# 贡献指南 > 请您勇敢地去翻译和改进翻译。虽然我们追求卓越,但我们并不要求您做到十全十美,因此请不要担心因为翻译上犯错——在大部分情况下,我们的服务器已经记录所有的翻译,因此您不必担心会因为您的失误遭到无法挽回的破坏。(改编自维基百科) 课程视频: + [斯坦福博弈论课程官网](http://www.game-theory-class.org/) + [Cousera 博弈论 1](https://www.coursera.org/learn/game-theory-1) + [Cousera 博弈论 2](https://www.coursera.org/learn/game-theory-2) 负责人: + [viviwong](https://github.com/viviwong) ## 章节列表 + 博弈论 I + 1-1 Game Theory Intro - TCP Backoff + 1-2 Self-Interested Agents and Utility Theory + 1-3 Defining Games + 1-4 Examples of Games + 1-5 Nash Equilibrium Intro + 1-6 Strategic Reasoning + 1-7 Best Response and Nash Equilibrium + 1-8 Nash Equilibrium of Example Games + 1-9 Dominant Strategies + 1-10 Pareto Optimality + 2-1 Mixed Strategies and Nash Equilibrium (I) + 2-2 Mixed Strategies and Nash Equilibrium (II) + 2-3 Computing Mixed Nash Equilibrium + 2-4 Hardness Beyond 2x2 Games - Basic + 2-4 Hardness Beyond 2x2 Games - Advanced + 2-5 Example: Mixed Strategy Nash + 2-6 Data: Professional Sports and Mixed Strategies + 3-1 Beyond the Nash Equilibrium + 3-2 Strictly Dominated Strategies & Iterative Removal + 3-3 Dominated Strategies & Iterative Removal: An Application + 3-4 Maxmin Strategies + 3-4 Maxmin Strategies - Advanced + 3-5 Correlated Equilibrium: Intuition + 4-1 Perfect Information Extensive Form: Taste + 4-2 Formalizing Perfect Information Extensive Form Games + 4-3 Perfect Information Extensive Form: Strategies, BR, NE + 4-4 Subgame Perfection + 4-5 Backward Induction + 4-6 Subgame Perfect Application: Ultimatum Bargaining + 4-7 Imperfect Information Extensive Form: Poker + 4-8 Imperfect Information Extensive Form: Definition, Strategies + 4-9 Mixed and Behavioral Strategies + 4-10 Incomplete Information in the Extensive Form: Beyond Subgame Perfection + 博弈论 II + 1.1 Social Choice: Taste + 1.2 Social Choice: Voting Scheme + 1.3 Paradoxical Outcomes + 1.4 Impossibility of Non-Paradoxical Social Welfare Functions + 1.5 Arrow's Theorem + 1.6 Impossibility of Non-Pardoxical Social Choice Functions + 1.7 Single-Peaked Preferences + 2.1 Mechanism Design: Taste + 2.2 Implementation + 2.3 Mechanism Design: Examples + 2.4 Revelation Principle + 2.5 Revelation Principle: Examples + 2.6 Impossibility of General Dominant-Strategy Implementation + 2.7 Transferable Utility + 2.8 Transferable Utility Example + 2.9 Mechanism Design as an Optimization Problem + 3.1 VCG: Taste + 3.2 VCG: Definitions + 3.3 VCG: Examples + 3.4 VCG: Limitations + 3.5 VCG: Individual Rationality and Budget Balance in VCG + 3.6 VCG: The Myerson-Satterthwaite Theorem + 4.1 Auctions: Taste + 4.2 Auctions: Taxonomy + 4.3 Bidding in Second-Price Auctions + 4.4 Bidding in First-Price Auctions + 4.5 Revenue Equivalence + 4.6 Optimal Auctions + 4.7 More Advanced Auctions ## 流程 ### 一、认领 首先查看[整体进度](https://github.com/apachecn/stanford-game-theory-notes-zh/issues/1),确认没有人认领了你想认领的章节。 然后回复 ISSUE,注明“章节 + QQ 号”。 ### 二、整理笔记 + 翻译 Coursera 课程页面的字幕,如果已有中文翻译,跳过此步 (可以利用[谷歌翻译](https://translate.google.cn),但一定要把它变得可读) + 排版成段落,并添加视频截图 ### 三、提交 + `fork` Github 项目 + 将文档(**Markdown 格式**)放在`docs`中。 + `push` + `pull request` 请见 [Github 入门指南](https://github.com/apachecn/kaggle/blob/master/docs/GitHub)。