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Delete anomaly.py

上级 697e9cec
# Module: Anomaly Detection
# Author: Moez Ali <moez.ali@queensu.ca>
# License: MIT
# Release: PyCaret 2.0x
# Last modified : 30/07/2020
def setup(data,
categorical_features = None,
categorical_imputation = 'constant',
ordinal_features = None,
high_cardinality_features = None,
numeric_features = None,
numeric_imputation = 'mean',
date_features = None,
ignore_features = None,
normalize = False,
normalize_method = 'zscore',
transformation = False,
transformation_method = 'yeo-johnson',
handle_unknown_categorical = True,
unknown_categorical_method = 'least_frequent',
pca = False,
pca_method = 'linear',
pca_components = None,
ignore_low_variance = False,
combine_rare_levels = False,
rare_level_threshold = 0.10,
bin_numeric_features = None,
remove_multicollinearity = False,
multicollinearity_threshold = 0.9,
group_features = None,
group_names = None,
supervised = False,
supervised_target = None,
n_jobs = -1, #added in pycaret==2.0.0
html = True, #added in pycaret==2.0.0
session_id = None,
log_experiment = False, #added in pycaret==2.0.0
experiment_name = None, #added in pycaret==2.0.0
log_plots = False, #added in pycaret==2.0.0
log_profile = False, #added in pycaret==2.0.0
log_data = False, #added in pycaret==2.0.0
silent=False, #added in pycaret==2.0.0
profile = False):
This function initializes the environment in pycaret. setup() must called before
executing any other function in pycaret. It takes one mandatory parameter:
dataframe {array-like, sparse matrix}.
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
anomaly = get_data('anomaly')
experiment_name = setup(data = anomaly, normalize = True)
'anomaly' is a pandas Dataframe.
data : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) where n_samples
is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features in dataframe.
categorical_features: string, default = None
If the inferred data types are not correct, categorical_features can be used to
overwrite the inferred type. If when running setup the type of 'column1' is
inferred as numeric instead of categorical, then this parameter can be used
to overwrite the type by passing categorical_features = ['column1'].
categorical_imputation: string, default = 'constant'
If missing values are found in categorical features, they will be imputed with
a constant 'not_available' value. The other available option is 'mode' which
imputes the missing value using most frequent value in the training dataset.
ordinal_features: dictionary, default = None
When the data contains ordinal features, they must be encoded differently using
the ordinal_features param. If the data has a categorical variable with values
of 'low', 'medium', 'high' and it is known that low < medium < high, then it can
be passed as ordinal_features = { 'column_name' : ['low', 'medium', 'high'] }.
The list sequence must be in increasing order from lowest to highest.
high_cardinality_features: string, default = None
When the data containts features with high cardinality, they can be compressed
into fewer levels by passing them as a list of column names with high cardinality.
Features are compressed using frequency distribution. As such original features
are replaced with the frequency distribution and converted into numeric variable.
numeric_features: string, default = None
If the inferred data types are not correct, numeric_features can be used to
overwrite the inferred type. If when running setup the type of 'column1' is
inferred as a categorical instead of numeric, then this parameter can be used
to overwrite by passing numeric_features = ['column1'].
numeric_imputation: string, default = 'mean'
If missing values are found in numeric features, they will be imputed with the
mean value of the feature. The other available option is 'median' which imputes
the value using the median value in the training dataset.
date_features: string, default = None
If the data has a DateTime column that is not automatically detected when running
setup, this parameter can be used by passing date_features = 'date_column_name'.
It can work with multiple date columns. Date columns are not used in modeling.
Instead, feature extraction is performed and date columns are dropped from the
dataset. If the date column includes a time stamp, features related to time will
also be extracted.
ignore_features: string, default = None
If any feature should be ignored for modeling, it can be passed to the param
ignore_features. The ID and DateTime columns when inferred, are automatically
set to ignore for modeling.
normalize: bool, default = False
When set to True, the feature space is transformed using the normalized_method
param. Generally, linear algorithms perform better with normalized data however,
the results may vary and it is advised to run multiple experiments to evaluate
the benefit of normalization.
normalize_method: string, default = 'zscore'
Defines the method to be used for normalization. By default, normalize method
is set to 'zscore'. The standard zscore is calculated as z = (x - u) / s. The
other available options are:
'minmax' : scales and translates each feature individually such that it is in
the range of 0 - 1.
'maxabs' : scales and translates each feature individually such that the maximal
absolute value of each feature will be 1.0. It does not shift/center
the data, and thus does not destroy any sparsity.
'robust' : scales and translates each feature according to the Interquartile range.
When the dataset contains outliers, robust scaler often gives better
transformation: bool, default = False
When set to True, a power transformation is applied to make the data more normal /
Gaussian-like. This is useful for modeling issues related to heteroscedasticity or
other situations where normality is desired. The optimal parameter for stabilizing
variance and minimizing skewness is estimated through maximum likelihood.
transformation_method: string, default = 'yeo-johnson'
Defines the method for transformation. By default, the transformation method is set
to 'yeo-johnson'. The other available option is 'quantile' transformation. Both
the transformation transforms the feature set to follow a Gaussian-like or normal
distribution. Note that the quantile transformer is non-linear and may distort linear
correlations between variables measured at the same scale.
handle_unknown_categorical: bool, default = True
When set to True, unknown categorical levels in new / unseen data are replaced by
the most or least frequent level as learned in the training data. The method is
defined under the unknown_categorical_method param.
unknown_categorical_method: string, default = 'least_frequent'
Method used to replace unknown categorical levels in unseen data. Method can be
set to 'least_frequent' or 'most_frequent'.
pca: bool, default = False
When set to True, dimensionality reduction is applied to project the data into
a lower dimensional space using the method defined in pca_method param. In
supervised learning pca is generally performed when dealing with high feature
space and memory is a constraint. Note that not all datasets can be decomposed
efficiently using a linear PCA technique and that applying PCA may result in loss
of information. As such, it is advised to run multiple experiments with different
pca_methods to evaluate the impact.
pca_method: string, default = 'linear'
The 'linear' method performs Linear dimensionality reduction using Singular Value
Decomposition. The other available options are:
kernel : dimensionality reduction through the use of RVF kernel.
incremental : replacement for 'linear' pca when the dataset to be decomposed is
too large to fit in memory
pca_components: int/float, default = 0.99
Number of components to keep. if pca_components is a float, it is treated as a
target percentage for information retention. When pca_components is an integer
it is treated as the number of features to be kept. pca_components must be strictly
less than the original number of features in the dataset.
ignore_low_variance: bool, default = False
When set to True, all categorical features with statistically insignificant variances
are removed from the dataset. The variance is calculated using the ratio of unique
values to the number of samples, and the ratio of the most common value to the
frequency of the second most common value.
combine_rare_levels: bool, default = False
When set to True, all levels in categorical features below the threshold defined
in rare_level_threshold param are combined together as a single level. There must be
atleast two levels under the threshold for this to take effect. rare_level_threshold
represents the percentile distribution of level frequency. Generally, this technique
is applied to limit a sparse matrix caused by high numbers of levels in categorical
rare_level_threshold: float, default = 0.1
Percentile distribution below which rare categories are combined. Only comes into
effect when combine_rare_levels is set to True.
bin_numeric_features: list, default = None
When a list of numeric features is passed they are transformed into categorical
features using KMeans, where values in each bin have the same nearest center of a
1D k-means cluster. The number of clusters are determined based on the 'sturges'
method. It is only optimal for gaussian data and underestimates the number of bins
for large non-gaussian datasets.
remove_multicollinearity: bool, default = False
When set to True, the variables with inter-correlations higher than the threshold
defined under the multicollinearity_threshold param are dropped. When two features
are highly correlated with each other, the feature with higher average correlation
in the feature space is dropped.
multicollinearity_threshold: float, default = 0.9
Threshold used for dropping the correlated features. Only comes into effect when
remove_multicollinearity is set to True.
group_features: list or list of list, default = None
When a dataset contains features that have related characteristics, the group_features
param can be used for statistical feature extraction. For example, if a dataset has
numeric features that are related with each other (i.e 'Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3'), a list
containing the column names can be passed under group_features to extract statistical
information such as the mean, median, mode and standard deviation.
group_names: list, default = None
When group_features is passed, a name of the group can be passed into the group_names
param as a list containing strings. The length of a group_names list must equal to the
length of group_features. When the length doesn't match or the name is not passed, new
features are sequentially named such as group_1, group_2 etc.
supervised: bool, default = False
When set to True, supervised_target column is ignored for transformation. This
param is only for internal use.
supervised_target: string, default = None
Name of supervised_target column that will be ignored for transformation. Only
applicable when tune_model() function is used. This param is only for internal use.
n_jobs: int, default = -1
The number of jobs to run in parallel (for functions that supports parallel
processing) -1 means using all processors. To run all functions on single processor
set n_jobs to None.
html: bool, default = True
If set to False, prevents runtime display of monitor. This must be set to False
when using environment that doesnt support HTML.
session_id: int, default = None
If None, a random seed is generated and returned in the Information grid. The
unique number is then distributed as a seed in all functions used during the
experiment. This can be used for later reproducibility of the entire experiment.
log_experiment: bool, default = True
When set to True, all metrics and parameters are logged on MLFlow server.
experiment_name: str, default = None
Name of experiment for logging. When set to None, 'clf' is by default used as
alias for the experiment name.
log_plots: bool, default = False
When set to True, specific plots are logged in MLflow as a png file. By default,
it is set to False.
log_profile: bool, default = False
When set to True, data profile is also logged on MLflow as a html file. By default,
it is set to False.
silent: bool, default = False
When set to True, confirmation of data types is not required. All preprocessing will
be performed assuming automatically inferred data types. Not recommended for direct use
except for established pipelines.
verbose: Boolean, default = True
Information grid is not printed when verbose is set to False.
profile: bool, default = False
If set to true, a data profile for Exploratory Data Analysis will be displayed
in an interactive HTML report.
info grid: Information grid is printed.
environment: This function returns various outputs that are stored in variable
----------- as tuple. They are used by other functions in pycaret.
#exception checking
import sys
from pycaret.utils import __version__
ver = __version__()
import logging
# create logger
global logger
logger = logging.getLogger('logs')
# create console handler and set level to debug
if logger.hasHandlers():
ch = logging.FileHandler('logs.log')
# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s')
# add formatter to ch
# add ch to logger
logger.info("PyCaret Anomaly Detection Module")
logger.info('version ' + str(ver))
logger.info("Initializing setup()")
#generate USI for mlflow tracking
import secrets
global USI
USI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=2)
logger.info('USI: ' + str(USI))
logger.info("""setup(data={}, categorical_features={}, categorical_imputation={}, ordinal_features={}, high_cardinality_features={},
numeric_features={}, numeric_imputation={}, date_features={}, ignore_features={}, normalize={},
normalize_method={}, transformation={}, transformation_method={}, handle_unknown_categorical={}, unknown_categorical_method={}, pca={}, pca_method={},
pca_components={}, ignore_low_variance={}, combine_rare_levels={}, rare_level_threshold={}, bin_numeric_features={},
remove_multicollinearity={}, multicollinearity_threshold={}, group_features={},
group_names={}, supervised={}, supervised_target={}, n_jobs={}, html={}, session_id={}, log_experiment={},
experiment_name={}, log_plots={}, log_profile={}, log_data={}, silent={}, verbose={}, profile={})""".format(\
str(data.shape), str(categorical_features), str(categorical_imputation), str(ordinal_features),\
str(high_cardinality_features), str(numeric_features), str(numeric_imputation), str(date_features), str(ignore_features),\
str(normalize), str(normalize_method), str(transformation), str(transformation_method), str(handle_unknown_categorical), str(unknown_categorical_method), str(pca),\
str(pca_method), str(pca_components), str(ignore_low_variance), str(combine_rare_levels), str(rare_level_threshold), str(bin_numeric_features),\
str(remove_multicollinearity), str(multicollinearity_threshold), str(group_features),str(group_names),str(supervised), str(supervised_target), str(n_jobs), str(html),\
str(session_id),str(log_experiment), str(experiment_name), str(log_plots),str(log_profile), str(log_data), str(silent), str(verbose), str(profile)))
#logging environment and libraries
logger.info("Checking environment")
from platform import python_version, platform, python_build, machine
logger.info("python_version: " + str(python_version()))
logger.warning("cannot find platform.python_version")
logger.info("python_build: " + str(python_build()))
logger.warning("cannot find platform.python_build")
logger.info("machine: " + str(machine()))
logger.warning("cannot find platform.machine")
logger.info("platform: " + str(platform()))
logger.warning("cannot find platform.platform")
import psutil
logger.info("Memory: " + str(psutil.virtual_memory()))
logger.info("Physical Core: " + str(psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)))
logger.info("Logical Core: " + str(psutil.cpu_count(logical=True)))
logger.warning("cannot find psutil installation. memory not traceable. Install psutil using pip to enable memory logging. ")
logger.info("Checking libraries")
from pandas import __version__
logger.info("pd==" + str(__version__))
logger.warning("pandas not found")
from numpy import __version__
logger.info("numpy==" + str(__version__))
logger.warning("numpy not found")
from pyod import __version__
logger.info("pyod==" + str(__version__))
logger.warning("pyod not found")
from mlflow.version import VERSION
import warnings
logger.info("mlflow==" + str(VERSION))
logger.warning("mlflow not found")
logger.info("Checking Exceptions")
import datetime, time
runtime_start = time.time()
error handling starts here
#checking data type
if hasattr(data,'shape') is False:
sys.exit('(Type Error): data passed must be of type pandas.DataFrame')
#checking session_id
if session_id is not None:
if type(session_id) is not int:
sys.exit('(Type Error): session_id parameter must be an integer.')
#checking normalize parameter
if type(normalize) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): normalize parameter only accepts True or False.')
#checking transformation parameter
if type(transformation) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): transformation parameter only accepts True or False.')
#checking categorical imputation
allowed_categorical_imputation = ['constant', 'mode']
if categorical_imputation not in allowed_categorical_imputation:
sys.exit("(Value Error): categorical_imputation param only accepts 'constant' or 'mode' ")
if ordinal_features is not None:
if type(ordinal_features) is not dict:
sys.exit("(Type Error): ordinal_features must be of type dictionary with column name as key and ordered values as list. ")
#ordinal features check
if ordinal_features is not None:
data_cols = data.columns
#data_cols = data_cols.drop(target)
ord_keys = ordinal_features.keys()
for i in ord_keys:
if i not in data_cols:
sys.exit("(Value Error) Column name passed as a key in ordinal_features param doesnt exist. ")
for k in ord_keys:
if data[k].nunique() != len(ordinal_features.get(k)):
sys.exit("(Value Error) Levels passed in ordinal_features param doesnt match with levels in data. ")
for i in ord_keys:
value_in_keys = ordinal_features.get(i)
value_in_data = list(data[i].unique().astype(str))
for j in value_in_keys:
if j not in value_in_data:
text = "Column name '" + str(i) + "' doesnt contain any level named '" + str(j) + "'."
if high_cardinality_features is not None:
if type(high_cardinality_features) is not list:
sys.exit("(Type Error): high_cardinality_features param only accepts name of columns as a list. ")
if high_cardinality_features is not None:
data_cols = data.columns
#data_cols = data_cols.drop(target)
for i in high_cardinality_features:
if i not in data_cols:
sys.exit("(Value Error): Column type forced is either target column or doesn't exist in the dataset.")
#checking numeric imputation
allowed_numeric_imputation = ['mean', 'median']
if numeric_imputation not in allowed_numeric_imputation:
sys.exit("(Value Error): numeric_imputation param only accepts 'mean' or 'median' ")
#checking normalize method
allowed_normalize_method = ['zscore', 'minmax', 'maxabs', 'robust']
if normalize_method not in allowed_normalize_method:
sys.exit("(Value Error): normalize_method param only accepts 'zscore', 'minxmax', 'maxabs' or 'robust'. ")
#checking transformation method
allowed_transformation_method = ['yeo-johnson', 'quantile']
if transformation_method not in allowed_transformation_method:
sys.exit("(Value Error): transformation_method param only accepts 'yeo-johnson' or 'quantile' ")
#handle unknown categorical
if type(handle_unknown_categorical) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): handle_unknown_categorical parameter only accepts True or False.')
#unknown categorical method
unknown_categorical_method_available = ['least_frequent', 'most_frequent']
#forced type check
all_cols = list(data.columns)
if categorical_features is not None:
for i in categorical_features:
if i not in all_cols:
sys.exit("(Value Error): Column type forced is either target column or doesn't exist in the dataset.")
if numeric_features is not None:
for i in numeric_features:
if i not in all_cols:
sys.exit("(Value Error): Column type forced is either target column or doesn't exist in the dataset.")
#date features
if date_features is not None:
for i in date_features:
if i not in all_cols:
sys.exit("(Value Error): Column type forced is either target column or doesn't exist in the dataset.")
#drop features
if ignore_features is not None:
for i in ignore_features:
if i not in all_cols:
sys.exit("(Value Error): Feature ignored is either target column or doesn't exist in the dataset.")
#check pca
if type(pca) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): PCA parameter only accepts True or False.')
#pca method check
allowed_pca_methods = ['linear', 'kernel', 'incremental']
if pca_method not in allowed_pca_methods:
sys.exit("(Value Error): pca method param only accepts 'linear', 'kernel', or 'incremental'. ")
#pca components check
if pca is True:
if pca_method is not 'linear':
if pca_components is not None:
if(type(pca_components)) is not int:
sys.exit("(Type Error): pca_components parameter must be integer when pca_method is not 'linear'. ")
#pca components check 2
if pca is True:
if pca_method is not 'linear':
if pca_components is not None:
if pca_components > len(data.columns):
sys.exit("(Type Error): pca_components parameter cannot be greater than original features space.")
#pca components check 3
if pca is True:
if pca_method is 'linear':
if pca_components is not None:
if type(pca_components) is not float:
if pca_components > len(data.columns):
sys.exit("(Type Error): pca_components parameter cannot be greater than original features space or float between 0 - 1.")
#check ignore_low_variance
if type(ignore_low_variance) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): ignore_low_variance parameter only accepts True or False.')
#check ignore_low_variance
if type(combine_rare_levels) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): combine_rare_levels parameter only accepts True or False.')
#check rare_level_threshold
if type(rare_level_threshold) is not float:
sys.exit('(Type Error): rare_level_threshold must be a float between 0 and 1. ')
#bin numeric features
if bin_numeric_features is not None:
all_cols = list(data.columns)
for i in bin_numeric_features:
if i not in all_cols:
sys.exit("(Value Error): Column type forced is either target column or doesn't exist in the dataset.")
if type(remove_multicollinearity) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): remove_multicollinearity parameter only accepts True or False.')
if type(multicollinearity_threshold) is not float:
sys.exit('(Type Error): multicollinearity_threshold must be a float between 0 and 1. ')
#group features
if group_features is not None:
if type(group_features) is not list:
sys.exit('(Type Error): group_features must be of type list. ')
if group_names is not None:
if type(group_names) is not list:
sys.exit('(Type Error): group_names must be of type list. ')
if type(silent) is not bool:
sys.exit("(Type Error): silent parameter only accepts True or False. ")
if type(html) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): html parameter only accepts True or False.')
if type(log_experiment) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): log_experiment parameter only accepts True or False.')
if type(log_plots) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): log_plots parameter only accepts True or False.')
if type(log_data) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): log_data parameter only accepts True or False.')
if type(log_profile) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): log_profile parameter only accepts True or False.')
error handling ends here
logger.info("Preloading libraries")
#pre-load libraries
import pandas as pd
import ipywidgets as ipw
from IPython.display import display, HTML, clear_output, update_display
import datetime, time
import secrets
#pandas option
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
#global html_param
global html_param
#create html_param
html_param = html
logger.info("Preparing display monitor")
#progress bar
max_steps = 4
progress = ipw.IntProgress(value=0, min=0, max=max_steps, step=1 , description='Processing: ')
timestampStr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
monitor = pd.DataFrame( [ ['Initiated' , '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .', timestampStr ],
['Status' , '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' , 'Loading Dependencies' ] ],
#['Step' , '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .', 'Step 0 of ' + str(total_steps)] ],
columns=['', ' ', ' ']).set_index('')
if verbose:
if html_param:
display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
logger.info("Importing libraries")
#general dependencies
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random
#setting sklearn config to print all parameters including default
import sklearn
#define highlight function for function grid to display
def highlight_max(s):
is_max = s == True
return ['background-color: lightgreen' if v else '' for v in is_max]
#ignore warnings
import warnings
logger.info("Declaring global variables")
#defining global variables
global data_, X, seed, prep_pipe, prep_param, experiment__,\
n_jobs_param, exp_name_log, logging_param, log_plots_param
logger.info("Copying data for preprocessing")
#copy original data for pandas profiler
data_before_preprocess = data.copy()
#copying data
data_ = data.copy()
#data without target
if supervised:
data_without_target = data.copy()
data_without_target.drop(supervised_target, axis=1, inplace=True)
if supervised:
data_for_preprocess = data_without_target.copy()
data_for_preprocess = data_.copy()
#generate seed to be used globally
if session_id is None:
seed = random.randint(150,9000)
seed = session_id
preprocessing starts here
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Preparing Data for Modeling'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
#define parameters for preprocessor
logger.info("Declaring preprocessing parameters")
#categorical features
if categorical_features is None:
cat_features_pass = []
cat_features_pass = categorical_features
#numeric features
if numeric_features is None:
numeric_features_pass = []
numeric_features_pass = numeric_features
#drop features
if ignore_features is None:
ignore_features_pass = []
ignore_features_pass = ignore_features
#date features
if date_features is None:
date_features_pass = []
date_features_pass = date_features
#categorical imputation strategy
if categorical_imputation == 'constant':
categorical_imputation_pass = 'not_available'
elif categorical_imputation == 'mode':
categorical_imputation_pass = 'most frequent'
#transformation method strategy
if transformation_method == 'yeo-johnson':
trans_method_pass = 'yj'
elif transformation_method == 'quantile':
trans_method_pass = 'quantile'
#pass method
if pca_method == 'linear':
pca_method_pass = 'pca_liner'
elif pca_method == 'kernel':
pca_method_pass = 'pca_kernal'
elif pca_method == 'incremental':
pca_method_pass = 'incremental'
elif pca_method == 'pls':
pca_method_pass = 'pls'
#pca components
if pca is True:
if pca_components is None:
if pca_method == 'linear':
pca_components_pass = 0.99
pca_components_pass = int((len(data.columns))*0.5)
pca_components_pass = pca_components
pca_components_pass = 0.99
if bin_numeric_features is None:
apply_binning_pass = False
features_to_bin_pass = []
apply_binning_pass = True
features_to_bin_pass = bin_numeric_features
#group features
#apply grouping
if group_features is not None:
apply_grouping_pass = True
apply_grouping_pass = False
#group features listing
if apply_grouping_pass is True:
if type(group_features[0]) is str:
group_features_pass = []
group_features_pass = group_features
group_features_pass = [[]]
#group names
if apply_grouping_pass is True:
if (group_names is None) or (len(group_names) != len(group_features_pass)):
group_names_pass = list(np.arange(len(group_features_pass)))
group_names_pass = ['group_' + str(i) for i in group_names_pass]
group_names_pass = group_names
group_names_pass = []
#unknown categorical
if unknown_categorical_method == 'least_frequent':
unknown_categorical_method_pass = 'least frequent'
elif unknown_categorical_method == 'most_frequent':
unknown_categorical_method_pass = 'most frequent'
if ordinal_features is not None:
apply_ordinal_encoding_pass = True
apply_ordinal_encoding_pass = False
if apply_ordinal_encoding_pass is True:
ordinal_columns_and_categories_pass = ordinal_features
ordinal_columns_and_categories_pass = {}
#high cardinality
if apply_ordinal_encoding_pass is True:
ordinal_columns_and_categories_pass = ordinal_features
ordinal_columns_and_categories_pass = {}
if high_cardinality_features is not None:
apply_cardinality_reduction_pass = True
apply_cardinality_reduction_pass = False
cardinal_method_pass = 'count'
if apply_cardinality_reduction_pass:
cardinal_features_pass = high_cardinality_features
cardinal_features_pass = []
#display dtypes
if supervised is False:
display_types_pass = True
display_types_pass = False
if silent:
display_types_pass = False
logger.info("Importing preprocessing module")
#import library
from pycaret import preprocess
logger.info("Creating preprocessing pipeline")
X = preprocess.Preprocess_Path_Two(train_data = data_for_preprocess,
categorical_features = cat_features_pass,
apply_ordinal_encoding = apply_ordinal_encoding_pass, #new
ordinal_columns_and_categories = ordinal_columns_and_categories_pass,
apply_cardinality_reduction = apply_cardinality_reduction_pass, #latest
cardinal_method = cardinal_method_pass, #latest
cardinal_features = cardinal_features_pass, #latest
numerical_features = numeric_features_pass,
time_features = date_features_pass,
features_todrop = ignore_features_pass,
display_types = display_types_pass,
numeric_imputation_strategy = numeric_imputation,
categorical_imputation_strategy = categorical_imputation_pass,
scale_data = normalize,
scaling_method = normalize_method,
Power_transform_data = transformation,
Power_transform_method = trans_method_pass,
apply_untrained_levels_treatment= handle_unknown_categorical, #new
untrained_levels_treatment_method = unknown_categorical_method_pass, #new
apply_pca = pca,
pca_method = pca_method_pass, #new
pca_variance_retained_or_number_of_components = pca_components_pass, #new
apply_zero_nearZero_variance = ignore_low_variance, #new
club_rare_levels = combine_rare_levels, #new
rara_level_threshold_percentage = rare_level_threshold, #new
apply_binning = apply_binning_pass, #new
features_to_binn = features_to_bin_pass, #new
remove_multicollinearity = remove_multicollinearity, #new
maximum_correlation_between_features = multicollinearity_threshold, #new
apply_grouping = apply_grouping_pass, #new
features_to_group_ListofList = group_features_pass, #new
group_name = group_names_pass, #new
random_state = seed)
progress.value += 1
logger.info("Preprocessing pipeline created successfully")
res_type = ['quit','Quit','exit','EXIT','q','Q','e','E','QUIT','Exit']
res = preprocess.dtypes.response
if res in res_type:
sys.exit("(Process Exit): setup has been interupted with user command 'quit'. setup must rerun." )
#save prep pipe
prep_pipe = preprocess.pipe
prep_param = preprocess
logger.info("Creating grid variables")
#generate values for grid show
missing_values = data_before_preprocess.isna().sum().sum()
if missing_values > 0:
missing_flag = True
missing_flag = False
if normalize is True:
normalize_grid = normalize_method
normalize_grid = 'None'
if transformation is True:
transformation_grid = transformation_method
transformation_grid = 'None'
if pca is True:
pca_method_grid = pca_method
pca_method_grid = 'None'
if pca is True:
pca_components_grid = pca_components_pass
pca_components_grid = 'None'
if combine_rare_levels:
rare_level_threshold_grid = rare_level_threshold
rare_level_threshold_grid = 'None'
if bin_numeric_features is None:
numeric_bin_grid = False
numeric_bin_grid = True
if ordinal_features is not None:
ordinal_features_grid = True
ordinal_features_grid = False
if remove_multicollinearity is False:
multicollinearity_threshold_grid = None
multicollinearity_threshold_grid = multicollinearity_threshold
if group_features is not None:
group_features_grid = True
group_features_grid = False
if high_cardinality_features is not None:
high_cardinality_features_grid = True
high_cardinality_features_grid = False
learned_types = preprocess.dtypes.learent_dtypes
#learned_types.drop(target, inplace=True)
float_type = 0
cat_type = 0
for i in preprocess.dtypes.learent_dtypes:
if 'float' in str(i):
float_type += 1
elif 'object' in str(i):
cat_type += 1
elif 'int' in str(i):
float_type += 1
preprocessing ends here
#reset pandas option
logger.info("Creating global containers")
#create an empty list for pickling later.
if supervised is False:
experiment__ = []
experiment__ = []
#create n_jobs_param
n_jobs_param = n_jobs
#create logging parameter
logging_param = log_experiment
#create exp_name_log param incase logging is False
exp_name_log = 'no_logging'
#create an empty log_plots_param
if log_plots:
log_plots_param = True
log_plots_param = False
progress.value += 1
#monitor update
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Compiling Results'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
Final display Starts
shape = data.shape
shape_transformed = X.shape
if profile:
if verbose:
print('Setup Succesfully Completed! Loading Profile Now... Please Wait!')
if verbose:
print('Setup Succesfully Completed!')
functions = pd.DataFrame ( [ ['session_id ', seed ],
['Original Data ', shape ],
['Missing Values ', missing_flag],
['Numeric Features ', str(float_type-1) ],
['Categorical Features ', str(cat_type) ],
['Ordinal Features ', ordinal_features_grid],
['High Cardinality Features ', high_cardinality_features_grid],
['Transformed Data ', shape_transformed ],
['Numeric Imputer ', numeric_imputation],
['Categorical Imputer ', categorical_imputation],
['Normalize ', normalize ],
['Normalize Method ', normalize_grid ],
['Transformation ', transformation ],
['Transformation Method ', transformation_grid ],
['PCA ', pca],
['PCA Method ', pca_method_grid],
['PCA components ', pca_components_grid],
['Ignore Low Variance ', ignore_low_variance],
['Combine Rare Levels ', combine_rare_levels],
['Rare Level Threshold ', rare_level_threshold_grid],
['Numeric Binning ', numeric_bin_grid],
['Remove Multicollinearity ', remove_multicollinearity],
['Multicollinearity Threshold ', multicollinearity_threshold_grid],
['Group Features ', group_features_grid],
], columns = ['Description', 'Value'] )
functions_ = functions.style.apply(highlight_max)
progress.value += 1
if verbose:
if html_param:
print('Setup Succesfully Completed!')
if profile:
import pandas_profiling
pf = pandas_profiling.ProfileReport(data_before_preprocess)
print('Data Profiler Failed. No output to show, please continue with Modeling.')
Final display Ends
#log into experiment
if verbose:
experiment__.append(('Anomaly Setup Config', functions))
experiment__.append(('Orignal Dataset', data_))
experiment__.append(('Transformed Dataset', X))
experiment__.append(('Transformation Pipeline', prep_pipe))
#end runtime
runtime_end = time.time()
runtime = np.array(runtime_end - runtime_start).round(2)
if logging_param:
logger.info("Logging experiment in MLFlow")
import mlflow
from pathlib import Path
import os
if experiment_name is None:
exp_name_ = 'ano-default-name'
exp_name_ = experiment_name
URI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=4)
exp_name_log = exp_name_
#mlflow logging
run_name_ = 'Session Initialized ' + str(USI)
with mlflow.start_run(run_name=run_name_) as run:
# Get active run to log as tag
RunID = mlflow.active_run().info.run_id
k = functions.copy()
kdict = k.to_dict()
params = kdict.get('Value')
#set tag of compare_models
mlflow.set_tag("Source", "setup")
import secrets
URI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=4)
mlflow.set_tag("URI", URI)
mlflow.set_tag("USI", USI)
mlflow.set_tag("Run Time", runtime)
mlflow.set_tag("Run ID", RunID)
# Log the transformation pipeline
logger.info("SubProcess save_model() called ==================================")
save_model(prep_pipe, 'Transformation Pipeline', verbose=False)
logger.info("SubProcess save_model() end ==================================")
mlflow.log_artifact('Transformation Pipeline' + '.pkl')
size_bytes = Path('Transformation Pipeline.pkl').stat().st_size
size_kb = np.round(size_bytes/1000, 2)
mlflow.set_tag("Size KB", size_kb)
os.remove('Transformation Pipeline.pkl')
# Log pandas profile
if log_profile:
import pandas_profiling
pf = pandas_profiling.ProfileReport(data_before_preprocess)
pf.to_file("Data Profile.html")
mlflow.log_artifact("Data Profile.html")
os.remove("Data Profile.html")
# Log training and testing set
if log_data:
# Log input.txt that contains name of columns required in dataset
# to use this pipeline based on USI/URI.
input_cols = list(data_before_preprocess.columns)
with open("input.txt", "w") as output:
logger.info("setup() succesfully completed......................................")
return X, data_, seed, prep_pipe, prep_param, experiment__,\
n_jobs_param, html_param, exp_name_log, logging_param, log_plots_param, USI
def create_model(model = None,
fraction = 0.05,
verbose = True,
system=True, #added in pycaret==2.0.0
**kwargs): #added in pycaret==2.0.0
This function creates a model on the dataset passed as a data param during
the setup stage. setup() function must be called before using create_model().
This function returns a trained model object.
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
anomaly = get_data('anomaly')
experiment_name = setup(data = anomaly, normalize = True)
knn = create_model('knn')
This will return trained k-Nearest Neighbors model.
model : string / object, default = None
Enter ID of the models available in model library or pass an untrained model
object consistent with fit / predict API to train and evaluate model. List of
models available in model library:
ID Model
------- ---------
'abod' Angle-base Outlier Detection
'cluster' Clustering-Based Local Outlier
'cof' Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor
'histogram' Histogram-based Outlier Detection
'knn' k-Nearest Neighbors Detector
'lof' Local Outlier Factor
'svm' One-class SVM detector
'pca' Principal Component Analysis
'mcd' Minimum Covariance Determinant
'sod' Subspace Outlier Detection
'sos' Stochastic Outlier Selection
fraction: float, default = 0.05
The percentage / proportion of outliers in the dataset.
verbose: Boolean, default = True
Status update is not printed when verbose is set to False.
system: Boolean, default = True
Must remain True all times. Only to be changed by internal functions.
Additional keyword arguments to pass to the estimator.
model: trained model object
import logging
hasattr(logger, 'name')
logger = logging.getLogger('logs')
# create console handler and set level to debug
if logger.hasHandlers():
ch = logging.FileHandler('logs.log')
# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s')
# add formatter to ch
# add ch to logger
logger.info("Initializing create_model()")
logger.info("""create_model(model={}, fraction={}, verbose={}, system={})""".\
format(str(model), str(fraction), str(verbose), str(system)))
logger.info("Checking exceptions")
logger = logging.getLogger('logs')
# create console handler and set level to debug
if logger.hasHandlers():
ch = logging.FileHandler('logs.log')
# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s')
# add formatter to ch
# add ch to logger
logger.info("Initializing create_model()")
logger.info("Checking exceptions")
#exception checking
import sys
import datetime, time
runtime_start = time.time()
#ignore warings
import warnings
error handling starts here
#checking for model parameter
if model is None:
sys.exit('(Value Error): Model parameter Missing. Please see docstring for list of available models.')
#checking for allowed models
allowed_models = ['abod', 'iforest', 'cluster', 'cof', 'histogram', 'knn', 'lof', 'svm', 'pca', 'mcd', 'sod', 'sos']
if model not in allowed_models:
sys.exit('(Value Error): Model Not Available. Please see docstring for list of available models.')
#checking fraction type:
if fraction <= 0 or fraction >= 1:
sys.exit('(Type Error): Fraction parameter can only take value as float between 0 to 1.')
#checking verbose parameter
if type(verbose) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): Verbose parameter can only take argument as True or False.')
error handling ends here
logger.info("Preloading libraries")
#pre-load libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import ipywidgets as ipw
from IPython.display import display, HTML, clear_output, update_display
import datetime, time
monitor starts
logger.info("Preparing display monitor")
#progress bar and monitor control
timestampStr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
progress = ipw.IntProgress(value=0, min=0, max=4, step=1 , description='Processing: ')
monitor = pd.DataFrame( [ ['Initiated' , '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .', timestampStr ],
['Status' , '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' , 'Initializing'] ],
columns=['', ' ', ' ']).set_index('')
if verbose:
if html_param:
display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
progress.value += 1
monitor ends
#monitor update
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Importing the Model'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
progress.value += 1
#create model
logger.info("Importing untrained model")
if model == 'abod':
from pyod.models.abod import ABOD
model = ABOD(contamination=fraction, **kwargs)
full_name = 'Angle-base Outlier Detection'
elif model == 'cluster':
from pyod.models.cblof import CBLOF
model = CBLOF(contamination=fraction, n_clusters=8, random_state=seed, **kwargs)
model = CBLOF(contamination=fraction, n_clusters=12, random_state=seed, **kwargs)
sys.exit("(Type Error) Could not form valid cluster separation")
full_name = 'Clustering-Based Local Outlier'
elif model == 'cof':
from pyod.models.cof import COF
model = COF(contamination=fraction, **kwargs)
full_name = 'Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor'
elif model == 'iforest':
from pyod.models.iforest import IForest
model = IForest(contamination=fraction, behaviour = 'new', random_state=seed, **kwargs)
full_name = 'Isolation Forest'
elif model == 'histogram':
from pyod.models.hbos import HBOS
model = HBOS(contamination=fraction, **kwargs)
full_name = 'Histogram-based Outlier Detection'
elif model == 'knn':
from pyod.models.knn import KNN
model = KNN(contamination=fraction, **kwargs)
full_name = 'k-Nearest Neighbors Detector'
elif model == 'lof':
from pyod.models.lof import LOF
model = LOF(contamination=fraction, **kwargs)
full_name = 'Local Outlier Factor'
elif model == 'svm':
from pyod.models.ocsvm import OCSVM
model = OCSVM(contamination=fraction, **kwargs)
full_name = 'One-class SVM detector'
elif model == 'pca':
from pyod.models.pca import PCA
model = PCA(contamination=fraction, random_state=seed, **kwargs)
full_name = 'Principal Component Analysis'
elif model == 'mcd':
from pyod.models.mcd import MCD
model = MCD(contamination=fraction, random_state=seed, **kwargs)
full_name = 'Minimum Covariance Determinant'
elif model == 'sod':
from pyod.models.sod import SOD
model = SOD(contamination=fraction, **kwargs)
full_name = 'Subspace Outlier Detection'
elif model == 'sos':
from pyod.models.sos import SOS
model = SOS(contamination=fraction, **kwargs)
full_name = 'Stochastic Outlier Selection'
def get_model_name(e):
return str(e).split("(")[0]
model == model
full_name = get_model_name(model)
logger.info(str(full_name) + ' Imported succesfully')
#monitor update
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Fitting the Model'
progress.value += 1
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
#fitting the model
model_fit_start = time.time()
logger.info("Fitting Model")
model_fit_end = time.time()
model_fit_time = np.array(model_fit_end - model_fit_start).round(2)
#end runtime
runtime_end = time.time()
runtime = np.array(runtime_end - runtime_start).round(2)
#mlflow logging
if logging_param and system:
logger.info("Creating MLFlow logs")
#Creating Logs message monitor
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Creating Logs'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
#import mlflow
import mlflow
from pathlib import Path
import os
with mlflow.start_run(run_name=full_name) as run:
# Get active run to log as tag
RunID = mlflow.active_run().info.run_id
# Log model parameters
params = model.get_params()
for i in list(params):
v = params.get(i)
if len(str(v)) > 250:
#set tag of compare_models
mlflow.set_tag("Source", "create_model")
import secrets
URI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=4)
mlflow.set_tag("URI", URI)
mlflow.set_tag("USI", USI)
mlflow.set_tag("Run Time", runtime)
mlflow.set_tag("Run ID", RunID)
# Log training time in seconds
mlflow.log_metric("TT", model_fit_time)
# Log AUC and Confusion Matrix plot
if log_plots_param:
logger.info("SubProcess plot_model() called ==================================")
plot_model(model, plot = 'tsne', save=True, system=False)
logger.info("SubProcess plot_model() end ==================================")
# Log model and transformation pipeline
logger.info("SubProcess save_model() called ==================================")
save_model(model, 'Trained Model', verbose=False)
logger.info("SubProcess save_model() end ==================================")
mlflow.log_artifact('Trained Model' + '.pkl')
size_bytes = Path('Trained Model.pkl').stat().st_size
size_kb = np.round(size_bytes/1000, 2)
mlflow.set_tag("Size KB", size_kb)
os.remove('Trained Model.pkl')
progress.value += 1
if verbose:
logger.info("create_models() succesfully completed......................................")
return model
def assign_model(model,
This function flags each of the data point in the dataset passed during setup
stage as either outlier or inlier (1 = outlier, 0 = inlier) using trained model
object passed as model param. create_model() function must be called before using
This function returns dataframe with Outlier flag (1 = outlier, 0 = inlier) and
decision score, when score is set to True.
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
anomaly = get_data('anomaly')
experiment_name = setup(data = anomaly, normalize = True)
knn = create_model('knn')
knn_df = assign_model(knn)
This will return a dataframe with inferred outliers using trained model.
model : trained model object, default = None
transformation: bool, default = False
When set to True, assigned outliers are returned on transformed dataset instead
of original dataset passed during setup().
score: Boolean, default = True
The outlier scores of the training data. The higher, the more abnormal.
Outliers tend to have higher scores. This value is available once the model
is fitted. If set to False, it will only return the flag (1 = outlier, 0 = inlier).
verbose: Boolean, default = True
Status update is not printed when verbose is set to False.
dataframe: Returns a dataframe with inferred outliers using a trained model.
#exception checking
import sys
import logging
hasattr(logger, 'name')
logger = logging.getLogger('logs')
# create console handler and set level to debug
if logger.hasHandlers():
ch = logging.FileHandler('logs.log')
# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s')
# add formatter to ch
# add ch to logger
logger.info("Initializing assign_model()")
logger.info("""assign_model(model={}, transformation={}, score={}, verbose={})""".\
format(str(model), str(transformation), str(score), str(verbose)))
#ignore warnings
import warnings
error handling starts here
#determine model type and store in string
mod_type = str(type(model))
#checking for allowed models
allowed_type = ['pyod']
if 'pyod' not in mod_type:
sys.exit('(Value Error): Model Not Recognized. Please see docstring for list of available models.')
#checking transformation parameter
if type(transformation) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): Transformation parameter can only take argument as True or False.')
#checking verbose parameter
if type(score) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): Score parameter can only take argument as True or False.')
#checking verbose parameter
if type(verbose) is not bool:
sys.exit('(Type Error): Verbose parameter can only take argument as True or False.')
error handling ends here
logger.info("Preloading libraries")
#pre-load libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import ipywidgets as ipw
from IPython.display import display, HTML, clear_output, update_display
import datetime, time
logger.info("Copying data")
#copy data_
if transformation:
data__ = X.copy()
data__ = data_.copy()
logger.info("Preparing display monitor")
#progress bar and monitor control
timestampStr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
progress = ipw.IntProgress(value=0, min=0, max=3, step=1 , description='Processing: ')
monitor = pd.DataFrame( [ ['Initiated' , '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .', timestampStr ],
['Status' , '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' , 'Initializing'] ],
columns=['', ' ', ' ']).set_index('')
if verbose:
if html_param:
display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
progress.value += 1
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Inferring Outliers from Model'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
progress.value += 1
#calculation labels and attaching to dataframe
pred_labels = model.labels_
data__['Label'] = pred_labels
progress.value += 1
#calculating score and attaching to dataframe
if score:
pred_score = model.decision_scores_
data__['Score'] = pred_score
progress.value += 1
logger.info("Determining Trained Model")
mod_type = str(model).split("(")[0]
if 'ABOD' in mod_type:
name_ = 'Angle-base Outlier Detection'
elif 'IForest' in mod_type:
name_ = 'Isolation Forest'
elif 'CBLOF' in mod_type:
name_ = 'Clustering-Based Local Outlier'
elif 'COF' in mod_type:
name_ = 'Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor'
elif 'HBOS' in mod_type:
name_ = 'Histogram-based Outlier Detection'
elif 'KNN' in mod_type:
name_ = 'k-Nearest Neighbors Detector'
elif 'LOF' in mod_type:
name_ = 'Local Outlier Factor'
elif 'OCSVM' in mod_type:
name_ = 'One-class SVM detector'
elif 'PCA' in mod_type:
name_ = 'Principal Component Analysis'
elif 'MCD' in mod_type:
name_ = 'Minimum Covariance Determinant'
elif 'SOD' in mod_type:
name_ = 'Subspace Outlier Detection'
elif 'SOS' in mod_type:
name_ = 'Stochastic Outlier Selection'
name_ = 'Unknown Anomaly Detector'
name_ = 'Assigned ' + str(name_)
logger.info("Trained Model : " + str(name_))
if verbose:
logger.info("assign_model() succesfully completed......................................")
return data__
def tune_model(model=None,
custom_grid = None, #added in pycaret 2.0.0
verbose=True): #added in pycaret 2.0.0
This function tunes the fraction parameter using a predefined grid with
the objective of optimizing a supervised learning metric as defined in
the optimize param. You can choose the supervised estimator from a large
library available in pycaret. By default, supervised estimator is Linear.
This function returns the tuned model object.
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
boston = get_data('boston')
experiment_name = setup(data = boston, normalize = True)
tuned_knn = tune_model(model = 'knn', supervised_target = 'medv')
This will return tuned k-Nearest Neighbors model.
model : string, default = None
Enter ID of the models available in model library:
ID Model
------- ---------
'abod' Angle-base Outlier Detection
'cluster' Clustering-Based Local Outlier
'cof' Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor
'histogram' Histogram-based Outlier Detection
'knn' k-Nearest Neighbors Detector
'lof' Local Outlier Factor
'svm' One-class SVM detector
'pca' Principal Component Analysis
'mcd' Minimum Covariance Determinant
'sod' Subspace Outlier Detection
'sos' Stochastic Outlier Selection
supervised_target: string
Name of the target column for supervised learning.
method: string, default = 'drop'
When method set to drop, it will drop the outlier rows from training dataset
of supervised estimator, when method set to 'surrogate', it will use the
decision function and label as a feature without dropping the outliers from
training dataset.
estimator: string, default = None
ID Name Task
-------- ---------- ----------
'lr' Logistic Regression Classification
'knn' K Nearest Neighbour Classification
'nb' Naive Bayes Classification
'dt' Decision Tree Classifier Classification
'svm' SVM - Linear Kernel Classification
'rbfsvm' SVM - Radial Kernel Classification
'gpc' Gaussian Process Classifier Classification
'mlp' Multi Level Perceptron Classification
'ridge' Ridge Classifier Classification
'rf' Random Forest Classifier Classification
'qda' Quadratic Discriminant Analysis Classification
'ada' Ada Boost Classifier Classification
'gbc' Gradient Boosting Classifier Classification
'lda' Linear Discriminant Analysis Classification
'et' Extra Trees Classifier Classification
'xgboost' Extreme Gradient Boosting Classification
'lightgbm' Light Gradient Boosting Classification
'catboost' CatBoost Classifier Classification
'lr' Linear Regression Regression
'lasso' Lasso Regression Regression
'ridge' Ridge Regression Regression
'en' Elastic Net Regression
'lar' Least Angle Regression Regression
'llar' Lasso Least Angle Regression Regression
'omp' Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Regression
'br' Bayesian Ridge Regression
'ard' Automatic Relevance Determ. Regression
'par' Passive Aggressive Regressor Regression
'ransac' Random Sample Consensus Regression
'tr' TheilSen Regressor Regression
'huber' Huber Regressor Regression
'kr' Kernel Ridge Regression
'svm' Support Vector Machine Regression
'knn' K Neighbors Regressor Regression
'dt' Decision Tree Regression
'rf' Random Forest Regression
'et' Extra Trees Regressor Regression
'ada' AdaBoost Regressor Regression
'gbr' Gradient Boosting Regression
'mlp' Multi Level Perceptron Regression
'xgboost' Extreme Gradient Boosting Regression
'lightgbm' Light Gradient Boosting Regression
'catboost' CatBoost Regressor Regression
If set to None, Linear model is used by default for both classification
and regression tasks.
optimize: string, default = None
custom_grid: list, default = None
By default, a pre-defined list of fraction values is iterated over to
optimize the supervised objective. To overwrite default iteration,
pass a list of fraction value to iterate over in custom_grid param.
For Classification tasks:
Accuracy, AUC, Recall, Precision, F1, Kappa
For Regression tasks:
If set to None, default is 'Accuracy' for classification and 'R2' for
regression tasks.
fold: integer, default = 10
Number of folds to be used in Kfold CV. Must be at least 2.
verbose: Boolean, default = True
Status update is not printed when verbose is set to False.
visual plot: Visual plot with fraction param on x-axis with metric to
----------- optimize on y-axis. Also, prints the best model metric.
model: trained model object with best fraction param.
exception handling starts here
global data_, X
import logging
hasattr(logger, 'name')
logger = logging.getLogger('logs')
# create console handler and set level to debug
if logger.hasHandlers():
ch = logging.FileHandler('logs.log')
# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s')
# add formatter to ch
# add ch to logger
logger.info("Initializing tune_model()")
logger.info("""tune_model(model={}, supervised_target={}, method={}, estimator={}, optimize={}, custom_grid={}, fold={}, verbose={})""".\
format(str(model), str(supervised_target), str(method), str(estimator), str(optimize), str(custom_grid), str(fold), str(verbose)))
logger.info("Checking exceptions")
#ignore warnings
import warnings
import sys
import datetime, time
runtime_start = time.time()
#checking for model parameter
if model is None:
sys.exit('(Value Error): Model parameter Missing. Please see docstring for list of available models.')
#checking for allowed models
allowed_models = ['abod', 'iforest', 'cluster', 'cof', 'histogram', 'knn', 'lof', 'svm', 'pca', 'mcd', 'sod', 'sos']
if model not in allowed_models:
sys.exit('(Value Error): Model Not Available for Tuning. Please see docstring for list of available models.')
#check method
allowed_methods = ['drop', 'surrogate']
if method not in allowed_methods:
sys.exit('(Value Error): Method not recognized. See docstring for list of available methods.')
#check if supervised target is None:
if supervised_target is None:
sys.exit('(Value Error): supervised_target cannot be None. A column name must be given for estimator.')
#check supervised target
if supervised_target is not None:
all_col = list(data_.columns)
if supervised_target not in all_col:
sys.exit('(Value Error): supervised_target not recognized. It can only be one of the following: ' + str(all_col))
#checking estimator:
if estimator is not None:
available_estimators = ['lr', 'knn', 'nb', 'dt', 'svm', 'rbfsvm', 'gpc', 'mlp', 'ridge', 'rf', 'qda', 'ada',
'gbc', 'lda', 'et', 'lasso', 'ridge', 'en', 'lar', 'llar', 'omp', 'br', 'ard', 'par',
'ransac', 'tr', 'huber', 'kr', 'svm', 'knn', 'dt', 'rf', 'et', 'ada', 'gbr',
'mlp', 'xgboost', 'lightgbm', 'catboost']
if estimator not in available_estimators:
sys.exit('(Value Error): Estimator Not Available. Please see docstring for list of available estimators.')
#checking optimize parameter
if optimize is not None:
available_optimizers = ['MAE', 'MSE', 'RMSE', 'R2', 'RMSLE', 'MAPE', 'Accuracy', 'AUC', 'Recall', 'Precision', 'F1', 'Kappa']
if optimize not in available_optimizers:
sys.exit('(Value Error): optimize parameter Not Available. Please see docstring for list of available parameters.')
#checking fold parameter
if type(fold) is not int:
sys.exit('(Type Error): Fold parameter only accepts integer value.')
exception handling ends here
logger.info("Preloading libraries")
#pre-load libraries
import pandas as pd
import ipywidgets as ipw
from ipywidgets import Output
from IPython.display import display, HTML, clear_output, update_display
import datetime, time
logger.info("Preparing display monitor")
#progress bar
if custom_grid is None:
max_steps = 25
max_steps = 15 + len(custom_grid)
progress = ipw.IntProgress(value=0, min=0, max=max_steps, step=1 , description='Processing: ')
if verbose:
if html_param:
timestampStr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
monitor = pd.DataFrame( [ ['Initiated' , '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .', timestampStr ],
['Status' , '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' , 'Loading Dependencies'],
['Step' , '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .', 'Initializing' ] ],
columns=['', ' ', ' ']).set_index('')
monitor_out = Output()
if verbose:
if html_param:
with monitor_out:
display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
logger.info("Importing libraries")
#General Dependencies
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict
from sklearn import metrics
import numpy as np
import plotly.express as px
from copy import deepcopy
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()
logger.info("Copying environment variables")
a = data_.copy()
b = X.copy()
c = deepcopy(prep_pipe)
e = exp_name_log
z = logging_param
def retain_original(a,b,c,e,z):
global data_, X, prep_pipe, exp_name_log, logging_param
data_ = a.copy()
X = b.copy()
prep_pipe = deepcopy(c)
exp_name_log = e
logging_param = z
return data_, X, prep_pipe, exp_name_log, logging_param
#setting up cufflinks
import cufflinks as cf
cf.set_config_file(offline=False, world_readable=True)
progress.value += 1
#define the problem
if data_[supervised_target].value_counts().count() == 2:
problem = 'classification'
logger.info("Objective : Classification")
problem = 'regression'
logger.info("Objective : Regression")
#define model name
logger.info("Defining Model Name")
if model == 'abod':
model_name = 'Angle-base Outlier Detection'
elif model == 'iforest':
model_name = 'Isolation Forest'
elif model == 'cluster':
model_name = 'Clustering-Based Local Outlier'
elif model == 'cof':
model_name = 'Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor'
elif model == 'histogram':
model_name = 'Histogram-based Outlier Detection'
elif model == 'knn':
model_name = 'k-Nearest Neighbors Detector'
elif model == 'lof':
model_name = 'Local Outlier Factor'
elif model == 'svm':
model_name = 'One-class SVM detector'
elif model == 'pca':
model_name = 'Principal Component Analysis'
elif model == 'mcd':
model_name = 'Minimum Covariance Determinant'
elif model == 'sod':
model_name = 'Subspace Outlier Detection'
elif model == 'sos':
model_name = 'Stochastic Outlier Selection'
logger.info("Defining Supervised Estimator")
#defining estimator:
if problem == 'classification' and estimator is None:
estimator = 'lr'
elif problem == 'regression' and estimator is None:
estimator = 'lr'
estimator = estimator
logger.info("Defining Optimizer")
#defining optimizer:
if optimize is None and problem == 'classification':
optimize = 'Accuracy'
elif optimize is None and problem == 'regression':
optimize = 'R2'
logger.info("Optimize: " + str(optimize))
progress.value += 1
#defining tuning grid
logger.info("Defining Tuning Grid")
if custom_grid is not None:
logger.info("Custom Grid used")
param_grid = custom_grid
param_grid_with_zero = [0]
for i in param_grid:
logger.info("Pre-defined Grid used")
param_grid_with_zero = [0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.10]
param_grid = [0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.10]
master = []; master_df = []
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Creating Outlier Detection Model'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
preprocess starts here
logger.info("Defining setup variables for preprocessing")
#removing target variable from data by defining new setup
_data_ = data_.copy()
target_ = pd.DataFrame(_data_[supervised_target])
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
le = LabelEncoder()
target_ = le.fit_transform(target_)
cat_pass = prep_param.dtypes.categorical_features
num_pass = prep_param.dtypes.numerical_features
time_pass = prep_param.dtypes.time_features
ignore_pass = prep_param.dtypes.features_todrop
if 'Empty' in str(prep_param.pca):
pca_pass = False
pca_method_pass = 'linear'
pca_pass = True
if prep_param.pca.method == 'pca_liner':
pca_method_pass = 'linear'
elif prep_param.pca.method == 'pca_kernal':
pca_method_pass = 'kernel'
elif prep_param.pca.method == 'incremental':
pca_method_pass = 'incremental'
if pca_pass is True:
pca_comp_pass = prep_param.pca.variance_retained
pca_comp_pass = 0.99
if 'not_available' in prep_param.imputer.categorical_strategy:
cat_impute_pass = 'constant'
elif 'most frequent' in prep_param.imputer.categorical_strategy:
cat_impute_pass = 'mode'
num_impute_pass = prep_param.imputer.numeric_strategy
if 'Empty' in str(prep_param.scaling):
normalize_pass = False
normalize_pass = True
if normalize_pass is True:
normalize_method_pass = prep_param.scaling.function_to_apply
normalize_method_pass = 'zscore'
if 'Empty' in str(prep_param.P_transform):
transformation_pass = False
transformation_pass = True
if transformation_pass is True:
if 'yj' in prep_param.P_transform.function_to_apply:
transformation_method_pass = 'yeo-johnson'
elif 'quantile' in prep_param.P_transform.function_to_apply:
transformation_method_pass = 'quantile'
transformation_method_pass = 'yeo-johnson'
if 'Empty' in str(prep_param.binn):
features_to_bin_pass = []
apply_binning_pass = False
features_to_bin_pass = prep_param.binn.features_to_discretize
apply_binning_pass = True
if 'Empty' in str(prep_param.club_R_L):
combine_rare_levels_pass = False
combine_rare_threshold_pass = 0.1
combine_rare_levels_pass = True
combine_rare_threshold_pass = prep_param.club_R_L.threshold
if 'Empty' in str(prep_param.znz):
ignore_low_variance_pass = False
ignore_low_variance_pass = True
if 'Empty' in str(prep_param.fix_multi):
remove_multicollinearity_pass = False
remove_multicollinearity_pass = True
if remove_multicollinearity_pass is True:
multicollinearity_threshold_pass = prep_param.fix_multi.threshold
multicollinearity_threshold_pass = 0.9
if 'Empty' in str(prep_param.new_levels):
handle_unknown_categorical_pass = False
handle_unknown_categorical_pass = True
if handle_unknown_categorical_pass is True:
unknown_level_preprocess = prep_param.new_levels.replacement_strategy
if unknown_level_preprocess == 'least frequent':
unknown_categorical_method_pass = 'least_frequent'
elif unknown_level_preprocess == 'most frequent':
unknown_categorical_method_pass = 'most_frequent'
unknown_categorical_method_pass = 'least_frequent'
unknown_categorical_method_pass = 'least_frequent'
if 'Empty' in str(prep_param.group):
apply_grouping_pass = False
apply_grouping_pass = True
if apply_grouping_pass is True:
group_features_pass = prep_param.group.list_of_similar_features
group_features_pass = None
if apply_grouping_pass is True:
group_names_pass = prep_param.group.group_name
group_names_pass = None
if 'Empty' in str(prep_param.ordinal):
ordinal_features_pass = None
ordinal_features_pass = prep_param.ordinal.info_as_dict
if 'Empty' in str(prep_param.cardinality):
high_cardinality_features_pass = None
high_cardinality_features_pass = prep_param.cardinality.feature
global setup_without_target
logger.info("SubProcess setup() called")
setup_without_target = setup(data = data_,
categorical_features = cat_pass,
categorical_imputation = cat_impute_pass,
ordinal_features = ordinal_features_pass, #new
high_cardinality_features = high_cardinality_features_pass, #latest
numeric_features = num_pass,
numeric_imputation = num_impute_pass,
date_features = time_pass,
ignore_features = ignore_pass,
normalize = normalize_pass,
normalize_method = normalize_method_pass,
transformation = transformation_pass,
transformation_method = transformation_method_pass,
handle_unknown_categorical = handle_unknown_categorical_pass,
unknown_categorical_method = unknown_categorical_method_pass,
pca = pca_pass,
pca_components = pca_comp_pass,
pca_method = pca_method_pass,
ignore_low_variance = ignore_low_variance_pass,
combine_rare_levels = combine_rare_levels_pass,
rare_level_threshold = combine_rare_threshold_pass,
bin_numeric_features = features_to_bin_pass,
remove_multicollinearity = remove_multicollinearity_pass,
multicollinearity_threshold = multicollinearity_threshold_pass,
group_features = group_features_pass,
group_names = group_names_pass,
supervised = True,
supervised_target = supervised_target,
session_id = seed,
log_experiment = False, #added in pycaret==2.0.0
data_without_target = setup_without_target[0]
logger.info("SubProcess setup() end")
preprocess ends here
#adding dummy model in master
master.append('No Model Required')
master_df.append('No Model Required')
model_fit_time_list = []
for i in param_grid:
logger.info("Fitting Model with Fraction = " +str(i))
progress.value += 1
monitor.iloc[2,1:] = 'Fitting Model With ' + str(i) + ' Fraction'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
#create and assign the model to dataset d
model_fit_start = time.time()
logger.info("SubProcess create_model() called==================================")
m = create_model(model=model, fraction=i, verbose=False, system=False)
logger.info("SubProcess create_model() end==================================")
model_fit_end = time.time()
model_fit_time = np.array(model_fit_end - model_fit_start).round(2)
logger.info("Generating labels")
logger.info("SubProcess assign_model() called==================================")
d = assign_model(m, transformation=True, score=True, verbose=False)
logger.info("SubProcess assign_model() ends==================================")
d[str(supervised_target)] = target_
#attaching target variable back
data_[str(supervised_target)] = target_
logger.info("Defining Supervised Estimator")
if problem == 'classification':
logger.info("Problem : Classification")
defining estimator
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Evaluating Anomaly Model'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
if estimator == 'lr':
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
model = LogisticRegression(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Logistic Regression'
elif estimator == 'knn':
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
model = KNeighborsClassifier()
full_name = 'K Nearest Neighbours'
elif estimator == 'nb':
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
model = GaussianNB()
full_name = 'Naive Bayes'
elif estimator == 'dt':
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
model = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Decision Tree'
elif estimator == 'svm':
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier
model = SGDClassifier(max_iter=1000, tol=0.001, random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Support Vector Machine'
elif estimator == 'rbfsvm':
from sklearn.svm import SVC
model = SVC(gamma='auto', C=1, probability=True, kernel='rbf', random_state=seed)
full_name = 'RBF SVM'
elif estimator == 'gpc':
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessClassifier
model = GaussianProcessClassifier(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Gaussian Process Classifier'
elif estimator == 'mlp':
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
model = MLPClassifier(max_iter=500, random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Multi Level Perceptron'
elif estimator == 'ridge':
from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeClassifier
model = RidgeClassifier(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Ridge Classifier'
elif estimator == 'rf':
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10, random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Random Forest Classifier'
elif estimator == 'qda':
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis
model = QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis()
full_name = 'Quadratic Discriminant Analysis'
elif estimator == 'ada':
from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier
model = AdaBoostClassifier(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'AdaBoost Classifier'
elif estimator == 'gbc':
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
model = GradientBoostingClassifier(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Gradient Boosting Classifier'
elif estimator == 'lda':
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
model = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
full_name = 'Linear Discriminant Analysis'
elif estimator == 'et':
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier
model = ExtraTreesClassifier(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Extra Trees Classifier'
elif estimator == 'xgboost':
from xgboost import XGBClassifier
model = XGBClassifier(random_state=seed, n_jobs=-1, verbosity=0)
full_name = 'Extreme Gradient Boosting'
elif estimator == 'lightgbm':
import lightgbm as lgb
model = lgb.LGBMClassifier(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Light Gradient Boosting Machine'
elif estimator == 'catboost':
from catboost import CatBoostClassifier
model = CatBoostClassifier(random_state=seed, silent=True) # Silent is True to suppress CatBoost iteration results
full_name = 'CatBoost Classifier'
logger.info(str(full_name) + " Imported Successfully")
progress.value += 1
start model building here
logger.info("Creating Classifier without Anomaly")
acc = []; auc = []; recall = []; prec = []; kappa = []; f1 = []
#build model without anomaly
monitor.iloc[2,1:] = 'Evaluating Classifier Without Anomaly Detector'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
d = master_df[1].copy()
d.drop(['Label', 'Score'], axis=1, inplace=True)
#drop NA's caution
d.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True)
#get_dummies to caste categorical variables for supervised learning
d = pd.get_dummies(d)
#split the dataset
X = d.drop(supervised_target, axis=1)
y = d[supervised_target]
#fit the model
logger.info("Fitting Model")
#generate the prediction and evaluate metric
logger.info("Evaluating Cross Val Predictions")
pred = cross_val_predict(model,X,y,cv=fold, method = 'predict')
acc_ = metrics.accuracy_score(y,pred)
recall_ = metrics.recall_score(y,pred)
precision_ = metrics.precision_score(y,pred)
kappa_ = metrics.cohen_kappa_score(y,pred)
f1_ = metrics.f1_score(y,pred)
if hasattr(model,'predict_proba'):
pred_ = cross_val_predict(model,X,y,cv=fold, method = 'predict_proba')
pred_prob = pred_[:,1]
auc_ = metrics.roc_auc_score(y,pred_prob)
for i in range(1,len(master_df)):
progress.value += 1
param_grid_val = param_grid[i-1]
logger.info("Creating Classifier with Fraction = " + str(param_grid_val))
monitor.iloc[2,1:] = 'Evaluating Classifier With ' + str(param_grid_val) + ' Fraction'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
#prepare the dataset for supervised problem
d = master_df[i]
#cleaning the dataframe for supervised learning
d.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True)
Score_ = pd.DataFrame(d['Score'])
Score = scaler.fit_transform(Score_)
d['Score'] = Score
if method == 'drop':
d = d[d['Label'] == 0]
d.drop(['Label'], axis=1, inplace=True)
#get_dummies to caste categorical variables for supervised learning
d = pd.get_dummies(d)
#split the dataset
X = d.drop(supervised_target, axis=1)
y = d[supervised_target]
#fit the model
logger.info("Fitting Model")
#generate the prediction and evaluate metric
logger.info("Generating Cross Val Predictions")
pred = cross_val_predict(model,X,y,cv=fold, method = 'predict')
acc_ = metrics.accuracy_score(y,pred)
recall_ = metrics.recall_score(y,pred)
precision_ = metrics.precision_score(y,pred)
kappa_ = metrics.cohen_kappa_score(y,pred)
f1_ = metrics.f1_score(y,pred)
if hasattr(model,'predict_proba'):
pred_ = cross_val_predict(model,X,y,cv=fold, method = 'predict_proba')
pred_prob = pred_[:,1]
auc_ = metrics.roc_auc_score(y,pred_prob)
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Compiling Results'
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Finalizing'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
logger.info("Creating metrics dataframe")
df = pd.DataFrame({'Fraction %': param_grid_with_zero, 'Accuracy' : acc, 'AUC' : auc, 'Recall' : recall,
'Precision' : prec, 'F1' : f1, 'Kappa' : kappa})
sorted_df = df.sort_values(by=optimize, ascending=False)
ival = sorted_df.index[0]
best_model = master[ival]
best_model_df = master_df[ival]
best_model_tt = model_fit_time_list[ival]
progress.value += 1
logger.info("Rendering Visual")
sd = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['Fraction %'], value_vars=['Accuracy', 'AUC', 'Recall', 'Precision', 'F1', 'Kappa'],
var_name='Metric', value_name='Score')
fig = px.line(sd, x='Fraction %', y='Score', color='Metric', line_shape='linear', range_y = [0,1])
title= str(full_name) + ' Metrics and Fraction %'
fig.update_layout(title={'text': title, 'y':0.95,'x':0.45,'xanchor': 'center','yanchor': 'top'})
logger.info("Visual Rendered Successfully")
#monitor = ''
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
if verbose:
if html_param:
best_k = np.array(sorted_df.head(1)['Fraction %'])[0]
best_m = round(np.array(sorted_df.head(1)[optimize])[0],4)
p = 'Best Model: ' + model_name + ' |' + ' Fraction %: ' + str(best_k) + ' | ' + str(optimize) + ' : ' + str(best_m)
elif problem == 'regression':
logger.info("Problem : Regression")
defining estimator
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Evaluating Anomaly Model'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
if estimator == 'lr':
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
model = LinearRegression()
full_name = 'Linear Regression'
elif estimator == 'lasso':
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
model = Lasso(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Lasso Regression'
elif estimator == 'ridge':
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
model = Ridge(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Ridge Regression'
elif estimator == 'en':
from sklearn.linear_model import ElasticNet
model = ElasticNet(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Elastic Net'
elif estimator == 'lar':
from sklearn.linear_model import Lars
model = Lars()
full_name = 'Least Angle Regression'
elif estimator == 'llar':
from sklearn.linear_model import LassoLars
model = LassoLars()
full_name = 'Lasso Least Angle Regression'
elif estimator == 'omp':
from sklearn.linear_model import OrthogonalMatchingPursuit
model = OrthogonalMatchingPursuit()
full_name = 'Orthogonal Matching Pursuit'
elif estimator == 'br':
from sklearn.linear_model import BayesianRidge
model = BayesianRidge()
full_name = 'Bayesian Ridge Regression'
elif estimator == 'ard':
from sklearn.linear_model import ARDRegression
model = ARDRegression()
full_name = 'Automatic Relevance Determination'
elif estimator == 'par':
from sklearn.linear_model import PassiveAggressiveRegressor
model = PassiveAggressiveRegressor(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Passive Aggressive Regressor'
elif estimator == 'ransac':
from sklearn.linear_model import RANSACRegressor
model = RANSACRegressor(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Random Sample Consensus'
elif estimator == 'tr':
from sklearn.linear_model import TheilSenRegressor
model = TheilSenRegressor(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'TheilSen Regressor'
elif estimator == 'huber':
from sklearn.linear_model import HuberRegressor
model = HuberRegressor()
full_name = 'Huber Regressor'
elif estimator == 'kr':
from sklearn.kernel_ridge import KernelRidge
model = KernelRidge()
full_name = 'Kernel Ridge'
elif estimator == 'svm':
from sklearn.svm import SVR
model = SVR()
full_name = 'Support Vector Regression'
elif estimator == 'knn':
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
model = KNeighborsRegressor()
full_name = 'Nearest Neighbors Regression'
elif estimator == 'dt':
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
model = DecisionTreeRegressor(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Decision Tree Regressor'
elif estimator == 'rf':
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
model = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Random Forest Regressor'
elif estimator == 'et':
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesRegressor
model = ExtraTreesRegressor(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Extra Trees Regressor'
elif estimator == 'ada':
from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostRegressor
model = AdaBoostRegressor(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'AdaBoost Regressor'
elif estimator == 'gbr':
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
model = GradientBoostingRegressor(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Gradient Boosting Regressor'
elif estimator == 'mlp':
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
model = MLPRegressor(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'MLP Regressor'
elif estimator == 'xgboost':
from xgboost import XGBRegressor
model = XGBRegressor(random_state=seed, n_jobs=-1, verbosity=0)
full_name = 'Extreme Gradient Boosting Regressor'
elif estimator == 'lightgbm':
import lightgbm as lgb
model = lgb.LGBMRegressor(random_state=seed)
full_name = 'Light Gradient Boosting Machine'
elif estimator == 'catboost':
from catboost import CatBoostRegressor
model = CatBoostRegressor(random_state=seed, silent = True)
full_name = 'CatBoost Regressor'
logger.info(str(full_name) + " Imported Successfully")
progress.value += 1
start model building here
logger.info("Creating Regressor without anomaly")
score = []
metric = []
#build model without anomaly
monitor.iloc[2,1:] = 'Evaluating Regressor Without Anomaly Detector'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
d = master_df[1].copy()
d.drop(['Label', 'Score'], axis=1, inplace=True)
#drop NA's caution
d.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True)
#get_dummies to caste categorical variables for supervised learning
d = pd.get_dummies(d)
#split the dataset
X = d.drop(supervised_target, axis=1)
y = d[supervised_target]
#fit the model
logger.info("Fitting Model")
#generate the prediction and evaluate metric
logger.info("Generating Cross Val Predictions")
pred = cross_val_predict(model,X,y,cv=fold, method = 'predict')
if optimize == 'R2':
r2_ = metrics.r2_score(y,pred)
elif optimize == 'MAE':
mae_ = metrics.mean_absolute_error(y,pred)
elif optimize == 'MSE':
mse_ = metrics.mean_squared_error(y,pred)
elif optimize == 'RMSE':
mse_ = metrics.mean_squared_error(y,pred)
rmse_ = np.sqrt(mse_)
elif optimize == 'RMSLE':
rmsle = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(np.log(np.array(abs(pred))+1) - np.log(np.array(abs(y))+1), 2)))
elif optimize == 'MAPE':
def calculate_mape(actual, prediction):
mask = actual != 0
return (np.fabs(actual - prediction)/actual)[mask].mean()
mape = calculate_mape(y,pred)
for i in range(1,len(master_df)):
progress.value += 1
param_grid_val = param_grid[i-1]
logger.info("Creating Regressor with Fraction = " + str(param_grid_val))
monitor.iloc[2,1:] = 'Evaluating Regressor With ' + str(param_grid_val) + ' Fraction'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
#prepare the dataset for supervised problem
d = master_df[i]
#cleaning the dataframe for supervised learning
d.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True)
Score_ = pd.DataFrame(d['Score'])
Score = scaler.fit_transform(Score_)
d['Score'] = Score
if method == 'drop':
d = d[d['Label'] == 0]
d.drop(['Label'], axis=1, inplace=True)
#get_dummies to caste categorical variable for supervised learning
d = pd.get_dummies(d)
#split the dataset
X = d.drop(supervised_target, axis=1)
y = d[supervised_target]
#fit the model
logger.info("Fitting Model")
#generate the prediction and evaluate metric
logger.info("Generating Cross Val Predictions")
pred = cross_val_predict(model,X,y,cv=fold, method = 'predict')
if optimize == 'R2':
r2_ = metrics.r2_score(y,pred)
elif optimize == 'MAE':
mae_ = metrics.mean_absolute_error(y,pred)
elif optimize == 'MSE':
mse_ = metrics.mean_squared_error(y,pred)
elif optimize == 'RMSE':
mse_ = metrics.mean_squared_error(y,pred)
rmse_ = np.sqrt(mse_)
elif optimize == 'RMSLE':
rmsle = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(np.log(np.array(abs(pred))+1) - np.log(np.array(abs(y))+1), 2)))
elif optimize == 'MAPE':
def calculate_mape(actual, prediction):
mask = actual != 0
return (np.fabs(actual - prediction)/actual)[mask].mean()
mape = calculate_mape(y,pred)
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Compiling Results'
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Finalizing'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
logger.info("Creating metrics dataframe")
df = pd.DataFrame({'Fraction': param_grid_with_zero, 'Score' : score, 'Metric': metric})
df.columns = ['Fraction %', optimize, 'Metric']
#sorting to return best model
if optimize == 'R2':
sorted_df = df.sort_values(by=optimize, ascending=False)
sorted_df = df.sort_values(by=optimize, ascending=True)
ival = sorted_df.index[0]
best_model = master[ival]
best_model_df = master_df[ival]
best_model_tt = model_fit_time_list[ival]
logger.info("Rendering Visual")
fig = px.line(df, x='Fraction %', y=optimize, line_shape='linear',
title= str(full_name) + ' Metrics and Fraction %', color='Metric')
progress.value += 1
logger.info("Visual Rendered Successfully")
#monitor = ''
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
best_k = np.array(sorted_df.head(1)['Fraction %'])[0]
best_m = round(np.array(sorted_df.head(1)[optimize])[0],4)
p = 'Best Model: ' + model_name + ' |' + ' Fraction %: ' + str(best_k) + ' | ' + str(optimize) + ' : ' + str(best_m)
logger.info("Resetting environment to original variables")
org = retain_original(a,b,c,e,z)
#end runtime
runtime_end = time.time()
runtime = np.array(runtime_end - runtime_start).round(2)
#mlflow logging
if logging_param:
logger.info("Creating MLFlow logs")
#import mlflow
import mlflow
from pathlib import Path
import os
#Creating Logs message monitor
monitor.iloc[1,1:] = 'Creating Logs'
if verbose:
if html_param:
update_display(monitor, display_id = 'monitor')
with mlflow.start_run(run_name=model_name) as run:
# Get active run to log as tag
RunID = mlflow.active_run().info.run_id
# Log model parameters
params = best_model.get_params()
for i in list(params):
v = params.get(i)
if len(str(v)) > 250:
#set tag of compare_models
mlflow.set_tag("Source", "tune_model")
import secrets
URI = secrets.token_hex(nbytes=4)
mlflow.set_tag("URI", URI)
mlflow.set_tag("USI", USI)
mlflow.set_tag("Run Time", runtime)
mlflow.set_tag("Run ID", RunID)
# Log training time in seconds
mlflow.log_metric("TT", best_model_tt) #change this
# Log plot to html
# Log model and transformation pipeline
logger.info("SubProcess save_model() called ==================================")
save_model(best_model, 'Trained Model', verbose=False)
logger.info("SubProcess save_model() end ==================================")
mlflow.log_artifact('Trained Model' + '.pkl')
size_bytes = Path('Trained Model.pkl').stat().st_size
size_kb = np.round(size_bytes/1000, 2)
mlflow.set_tag("Size KB", size_kb)
os.remove('Trained Model.pkl')
logger.info("tune_model() succesfully completed......................................")
return best_model
def plot_model(model,
plot = 'tsne',
feature = None,
save = False, #added in pycaret 2.0.0
system = True): #added in pycaret 2.0.0
This function takes a trained model object and returns a plot on the dataset
passed during setup stage. This function internally calls assign_model before
generating a plot.
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
anomaly = get_data('anomaly')
experiment_name = setup(data = anomaly, normalize = True)
knn = create_model('knn')
model : object
A trained model object can be passed. Model must be created using create_model().
plot : string, default = 'tsne'
Enter abbreviation of type of plot. The current list of plots supported are:
Plot Name
------- ----------
'tsne' t-SNE (3d) Dimension Plot
'umap' UMAP Dimensionality Plot
feature : string, default = None
feature column is used as a hoverover tooltip. By default, first of column of the
dataset is chosen as hoverover tooltip, when no feature is passed.
save: Boolean, default = False
Plot is saved as png file in local directory when save parameter set to True.
system: Boolean, default = True
Must remain True all times. Only to be changed by internal functions.
Visual Plot: Prints the visual plot.
#exception checking
import sys
import logging
hasattr(logger, 'name')
logger = logging.getLogger('logs')
# create console handler and set level to debug
if logger.hasHandlers():
ch = logging.FileHandler('logs.log')
# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s')
# add formatter to ch
# add ch to logger
logger.info("Initializing plot_model()")
logger.info("""plot_model(model={}, plot={}, feature={}, save={}, system={})""".\
format(str(model), str(plot), str(feature), str(save), str(system)))
#ignore warnings
import warnings
exception handling starts here
logger.info("Checking exceptions")
#plot checking
allowed_plots = ['tsne', 'umap']
if plot not in allowed_plots:
sys.exit('(Value Error): Plot Not Available. Please see docstring for list of available plots.')
error handling ends here
logger.info("Importing libraries")
#import dependencies
import pandas as pd
import numpy
#import cufflinks
import cufflinks as cf
cf.set_config_file(offline=False, world_readable=True)
logger.info("plot type: " + str(plot))
if plot == 'tsne':
logger.info("SubProcess assign_model() called ==================================")
b = assign_model(model, verbose=False, transformation=True, score=False)
logger.info("SubProcess assign_model() end ==================================")
Label = pd.DataFrame(b['Label'])
b.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True) #droping rows with NA's
b.drop(['Label'], axis=1, inplace=True)
logger.info("Getting dummies to cast categorical variables")
b = pd.get_dummies(b) #casting categorical variables
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
logger.info("Fitting TSNE()")
X_embedded = TSNE(n_components=3).fit_transform(b)
X = pd.DataFrame(X_embedded)
X['Label'] = Label
if feature is not None:
X['Feature'] = data_[feature]
X['Feature'] = data_[data_.columns[0]]
import plotly.express as px
df = X
logger.info("Rendering Visual")
fig = px.scatter_3d(df, x=0, y=1, z=2, hover_data=['Feature'], color='Label', title='3d TSNE Plot for Outliers',
opacity=0.7, width=900, height=800)
if system:
logger.info("Visual Rendered Successfully")
if save:
logger.info("Saving 'TSNE.html' in current active directory")
elif plot == 'umap':
logger.info("SubProcess assign_model() called ==================================")
b = assign_model(model, verbose=False, transformation=True, score=False)
logger.info("SubProcess assign_model() end ==================================")
Label = pd.DataFrame(b['Label'])
b.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True) #droping rows with NA's
b.drop(['Label'], axis=1, inplace=True)
logger.info("Getting dummies to cast categorical variables")
b = pd.get_dummies(b) #casting categorical variables
import umap
reducer = umap.UMAP()
logger.info("Fitting UMAP()")
embedding = reducer.fit_transform(b)
X = pd.DataFrame(embedding)
import plotly.express as px
df = X
df['Label'] = Label
if feature is not None:
df['Feature'] = data_[feature]
df['Feature'] = data_[data_.columns[0]]
logger.info("Rendering Visual")
fig = px.scatter(df, x=0, y=1,
color='Label', title='uMAP Plot for Outliers', hover_data=['Feature'], opacity=0.7,
width=900, height=800)
if system:
logger.info("Visual Rendered Successfully")
if save:
logger.info("Saving 'UMAP.html' in current active directory")
logger.info("plot_model() succesfully completed......................................")
def save_model(model, model_name, verbose=True):
This function saves the transformation pipeline and trained model object
into the current active directory as a pickle file for later use.
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
anomaly = get_data('anomaly')
experiment_name = setup(data = anomaly, normalize = True)
knn = create_model('knn')
save_model(knn, 'knn_model_23122019')
This will save the transformation pipeline and model as a binary pickle
file in the current directory.
model : object, default = none
A trained model object should be passed.
model_name : string, default = none
Name of pickle file to be passed as a string.
verbose : bool, default = True
When set to False, success message is not printed.
Success Message
import logging
hasattr(logger, 'name')
logger = logging.getLogger('logs')
# create console handler and set level to debug
if logger.hasHandlers():
ch = logging.FileHandler('logs.log')
# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s')
# add formatter to ch
# add ch to logger
logger.info("Initializing save_model()")
logger.info("""save_model(model={}, model_name={}, verbose={})""".\
format(str(model), str(model_name), str(verbose)))
#ignore warnings
import warnings
logger.info("Appending prep pipeline")
model_ = []
import joblib
model_name = model_name + '.pkl'
joblib.dump(model_, model_name)
if verbose:
print('Transformation Pipeline and Model Succesfully Saved')
logger.info(str(model_name) + ' saved in current working directory')
logger.info("save_model() succesfully completed......................................")
def load_model(model_name,
platform = None,
authentication = None,
This function loads a previously saved transformation pipeline and model
from the current active directory into the current python environment.
Load object must be a pickle file.
saved_knn = load_model('knn_model_23122019')
This will load the previously saved model in saved_lr variable. The file
must be in the current directory.
model_name : string, default = none
Name of pickle file to be passed as a string.
platform: string, default = None
Name of platform, if loading model from cloud. Current available options are:
authentication : dict
dictionary of applicable authentication tokens.
When platform = 'aws':
{'bucket' : 'Name of Bucket on S3'}
verbose: Boolean, default = True
Success message is not printed when verbose is set to False.
Success Message
#ignore warnings
import warnings
#exception checking
import sys
if platform is not None:
if authentication is None:
sys.exit("(Value Error): Authentication is missing.")
#cloud provider
if platform == 'aws':
import boto3
bucketname = authentication.get('bucket')
filename = str(model_name) + '.pkl'
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
s3.Bucket(bucketname).download_file(filename, filename)
filename = str(model_name)
model = load_model(filename, verbose=False)
if verbose:
print('Transformation Pipeline and Model Sucessfully Loaded')
return model
import joblib
model_name = model_name + '.pkl'
if verbose:
print('Transformation Pipeline and Model Sucessfully Loaded')
return joblib.load(model_name)
def predict_model(model,
This function is used to predict new data using a trained model. It requires a
trained model object created using one of the function in pycaret that returns
a trained model object. New data must be passed to data param as pandas Dataframe.
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
anomaly = get_data('anomaly')
experiment_name = setup(data = anomaly)
knn = create_model('knn')
knn_predictions = predict_model(model = knn, data = anomaly)
model : object / string, default = None
When model is passed as string, load_model() is called internally to load the
pickle file from active directory or cloud platform when platform param is passed.
data : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) where n_samples
is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. All features
used during training must be present in the new dataset.
platform: string, default = None
Name of platform, if loading model from cloud. Current available options are:
authentication : dict
dictionary of applicable authentication tokens.
When platform = 'aws':
{'bucket' : 'Name of Bucket on S3'}
info grid: Information grid is printed when data is None.
#ignore warnings
import warnings
#no active tests
#general dependencies
from IPython.display import clear_output, update_display
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re
from sklearn import metrics
from copy import deepcopy
import sys
#copy data and model
data__ = data.copy()
model_ = deepcopy(model)
if type(model) is str:
if platform == 'aws':
model_ = load_model(str(model), platform='aws',
authentication={'bucket': authentication.get('bucket')},
model_ = load_model(str(model), verbose=False)
#separate prep_data pipeline
if type(model_) is list:
prep_pipe_transformer = model_[0]
model = model_[1]
prep_pipe_transformer = prep_pipe
sys.exit('Transformation Pipeline Missing')
#exception checking for predict param
if hasattr(model, 'predict'):
sys.exit("(Type Error): Model doesn't support predict parameter.")
#predictions start here
_data_ = prep_pipe_transformer.transform(data__)
pred = model.predict(_data_)
pred_score = model.decision_function(_data_)
data__['Label'] = pred
data__['Score'] = pred_score
return data__
def deploy_model(model,
platform = 'aws'):
(In Preview)
This function deploys the transformation pipeline and trained model object for
production use. The platform of deployment can be defined under the platform
param along with the applicable authentication tokens which are passed as a
dictionary to the authentication param.
from pycaret.datasets import get_data
anomaly = get_data('anomaly')
experiment_name = setup(data = anomaly, normalize=True)
knn = create_model('knn')
deploy_model(model = knn, model_name = 'deploy_knn', platform = 'aws',
authentication = {'bucket' : 'pycaret-test'})
This will deploy the model on an AWS S3 account under bucket 'pycaret-test'
For AWS users:
Before deploying a model to an AWS S3 ('aws'), environment variables must be
configured using the command line interface. To configure AWS env. variables,
type aws configure in your python command line. The following information is
required which can be generated using the Identity and Access Management (IAM)
portal of your amazon console account:
- AWS Access Key ID
- AWS Secret Key Access
- Default Region Name (can be seen under Global settings on your AWS console)
- Default output format (must be left blank)
model : object
A trained model object should be passed as an estimator.
model_name : string
Name of model to be passed as a string.
authentication : dict
dictionary of applicable authentication tokens.
When platform = 'aws':
{'bucket' : 'Name of Bucket on S3'}
platform: string, default = 'aws'
Name of platform for deployment. Current available options are: 'aws'.
Success Message
import sys
import logging
hasattr(logger, 'name')
logger = logging.getLogger('logs')
# create console handler and set level to debug
if logger.hasHandlers():
ch = logging.FileHandler('logs.log')
# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s')
# add formatter to ch
# add ch to logger
logger.info("Initializing deploy_model()")
logger.info("""deploy_model(model={}, model_name={}, authentication={}, platform={})""".\
format(str(model), str(model_name), str(authentication), str(platform)))
#checking if awscli available
import awscli
logger.error("awscli library not found. pip install awscli to use deploy_model function.")
sys.exit("awscli library not found. pip install awscli to use deploy_model function.")
#ignore warnings
import warnings
#general dependencies
import ipywidgets as ipw
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import clear_output, update_display
import os
if platform == 'aws':
logger.info("Platform : AWS S3")
import boto3
logger.info("Saving model in current working directory")
logger.info("SubProcess save_model() called ==================================")
save_model(model, model_name = model_name, verbose=False)
logger.info("SubProcess save_model() end ==================================")
#initiaze s3
logger.info("Initializing S3 client")
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
filename = str(model_name)+'.pkl'
key = str(model_name)+'.pkl'
bucket_name = authentication.get('bucket')
print("Model Succesfully Deployed on AWS S3")
logger.info("deploy_model() succesfully completed......................................")
def get_outliers(data,
model = None,
ignore_features = None,
normalize = True,
transformation = False,
pca = False,
pca_components = 0.99,
n_jobs = None):
Magic function to get outliers in Power Query / Power BI.
if model is None:
model = 'knn'
if ignore_features is None:
ignore_features_pass = []
ignore_features_pass = ignore_features
global X, data_, seed, n_jobs_param, logging_param, logger
n_jobs_param = n_jobs
logging_param = False
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('logs')
# create console handler and set level to debug
if logger.hasHandlers():
ch = logging.FileHandler('logs.log')
# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s')
# add formatter to ch
# add ch to logger
data_ = data.copy()
seed = 99
from pycaret import preprocess
X = preprocess.Preprocess_Path_Two(train_data = data,
features_todrop = ignore_features_pass,
display_types = False,
scale_data = normalize,
scaling_method = 'zscore',
Power_transform_data = transformation,
Power_transform_method = 'yj',
apply_pca = pca,
apply_zero_nearZero_variance = ignore_low_variance,
random_state = seed)
c = create_model(model=model, fraction=fraction, verbose=False, system=False)
dataset = assign_model(c, verbose=False)
return dataset
def models():
Returns table of models available in model library.
all_models = models()
This will return pandas dataframe with all available
models and their metadata.
import pandas as pd
model_id = ['abod', 'iforest', 'cluster', 'cof', 'histogram', 'knn', 'lof', 'svm', 'pca', 'mcd', 'sod', 'sos']
model_name = ['Angle-base Outlier Detection',
'Isolation Forest',
'Clustering-Based Local Outlier',
'Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor',
'Histogram-based Outlier Detection',
'k-Nearest Neighbors Detector',
'Local Outlier Factor',
'One-class SVM detector',
'Principal Component Analysis',
'Minimum Covariance Determinant',
'Subspace Outlier Detection',
'Stochastic Outlier Selection']
model_ref = ['pyod.models.abod.ABOD',
df = pd.DataFrame({'ID' : model_id,
'Name' : model_name,
'Reference' : model_ref})
df.set_index('ID', inplace=True)
return df
def get_logs(experiment_name = None, save = False):
Returns a table with experiment logs consisting
run details, parameter, metrics and tags.
logs = get_logs()
This will return pandas dataframe.
experiment_name : string, default = None
When set to None current active run is used.
save : bool, default = False
When set to True, csv file is saved in current directory.
import sys
if experiment_name is None:
exp_name_log_ = exp_name_log
exp_name_log_ = experiment_name
import mlflow
from mlflow.tracking import MlflowClient
client = MlflowClient()
if client.get_experiment_by_name(exp_name_log_) is None:
sys.exit('No active run found. Check logging parameter in setup or to get logs for inactive run pass experiment_name.')
exp_id = client.get_experiment_by_name(exp_name_log_).experiment_id
runs = mlflow.search_runs(exp_id)
if save:
file_name = str(exp_name_log_) + '_logs.csv'
runs.to_csv(file_name, index=False)
return runs
def get_config(variable):
This function is used to access global environment variables.
Following variables can be accessed:
- X: Transformed dataset
- data_: Original dataset
- seed: random state set through session_id
- prep_pipe: Transformation pipeline configured through setup
- prep_param: prep_param configured through setup
- n_jobs_param: n_jobs parameter used in model training
- html_param: html_param configured through setup
- exp_name_log: Name of experiment set through setup
- logging_param: log_experiment param set through setup
- log_plots_param: log_plots param set through setup
- USI: Unique session ID parameter set through setup
X = get_config('X')
This will return transformed dataset.
import logging
hasattr(logger, 'name')
logger = logging.getLogger('logs')
# create console handler and set level to debug
if logger.hasHandlers():
ch = logging.FileHandler('logs.log')
# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s')
# add formatter to ch
# add ch to logger
logger.info("Initializing get_config()")
if variable == 'X':
global_var = X
if variable == 'data_':
global_var = data_
if variable == 'seed':
global_var = seed
if variable == 'prep_pipe':
global_var = prep_pipe
if variable == 'prep_param':
global_var = prep_param
if variable == 'n_jobs_param':
global_var = n_jobs_param
if variable == 'html_param':
global_var = html_param
if variable == 'exp_name_log':
global_var = exp_name_log
if variable == 'logging_param':
global_var = logging_param
if variable == 'log_plots_param':
global_var = log_plots_param
if variable == 'USI':
global_var = USI
logger.info("Global variable: " + str(variable) + ' returned')
logger.info("get_config() succesfully completed......................................")
return global_var
def set_config(variable,value):
This function is used to reset global environment variables.
Following variables can be accessed:
- X: Transformed dataset
- data_: Original dataset
- seed: random state set through session_id
- prep_pipe: Transformation pipeline configured through setup
- prep_param: prep_param configured through setup
- n_jobs_param: n_jobs parameter used in model training
- html_param: html_param configured through setup
- exp_name_log: Name of experiment set through setup
- logging_param: log_experiment param set through setup
- log_plots_param: log_plots param set through setup
- USI: Unique session ID parameter set through setup
set_config('seed', 123)
This will set the global seed to '123'.
import logging
hasattr(logger, 'name')
logger = logging.getLogger('logs')
# create console handler and set level to debug
if logger.hasHandlers():
ch = logging.FileHandler('logs.log')
# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s')
# add formatter to ch
# add ch to logger
logger.info("Initializing set_config()")
logger.info("""set_config(variable={}, value={})""".\
format(str(variable), str(value)))
if variable == 'X':
global X
X = value
if variable == 'data_':
global data_
data_ = value
if variable == 'seed':
global seed
seed = value
if variable == 'prep_pipe':
global prep_pipe
prep_pipe = value
if variable == 'prep_param':
global prep_param
prep_param = value
if variable == 'n_jobs_param':
global n_jobs_param
n_jobs_param = value
if variable == 'html_param':
global html_param
html_param = value
if variable == 'exp_name_log':
global exp_name_log
exp_name_log = value
if variable == 'logging_param':
global logging_param
logging_param = value
if variable == 'log_plots_param':
global log_plots_param
log_plots_param = value
if variable == 'USI':
global USI
USI = value
logger.info("Global variable: " + str(variable) + ' updated')
logger.info("set_config() succesfully completed......................................")
def get_system_logs():
Read and print 'logs.log' file from current active directory
file = open('logs.log', 'r')
lines = file.read().splitlines()
for line in lines:
if not line:
columns = [col.strip() for col in line.split(':') if col]
\ No newline at end of file
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