## Tour of Heroes: Aqueduct This is the companion application for the official [Aqueduct tutorial](https://aqueduct.io/docs/tut/getting-started/). It has been modified from the original [AngularDart tutorial](https://webdev.dartlang.org/angular/tutorial) to make HTTP requests to the Aqueduct tutorial application running on your machine. To run this application: ```bash pub serve ``` A Dockerfile and Kubernetes configuration file is available for deployment. To run on Google Cloud: ```bash docker build -t gcr.io//tour-of-heroes:latest . gcloud docker -- push gcr.io//tour-of-heroes:latest kubectl apply -f k8s/ ``` This configuration file assumes your cluster has an `nginx-ingress-controller`. To run with Google Cloud Load Balancers, remove the `kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx"` annotation from the Ingress resource.