  • ver-   Release Notes FIX BUGS: [TD-2758]: database may always in syncing state because a node is offline [TD-2752]: check if the FILE pointer is valid or not. [TD-2756]: correct docstring in taos.cfg ENHANCEMENTS: [TD-2606]: enlarge TSDB_MAX_WAL_SIZE from 2M to 3M NEW FEATURES: DOCS: [TD-2632]: add batch size suggestion for batch creating tables. [TD-2720]: fix description for account name length limit [TD-2680]: "show dnodes" will include arbitrator node [TD-1866]: describe the relationship of taos_consume & taos_free_result
    6c3e1629 · change version ·
  • ver-   Release Notes FIX BUGS: [TD-2604]: fix coredump [TD-2583]:function min gets result value zero when column values contain NULL [TD-2429]: data may be lost during load balancing [TD-2557]:insert from file failed after changing stable [TD-2587]: fix bugs introduced by refactor. [TD-2559]: taos can't cancel stable query when fetching data [TD-2302]: fix nodejs exception when query a null value [TD-2563]: fix invalid write caused by top/bottom query at client side. [TD-2562]: fix bug in twa query. [TD-2457]: check the invalid order by clause for top/bottom query. [TD-2560]: client crash when execute 'show tables like' [TD-2550]: fix nodejs connector of td2.0-connector cannot use in or later [TD-2511]: DB new option cacheLastRow ENHANCEMENTS: [TD-2606]: double TSDB_MAX_WAL_SIZE from 1M to 2M [TD-2561]: new field clusterId for SConnectRsp [TD-2378]: optimize the client memory requirement. [TD-2512]: support in memory cached last row query. NEW FEATURES: [TD-2502]: force version checking with rpc request messages DOCS: [TECO-40]: add video link to documentation markdown, change FAQ to list TEST: [TD-2585]: migrate 4 sim cases to python to improve speed [TD-2551]: get insert delay values for taosdemo performance
    441b97a2 · change version number ·
  • ver-   FIX BUGS: [TD-2548]:wrong error message is showed when taos connect failed [TD-2477]:taosd crash when executing queries [TD-2538]: crash when sql has limit & offset [TD-2534]: fix crash on null pointer parser [TD-2528]: messy characters in alert msgs [TD-2487]: create stble with a wrong type tag but report length too long [TD-2464]: validate maxTablesPerVnode and reset to minTablesPerV… [TD-2484]: use IPv4's AI_INET instead of AI_UNSPEC [TD-2550]: fix nodejs bug in new version. [TD-2482]: fix bug in the skiplist iteration during query processing. [TD-2471]: fix the bug during the removal of elements in trashcan. [TD-2488]: fix super table bug. ENHANCEMENTS: [TD-2434]: reduce the memory requirement during super table interval query. NEW FEATURES: DOCS: [TECO-39]: continue refine connector page. TEST: [TD-2488]: add test case [TD-965]: add test case for TWA
  • ver-   Release Notes FIX BUGS: [TD-2442]: taos crash when press ctl+c to cancel query [TD-2481]: cannot create stream [TD-2438]: Coverity fix [TD-2340]: reserve field uint32_t crc for checksums [TD-2481]: cannot create stream [TD-2469]: disable client epSet.fqdn update with single node cluster [TD-956]: TWA query does not need the start/end time range. [TD-2460]: join query failed through REST API. [TD-2454]: fix client memory leaks. [TD-2433]: fix the bug that server_status() not working. [TD-2190]: failed to time range check for fill query. ENHANCEMENTS: [TD-2263]: debug log epSet.fqdn when connect success [TD-2176]: improve the first/last query performance against super table. [TD-1827]: force version check for client messages NEW FEATURES: [TD-2425]: multi-table creation in one request. DOCS: TEST: [TD-2424]: add test case for float compare
    950dd612 · remove failed case ·
  • ver-   Release Notes FIX BUGS: [TD-2420]: fix import file crash. [TD-2373]: data race in removeFromWheel [TD-2368]: show 4 new variables [TD-2366]: is (not) null for binary/nchar [TD-2274]: make ep inconsistent log message more clear [TD-2363]: Super Table hash is emptied abnormally, resulting in data query failure [TD-2370]: fix the deadlock when the system exits [TD-2347]: Modify some bugs in data migration and add mandatory check [TD-2342]: disallow cross db create child table [TD-2420]: fix import file crash. [TD-2424]: fix the float column precision caused filter failure. [TD-2129]: fix the bug that twa query result is incorrect while the value is less than 0. [TD-2414]: fix the bug that twa query processing causes server crash while query time range is empty. [TD-2165]: fix the bug that query can not be stopped if all query threads are busy. [TD-2364]: fix mybatis-plus pagenation exceptions [TD-2373]: data race in removeFromWheel [TD-2366]: is (not) null for binary/nchar [TD-2342]: disallow cross db create child table [TD-2344]: fix bugs for percentile against float columns. ENHANCEMENTS: [TD-2371]:Record important information to a separate log file called taoinfo [TD-2304]: make *Invalid timestamp* error more clear [TD-2379]: configure the number of CPU cores available for query processing. [TD-2375]: configure the number of CPU cores available for query processing. [TD-2361]: optimize the failure retry in insert processing. NEW FEATURES: [TD-2405]: new option -C (--dump-config) for taos and -C for taosd to dump configuration [TD-2310]: add dest table into show streams [TD-2191]: taosdemo tool for java developers [TD-1680]: print ellipsis when binary/nchar is too long DOCS: TEST: [TD-2129]: add test case for twa [TD-2114]: Improve performance test script [TD-2342]: add test case
    5137e881 · fix crash when import csv ·
  • ver-   Release Notes FIX BUGS: [TD-2301]: change [TD-2267]: remove redundant macro definition [TD-2199]: fix bugs in percentile in case of no data in table. [TD-2236]: fix bugs in groupby normal colunms + last query [TD-2281]: filter unsupported mixed up query functions. [TD-2313]: ensure length of nchar cols not exceed limit [TD-2169]: fix memory leaks in group by query processing. [TD-2265]: add the total number of rows in submit block during parse insert sql. [TD-2298]: fix taosd crash during table interval query. [TD-2255]: fix incorrect log variable and sim test cases [TD-2277]: fix invalid column type in stable query. [TD-2265]: fix TSDB_MAX_ALLOWED_SQL_LEN from 8MB to 1MB [TD-2129]: fix bug in twa calculation. [TD-2198]: cq can be created more than once [TD-2182]: coverity issues [TD-2216]: crash in qUtil.c [TD-2129]: fix bugs in twa query. [TD-2227]: remove false error message in the log file while no results returned from server in case of query against super table. [TD-2220]: fix the bug in column arithmetic expression. [TD-2220]: fix the bug in column arithmetic expression. [TD-2193]: fix the offset error in arithmetic expression. [TD-2180]: fix coverity issues. [TD-2169]: fix memory leak in handing the group by binary|nchar type data. [TD-2175]: fix the error in result field name and nchar column length ENHANCEMENTS: [TD-2293]: improve projection query performance for super table. [TD-2263]: debug log epSet.fqdn when connect success [TD-2255]: make db options days and keep error message more clear [TD-2163]: add the version check for query message. NEW FEATURES: [TD-2325]: enable configure if 50% cpu will be used in query processing. [TD-2309]: add config option to enable/disable stream (continuous query) [TD-1859]: restful implementation for taos-jdbc DOCS: TEST: [TD-2132]: add memory leak test case
  • ver-
  • ver-   Release Notes FIX BUGS: [TD-2156]: change packaging scripts for aarch32 [TD-2121]: fix coredump when commit failed [TD-2084]: invalid read when close TSDB [TD-2081]: fix alter blocks problem ENHANCEMENTS: [TD-2070]: optimize the load data performance. [TD-2070]: improve project query performance. NEW FEATURES: [TD-1859]: a JDBC implementation use TDengine Restful Interface [TD-2066]: pass error code when commit failed [TD-1869]: mybatis plus demo for Java Developers [TD-2004]: use queue to implement commit [TD-2052]: common java connection pools examples [TD-2052]: common connection pool demos DOCS: TEST: [TD-1590]: a test case for JDBC failover [TD-1592]: add test case for kill qeury> !!!NOTICE!!! please update your python connector if you update the tdengine to v2.0.8.0
    30e18f31 · change version number ·
  • ver
  • ver-   Release Notes FIX BUGS: [TD-1825]: avoid error for nodejsChecker ENHANCEMENTS: [TD-1870]: optimize the memory consumption during interval query. [TD-225]: optimize the memory consumption for interval query. NEW FEATURES: [TD-1954]: a inport/export tool for logical backup [TD-1877]: custom temporary directory DOCS: TEST: [TD-1702]: add test cases for TSDBDriver
  • ver-   RELEASE NOTES FIX BUGS: [td-225] fix bugs found by tsim [td-255] compact result for all show command. [TD-1676] fix jenkins valgrind test case [td-1728] fix memory leaks [td-1747] reduce tableMeta size [TD-1750] add python2 connectionerror [td-1764] fix memory leak. NEW FEATURES: [TD-1476] a demo for calcite [TD-1507] add a nodejs checker for nodejs examples TEST: [TD-1497] python connector check [TD-1584] add some testcases for testing before 1970s [TD-1636] remove last 2 bytes of file 'wal0' [TD-1677] add query test case [TD-1743] add test case for remove db and STable [TD-1744] PythonChecker [TD-1745] check C# connector [td-1752] add test cases. [TD-1758] add test case
    14179afe · modify version of snap ·
  • ver-   ver-
  • ver-   RELEASE NOTES FIX BUGS: [TD-1533]: fix the parse jdbc url error [TD-1523]: fix memory leaks and refactor some functions. [TD-225]: fix compiler error on windows [TD-1532]: fix taosdemo case bug NEW FEATURES: [TD-1572]: A JdbcTaosdemo is supported now. [TD-1603]: add new error code at client side [TD-1651]: add lgtm code analyzer support. [TD-1313]: implement getColumns method in the TSDBDatabaseMet… TEST: [TD-1386]: add test case for retention [TD-1587]: add python restful example [TD-1469]: add test case for alter table and insert
    4b3254a3 · [td-225] remove false assert ·
  • ver-   ELEASE NOTES FIX BUGS: [TD-1407]: fix an issue coverity reports getenv() return a strin… [TD-1423]: fix bugs in group by nchar/binary columns. [TD-1391]: fix bugs in release obj in submit processing. [TD-1459]: fix compile error for release build type. [TD-225]: fix compiler error in win platform [TD-1245]: fix compile error [TD-1478]: update sim script. TEST: [TD-1389]: Update null value test [TD-1410]: add a tool for test JDBC Connector [TD-1329]: add test case for incorrect count query [TD-1478]: add test case query groupby with interval [TD-804]: add test case for metadata update
  • ver-   fix: [TD-1359] add recv timeout for accepted tcp socket
  • ver-   FIX BUGS: [TD-1389]: update query null value test [TD-]: fix timestamp precision description [TD-1248]: fix crash in tcache.c [TD-1341]: Fix link and runtime errors in vs2019 compilation environment [TD-1224]: Repair the possibility of table uid duplication [TD-1303]: The timestamp display incorrectly when the show connecions statement is executed [TD-1310]: Fix some defects of mqtt module [TD-1323]: Allow no port number for the ”first“ configuration item [TD-1354]: Monitor is no longer executed in the timer thread [TD-1299]: crash when not using default tag order [TD-1252]: Alert reports result type is not bool [TD-1309]: comparation of incompatible types should raise an error [TD-1039]: query 'select database()' return result like mysql [TD-1407]: fix an issue coverity reports NEW FEATURES: [TD-1230]: last_row function supports time range filtering,and this time filter works as expected. [TD-934]: Distinguish between invalid error and sql syntax error ENHANCEMENTS: [TD-1370]: support function count(1) TEST: [TD-1290] add test case for group by [TD-1320] add test case - insert data with tag specified [TD-1360]: add test case - read binary data using Java [TD-1389]: update query null value test
  • ver-   DOC: [TD- ] Updates for Java Connector markdown files [TD- ] Changed the description of quotation marks in password change [TD- ] Fix timestamp precision description. [TD- ] Improve building steps with specific linux distributions [TD- ] Improve the readme document with building steps [TD- ] Modify wallevel description in section 2 of Master/Slave vnode writing process [TD- ] Update TAOS SQL-ch.md [TD- ] Update faq-ch.md [TD- ] Fix some typo and expired content in documents. [TD- ] Add entrance for Lua connector introduction. FIX BUGS: [TD-804] refresh meta data if SQL cannot be parsed [TD-225] fix last query bug and add some function definitions. Add test cases, Fix compiler error. [TD-934] fix invalid SQL [TD-1248 TD-1044 TD-1247] fix crash in tcache.c [TD-1227] add test case [TD-1302] Interval query ignores the loading of data block, resulting in crash [TD-1278] fix bug: If the tag is too long, no error will be reported [TD-1250] Support the join of nchar [TD-1099] natual interval in stream and bug fix, natual month/year processing [TD-621] Looking for the hidden trouble of memory allocation failure in query process [TD-1173] Invalid account permission setting [TD-1247] crash while release hash obj [TD-1230] last_ Row supports time range filtering [TD-1257] Starting a non master node first may cause the cluster to be out of sync [TD-1090] compile error in windows [TD- ] Fixed a problem with crash_gen tool, so that it releases DB connections properly [TD- ] Update query api for Lua connector. [TD- ] All connectors should be updated since taos_query has been modified for thread safety. Only query api is updated, callback in stream is not yet. [TD- ] Fixed a major problem in crash_gen tool, now it properly releases DB connections [TD- ] daemon works with strict mode now. [TD- ] add docker repo link [TD- ] fix var/log/taos permission issue. [TD- ] add historyfile plug to access .taos_history file. [TD- ] Update query api for Lua connector. [TD- ] add more check on data compress and decompress [TD- ] updates for Java Connector NEW FEATURES: [TD-1256] Add description in faq for integrating network connectivity test into Taos program ENHANCEMENTS: [TD-1206] Optimizing the query performance of percentile with a new temporary file storage structure [TD-1204] Improve the performance of restful interface [TD- ] add natural interval support, now if query with: select count(*) from meters interval(1n); the actual interval is natural month instead of 30 days. here n is for natural month, and y is for natural year. [TD- ] last_row function supports time range filtering,and this time filter works as expected.
    1dad7945 · 'minor' ·
  • ver-   FIX BUGS: 1.Fix some bugs in fill query for super table. 2.Fix the crash while executing "show variables" command. 3.Fix JDBC memory leak whiling invoking the C native library. 4.The default output column name for arithmetic expression is set to the original user input. 5.Add some checks for memory allocation failure. NEW FEATURES: 1.The constant value column in select clause is supported. 2.The binary tags can be used as the join query condition for super tables. ENHANCEMENTS: 1.Optimized the last_row query performance. 2.Reducing the memory consumptions during the time interval query.
  • ver-   try to release a version
  • ver-   version