未验证 提交 6527e46b 编写于 作者: L Lemover 提交者: GitHub

PTW: add perf counter for req's count and cycle (#814)

* PTW: fix typo

* PTW: add perf for req's count & cycle
上级 0a1a21a6
......@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ class PtwMissQueue(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasPtwConst {
count := 0.U
for (i <- 0 until MSHRSize) {
XSPerfAccumulate(s"numExist${i}", count === 1.U)
XSPerfAccumulate(s"numExist${i}", count === i.U)
......@@ -527,6 +527,10 @@ class PTWRepeater(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasPtwConst {
tlb.resp.valid := haveOne && recv
ptw.resp.ready := !recv
XSPerfAccumulate("req_count", ptw.req(0).fire())
XSPerfAccumulate("tlb_req_cycle", BoolStopWatch(tlb.req(0).fire(), tlb.resp.fire() || sfence))
XSPerfAccumulate("ptw_req_cycle", BoolStopWatch(ptw.req(0).fire(), ptw.resp.fire() || sfence))
XSDebug(haveOne, p"haveOne:${haveOne} sent:${sent} recv:${recv} sfence:${sfence} req:${req} resp:${resp}")
XSDebug(io.tlb.req(0).valid || io.tlb.resp.valid, p"tlb: ${tlb}\n")
XSDebug(io.ptw.req(0).valid || io.ptw.resp.valid, p"ptw: ${ptw}\n")
......@@ -646,13 +650,25 @@ class PTWFilter(Width: Int, Size: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule
XSPerfAccumulate("req_count", PopCount(Cat(io.tlb.req.map(_.valid))))
XSPerfAccumulate("req_count_filter", Mux(do_enq, accumEnqNum(Width - 1), 0.U))
XSPerfAccumulate("resp_count", PopCount(Cat(io.tlb.resp.fire())))
// perf
val inflight_counter = RegInit(0.U(log2Up(Size + 1).W))
when (io.ptw.req(0).fire() =/= io.ptw.resp.fire()) {
inflight_counter := Mux(io.ptw.req(0).fire(), inflight_counter + 1.U, inflight_counter - 1.U)
when (sfence.valid) {
inflight_counter := 0.U
XSPerfAccumulate("tlb_req_count", PopCount(Cat(io.tlb.req.map(_.valid))))
XSPerfAccumulate("tlb_req_count_filtered", Mux(do_enq, accumEnqNum(Width - 1), 0.U))
XSPerfAccumulate("ptw_req_count", io.ptw.req(0).fire())
XSPerfAccumulate("ptw_req_cycle", inflight_counter)
XSPerfAccumulate("tlb_resp_count", io.tlb.resp.fire())
XSPerfAccumulate("ptw_resp_count", io.ptw.resp.fire())
XSPerfAccumulate("inflight_cycle", !isEmptyDeq)
for (i <- 0 until Size + 1) {
XSPerfAccumulate(s"counter${i}", counter === i.U)
/* ptw cache caches the page table of all the three layers
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