提交 b3e4b50a 编写于 作者: L Li Qianruo

Added Debug Module Registers

上级 9471478b
package device
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
import chipsalliance.rocketchip.config._
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper.RegField
import utils.{HasTLDump, XSDebug}
import xiangshan.HasXSLog
trait DebugConstants {
val abits = // TODO
class dmiBundle with DebugConstants{
val req_valid = Input(Bool())
val req_ready = Input(Bool())
val req_address = Input(UInt(abits.W))
val req_data = Input(UInt(32.W))
val req_op = Input(UInt(2.W))
val rsp_valid = Output(Bool())
val rsp_ready = Output(Bool())
val rsp_data = Output(UInt(32.W))
val rsp_op = Output(UInt(2.W))
class TLDebug(address: Seq[AddressSet], sim: Boolean)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val device = new SimpleDevice("debugModule", Seq("XiangShan", "clint"))
val node = TLRegisterNode(address, device, beatBytes = 8)
val NumCores = top.Parameters.get.socParameters.NumCores
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) with HasXSLog with HasTLDump{
val io = IO(new Bundle() {
val debugInt = Output(Vec(NumCores, Bool()))
val dmi = new dmiBundle
// MMIO Regs for abstract commands and program buffer
// by writing 0s to these locations to indicate hart status
val mmio_halted = Reg(Vec(NumCores, UInt(8.W)))
val mmio_resumeack = Reg(Vec(NumCores, UInt(8.W)))
val mmio_running = Reg(Vec(NumCores, UInt(8.W)))
val mmio_havereset = Reg(Vec(NumCores, UInt(8.W)))
// Program buffer
// as described in manual
val program_buffer = Reg(Vec(16, UInt(32.W)))
// Abstarct command
// For controlling halt and resume
val abstract_command = Reg(Vec(16, UInt(32.W)))
// Abstract data
// as described in manual, and 16 more for other uses
val abstract_data = Reg(Vec(12, UInt(32.W)))
// DM registers
// They are visible to DTM
// Their fields are in dm_registers.scala
val dmstatus = RegInit(0.U(32.W))
val dmcontrol = RegInit(0.U(32.W))
val hartinfo = RegInit(0.U(32.W))
val haltsum = RegInit(0.U(32.W))
val dmabstractcs = RegInit(0.U(32.W))
val dmcommand = RegInit(0.U(32.W))
val abstractauto = RegInit(0.U(32.W))
val authdata = RegInit(0.U(32.W))
val haltsum1 = RegInit(0.U(32.W))
val dmcs2 = RegInit(0.U(32.W))
// system bus access
// TODO: init values
val sbaddress = RegInit(0.U(64.W))
val sbdata = RegInit(0.U(64.W))
// general info about harts
val havereset = Wire(Vec(NumCores, Bool())
val resumeack = Wire(Vec(NumCores, Bool())
val nonexistent = Wire(Vec(NumCores, Bool())
val unavail = Wire(Vec(NumCores, Bool())
val running = Wire(Vec(NumCores, Bool())
val halted = Wire(Vec(NumCores, Bool())
// general commands. Note that these are commands
val halt = Wire(Bool())
val resume = Wire(Bool())
val reset = Wire(Bool())
val ackhavereset = Wire(Bool())
val ackunavail = Wire(Bool())
val abstractBusy := Wire(Bool())
val cmderr := Wire(UInt(3.W)) //TODO: special
// dmstatus
// TODO: use mask, use loop to shorten code
val authenticated = WireInit(false.B)
val dmstatusIn = Wire(new DMSTATUSFields)
dmstatusIn.reserved0 := 0.U
dmstatusIn.reserved1 := 0.U
dmstatusIn.version := 15.U
dmstatusIn.hasresethaltreq:= true.B // TODO
dmstatusIn.confstrptrvalid := false.B // TODO
dmstatusIn.anyhavereset := havereset.reduce(_ | _).asBools
dmstatusIn.allhavereset := havereset.reduce(_ & _).asBools
dmstatusIn.anyresumeack := resumeack.reduce(_ | _).asBools
dmstatusIn.allresumeack := resumeack.reduce(_ & _).asBools
dmstatusIn.anynonexistent := nonexistent.reduce(_ | _).asBools
dmstatusIn.allnonexistent := nonexistent.reduce(_ & _).asBools
dmstatusIn.anyunavail := unavail.reduce(_ | _).asBools
dmstatusIn.allunavail := unavail.reduce(_ & _).asBools
dmstatusIn.anyrunning := running.reduce(_ | _).asBools
dmstatusIn.allrunning := running.reduce(_ & _).asBools
dmstatusIn.anyhalted := halted.reduce(_ | _).asBools
dmstatusIn.allhalted := halted.reduce(_ & _).asBools
dmstatusIn.authenticated := authenticated.asBools
dmstatus := dmstatusIn.asTypeOf(UInt(32.W))
// dmcontrol
val dmcontrolIn = Wire(UInt(32.W))
val dmcontrolMask = 0x5800003C.U(32.W)
dmcontrol := dmcontrolIn & dmcontrolMask
// hartinfo
val hartinfoIn = Wire(new HARTINFOFields)
hartinfoIn.reserved0 := 0.U
hartinfoIn.reserved1 := 0.U
hartinfoIn.nscratch := 0.U // TODO
hartinfoIn.dataaccess := true.B
hartinfoIn.datasize := 12.U
hartinfoIn.dataaddr := 1024.U // TODO: for different cores????
hartinfo := hartinfoIn.asTypeOf(UInt(32.W))
// hawindowsel and hawindow are currently unimplemented
// abstractcs
val abstractctsIn = Wire(new ABSTRACTCSFields)
abstractctsIn.reserved0 := 0.U
abstractctsIn.reserved1 := 0.U
abstractctsIn.reserved2 := 0.U
abstractctsIn.progbufsize := 16.U
abstractctsIn.datacount := 12.U
abstractctsIn.busy := abstractBusy
abstractctsIn.cmderr := when(abstractsctsClr === 7.U(3.W)) {
0.U(3.W) // TODO: what if clr and error comes at same time?
}.otherwise {
abstractcts := abstractctsIn.asTypeOf(UInt(32.W))
// command
command := commandIn // TODO
// abstractauto
// data regs and prog buffer
val errorBusy = (dataaccess & abstractBusy)
// dmcs2
val dmcs2In = Wire(new DMCS2Fields)
dmcs2In.reserved0 := 0.U
dmcs2In.exttrigger := 0.U
// TODO halt group stuff
// haltsum0
haltsum0 := halted.asUInt
// sbcs
sbbusyerror := sbbusy & sbaccess
sberror := Mux() // TODO
val sbcsIn = Wire(new sbcsFields)
sbcsIn.sbversion := 1.U
sbcsIn.reserved0 := 0.U
sbcsIn.sbbusyerror := when(sbbusyerrorClr) {
}.otherwise {
sbcsIn.sbbusy := sbbusy
sbcsIn.sbreadonaddr := sbreadonaddr
sbcsIn.sbaccess := sbaccess
sbcsIn.sberror := when(sberrorClr === 7.U(3.W)) {
0.U(3.W) // TODO: what if clr and error comes at same time?
}.otherwise {
sbcsIn.sbasize := 64.U // TODO understand wtf system bus access is
(sbcsIn.sbaccess128, sbcsIn.sbaccess64, sbcsIn.sbaccess32, sbcsIn.sbaccess16, sbcsIn.sbaccess8) :=
(false.B, true.B, true.B, true.B, true.B)
// sbaddress
// sbdata
val mtime = RegInit(0.U(64.W)) // unit: us
val mtimecmp = Seq.fill(NumCores)(RegInit(0.U(64.W)))
val msip = Seq.fill(NumCores)(RegInit(0.U(32.W)))
val clk = (if (!sim) 40 /* 40MHz / 1000000 */ else 100)
val freq = RegInit(clk.U(16.W))
val inc = RegInit(1.U(16.W))
val cnt = RegInit(0.U(16.W))
val nextCnt = cnt + 1.U
cnt := Mux(nextCnt < freq, nextCnt, 0.U)
val tick = (nextCnt === freq)
when (tick) { mtime := mtime + inc }
// Below are mapping
var clintMapping = Seq(
0x8000 -> RegField.bytes(freq),
0x8008 -> RegField.bytes(inc),
0xbff8 -> RegField.bytes(mtime))
for (i <- 0 until NumCores) {
clintMapping = clintMapping ++ Seq(
0x0000 + i*4 -> RegField.bytes(msip(i)),
0x4000 + i*8 -> RegField.bytes(mtimecmp(i))
node.regmap( mapping = clintMapping:_* )
val in = node.in.head._1
XSDebug("[A] channel valid ready=%d ", in.a.ready)
// val gtime = GTimer()
// printf(p"[$gtime][Timer] mtime=$mtime cnt=$cnt freq=$freq\n")
for (i <- 0 until NumCores) {
io.mtip(i) := RegNext(mtime >= mtimecmp(i))
io.msip(i) := RegNext(msip(i) =/= 0.U)
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