argument is interpreted as a string of CSS styles and used
Note that it is not often necessary to use a format string with the console functions: it is usually easy to obtain suitable output by simply passing one or more values (including objects) to the function and allowing the implementation to display them in a useful way. As an example, note that, if you pass an Error object to console.log(), it is automatically printed along with its stack trace.
11.9 URL APIs
## 11.9 URL APIs
Since JavaScript is so commonly used in web browsers and web servers, it is common for JavaScript code to need to manipulate URLs. The URL class parses URLs and also allows modification (adding search parameters or altering paths, for example) of existing URLs. It also properly handles the complicated topic of escaping and unescaping the various components of a URL.
The URL class is not part of any ECMAScript standard, but it works in Node and all internet browsers other than Internet Explorer. It is standardized at https://url.spec.whatwg.org.
......@@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@ params.append("opts", "exact");
params.toString() // => "q=term&opts=exact"
url.search = params;
url.href // => "http://example.com/?q=term&opts=exact"
11.9.1 Legacy URL Functions
### 11.9.1 Legacy URL Functions
Prior to the definition of the URL API described previously, there have been multiple attempts to support URL escaping and unescaping in the core JavaScript language. The first attempt was the globally defined escape() and unescape() functions, which are now deprecated but still widely implemented. They should not be used.
When escape() and unescape() were deprecated, ECMAScript introduced two pairs of alternative global functions:
......@@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@ This pair of functions works just like encodeURI() and decodeURI() except that t
The fundamental problem with all of these legacy functions is that they seek to apply a single encoding scheme to all parts of a URL when the fact is that different portions of a URL use different encodings. If you want a properly formatted and encoded URL, the solution is simply to use the URL class for all URL manipulation you do.
11.10 Timers
## 11.10 Timers
Since the earliest days of JavaScript, web browsers have defined two functions—setTimeout() and setInterval()—that allow programs to ask the browser to invoke a function after a specified amount of time has elapsed or to invoke the function repeatedly at a specified interval. These functions have never been standardized as part of the core language, but they work in all browsers and in Node and are a de facto part of the JavaScript standard library.
The first argument to setTimeout() is a function, and the second argument is a number that specifies how many milliseconds should elapse before the function is invoked. After the specified amount of time (and maybe a little longer if the system is busy), the function will be invoked with no arguments. Here, for example, are three setTimeout() calls that print console messages after one second, two seconds, and three seconds:
......@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ let clock = setInterval(() => {
setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(clock); }, 10000);
We’ll see setTimeout() and setInterval() again when we cover asynchronous programming in Chapter 13.
11.11 Summary
## 11.11 Summary
Learning a programming language is not just about mastering the grammar. It is equally important to study the standard library so that you are familiar with all the tools that are shipped with the language. This chapter has documented JavaScript’s standard library, which includes:
Important data structures, such as Set, Map, and typed arrays.
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Finally, a number of built-in functions and constructors that are commonly used
new Set("abc") // => new Set(["a", "b", "c"])
This chapter explains how iterators work and demonstrates how to create your own data structures that are iterable. After explaining basic iterators, this chapter covers generators, a powerful new feature of ES6 that is primarily used as a particularly easy way to create iterators.
12.1 How Iterators Work
## 12.1 How Iterators Work
The for/of loop and spread operator work seamlessly with iterable objects, but it is worth understanding what is actually happening to make the iteration work. There are three separate types that you need to understand to understand iteration in JavaScript. First, there are the iterable objects: these are types like Array, Set, and Map that can be iterated. Second, there is the iterator object itself, which performs the iteration. And third, there is the iteration result object that holds the result of each step of the iteration.
An iterable object is any object with a special iterator method that returns an iterator object. An iterator is any object with a next() method that returns an iteration result object. And an iteration result object is an object with properties named value and done. To iterate an iterable object, you first call its iterator method to get an iterator object. Then, you call the next() method of the iterator object repeatedly until the returned value has its done property set to true. The tricky thing about this is that the iterator method of an iterable object does not have a conventional name but uses the Symbol Symbol.iterator as its name. So a simple for/of loop over an iterable object iterable could also be written the hard way, like this:
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ let list = [1,2,3,4,5];
let iter = list[Symbol.iterator]();
let head = iter.next().value; // head == 1
let tail = [...iter]; // tail == [2,3,4,5]
12.2 Implementing Iterable Objects
## 12.2 Implementing Iterable Objects
Iterable objects are so useful in ES6 that you should consider making your own datatypes iterable whenever they represent something that can be iterated. The Range classes shown in Examples 9-2 and 9-3 in Chapter 9 were iterable. Those classes used generator functions to make themselves iterable. We’ll document generators later in this chapter, but first, we will implement the Range class one more time, making it iterable without relying on a generator.
In order to make a class iterable, you must implement a method whose name is the Symbol Symbol.iterator. That method must return an iterator object that has a next() method. And the next() method must return an iteration result object that has a value property and/or a boolean done property. Example 12-1 implements an iterable Range class and demonstrates how to create iterable, iterator, and iteration result objects.
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ function words(s) {
[...words(" abc def ghi! ")] // => ["abc", "def", "ghi!"]
12.2.1 “Closing” an Iterator: The Return Method
### 12.2.1 “Closing” an Iterator: The Return Method
Imagine a (server-side) JavaScript variant of the words() iterator that, instead of taking a source string as its argument, takes the name of a file, opens the file, reads lines from it, and iterates the words from those lines. In most operating systems, programs that open files to read from them need to remember to close those files when they are done reading, so this hypothetical iterator would be sure to close the file after the next() method returns the last word in it.
But iterators don’t always run all the way to the end: a for/of loop might be terminated with a break or return or by an exception. Similarly, when an iterator is used with destructuring assignment, the next() method is only called enough times to obtain values for each of the specified variables. The iterator may have many more values it could return, but they will never be requested.
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ If our hypothetical words-in-a-file iterator never runs all the way to the end,
The for/of loop and the spread operator are really useful features of JavaScript, so when you are creating APIs, it is a good idea to use them when possible. But having to work with an iterable object, its iterator object, and the iterator’s result objects makes the process somewhat complicated. Fortunately, generators can dramatically simplify the creation of custom iterators, as we’ll see in the rest of this chapter.
12.3 Generators
## 12.3 Generators
A generator is a kind of iterator defined with powerful new ES6 syntax; it’s particularly useful when the values to be iterated are not the elements of a data structure, but the result of a computation.
To create a generator, you must first define a generator function. A generator function is syntactically like a regular JavaScript function but is defined with the keyword function* rather than function. (Technically, this is not a new keyword, just a * after the keyword function and before the function name.) When you invoke a generator function, it does not actually execute the function body, but instead returns a generator object. This generator object is an iterator. Calling its next() method causes the body of the generator function to run from the start (or whatever its current position is) until it reaches a yield statement. yield is new in ES6 and is something like a return statement. The value of the yield statement becomes the value returned by the next() call on the iterator. An example makes this clearer:
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ Generators often make it particularly easy to define iterable classes. We can re
See Example 9-3 in Chapter 9 to see this generator-based iterator function in context.
12.3.1 Generator Examples
### 12.3.1 Generator Examples
Generators are more interesting if they actually generate the values they yield by doing some kind of computation. Here, for example, is a generator function that yields Fibonacci numbers:
function* fibonacciSequence() {
......@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ function* zip(...iterables) {
// Interleave three iterable objects
[...zip(oneDigitPrimes(),"ab",[0])] // => [2,"a",0,3,"b",5,7]
12.3.2 yield* and Recursive Generators
### 12.3.2 yield* and Recursive Generators
In addition to the zip() generator defined in the preceding example, it might be useful to have a similar generator function that yields the elements of multiple iterable objects sequentially rather than interleaving them. We could write that generator like this:
function* sequence(...iterables) {
......@@ -313,10 +313,10 @@ This does not work, however. yield and yield* can only be used within generator
yield* can be used with any kind of iterable object, including iterables implemented with generators. This means that yield* allows us to define recursive generators, and you might use this feature to allow simple non-recursive iteration over a recursively defined tree structure, for example.
12.4 Advanced Generator Features
## 12.4 Advanced Generator Features
The most common use of generator functions is to create iterators, but the fundamental feature of generators is that they allow us to pause a computation, yield intermediate results, and then resume the computation later. This means that generators have features beyond those of iterators, and we explore those features in the following sections.
12.4.1 The Return Value of a Generator Function
### 12.4.1 The Return Value of a Generator Function
The generator functions we’ve seen so far have not had return statements, or if they have, they have been used to cause an early return, not to return a value. Like any function, though, a generator function can return a value. In order to understand what happens in this case, recall how iteration works. The return value of the next() function is an object that has a value property and/or a done property. With typical iterators and generators, if the value property is defined, then the done property is undefined or is false. And if done is true, then value is undefined. But in the case of a generator that returns a value, the final call to next returns an object that has both value and done defined. The value property holds the return value of the generator function, and the done property is true, indicating that there are no more values to iterate. This final value is ignored by the for/of loop and by the spread operator, but it is available to code that manually iterates with explicit calls to next():
function *oneAndDone() {
......@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ generator.next() // => { value: 1, done: false}
generator.next() // => { value: "done", done: true }
// If the generator is already done, the return value is not returned again
generator.next() // => { value: undefined, done: true }
12.4.2 The Value of a yield Expression
### 12.4.2 The Value of a yield Expression
In the preceding discussion, we’ve treated yield as a statement that takes a value but has no value of its own. In fact, however, yield is an expression, and it can have a value.
When the next() method of a generator is invoked, the generator function runs until it reaches a yield expression. The expression that follows the yield keyword is evaluated, and that value becomes the return value of the next() invocation. At this point, the generator function stops executing right in the middle of evaluating the yield expression. The next time the next() method of the generator is called, the argument passed to next() becomes the value of the yield expression that was paused. So the generator returns values to its caller with yield, and the caller passes values in to the generator with next(). The generator and caller are two separate streams of execution passing values (and control) back and forth. The following code illustrates:
......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ next() invoked a fourth time with argument d
generator returned 4
Note the asymmetry in this code. The first invocation of next() starts the generator, but the value passed to that invocation is not accessible to the generator.
12.4.3 The return() and throw() Methods of a Generator
### 12.4.3 The return() and throw() Methods of a Generator
We’ve seen that you can receive values yielded by or returned by a generator function. And you can pass values to a running generator by passing those values when you call the next() method of the generator.
In addition to providing input to a generator with next(), you can also alter the flow of control inside the generator by calling its return() and throw() methods. As the names suggest, calling these methods on a generator causes it to return a value or throw an exception as if the next statement in the generator was a return or throw.
......@@ -383,12 +383,12 @@ Just as the next() method of a generator allows us to pass arbitrary values into
When a generator uses yield* to yield values from some other iterable object, then a call to the next() method of the generator causes a call to the next() method of the iterable object. The same is true of the return() and throw() methods. If a generator uses yield* on an iterable object that has these methods defined, then calling return() or throw() on the generator causes the iterator’s return() or throw() method to be called in turn. All iterators must have a next() method. Iterators that need to clean up after incomplete iteration should define a return() method. And any iterator may define a throw() method, though I don’t know of any practical reason to do so.
12.4.4 A Final Note About Generators
### 12.4.4 A Final Note About Generators
Generators are a very powerful generalized control structure. They give us the ability to pause a computation with yield and restart it again at some arbitrary later time with an arbitrary input value. It is possible to use generators to create a kind of cooperative threading system within single-threaded JavaScript code. And it is possible to use generators to mask asynchronous parts of your program so that your code appears sequential and synchronous, even though some of your function calls are actually asynchronous and depend on events from the network.
Trying to do these things with generators leads to code that is mind-bendingly hard to understand or to explain. It has been done, however, and the only really practical use case has been for managing asynchronous code. JavaScript now has async and await keywords (see Chapter 13) for this very purpose, however, and there is no longer any reason to abuse generators in this way.
12.5 Summary
## 12.5 Summary
In this chapter, you have learned:
The for/of loop and the ... spread operator work with iterable objects.
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