## Plot Interaction of Categorical Factors # In this example, we will vizualize the interaction between categorical factors. First, we will create some categorical data are initialized. Then plotted using the interaction_plot function which internally recodes the x-factor categories to ingegers. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from statsmodels.graphics.factorplots import interaction_plot from pandas import Series np.random.seed(12345) weight = Series(np.repeat(['low', 'hi', 'low', 'hi'], 15), name='weight') nutrition = Series(np.repeat(['lo_carb', 'hi_carb'], 30), name='nutrition') days = np.log(np.random.randint(1, 30, size=60)) plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)); interaction_plot(x=weight, trace=nutrition, response=days, colors=['red', 'blue'], markers=['D', '^'], ms=10) # # image file: # image file: