提交 d4e937fc 编写于 作者: R Richard Wilkes

Fix bad include of a C++ header into the C API from upstream

上级 222d999a
......@@ -100,6 +100,10 @@ issues:
- gocritic
text: "paramTypeCombine: "
- path: _gen\.go
- gocritic
text: "deprecatedComment: "
- path: _gen\.go
- staticcheck
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import (
// size_t gocef_browser_get_frame_count(cef_browser_t * self, size_t (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_browser_t *)) { return callback__(self); }
// void gocef_browser_get_frame_identifiers(cef_browser_t * self, size_t * identifiersCount, int64 * identifiers, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_browser_t *, size_t *, int64 *)) { return callback__(self, identifiersCount, identifiers); }
// void gocef_browser_get_frame_names(cef_browser_t * self, cef_string_list_t names, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_browser_t *, cef_string_list_t)) { return callback__(self, names); }
// int gocef_browser_send_process_message(cef_browser_t * self, cef_process_id_t target_process, cef_process_message_t * message, int (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_browser_t *, cef_process_id_t, cef_process_message_t *)) { return callback__(self, target_process, message); }
......@@ -172,10 +171,3 @@ func (d *Browser) GetFrameIdentifiers(identifiersCount *uint64, identifiers *int
func (d *Browser) GetFrameNames(names StringList) {
C.gocef_browser_get_frame_names(d.toNative(), C.cef_string_list_t(names), d.get_frame_names)
// SendProcessMessage (send_process_message)
// Send a message to the specified |target_process|. Returns true (1) if the
// message was sent successfully.
func (d *Browser) SendProcessMessage(target_process ProcessID, message *ProcessMessage) int32 {
return int32(C.gocef_browser_send_process_message(d.toNative(), C.cef_process_id_t(target_process), message.toNative(), d.send_process_message))
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ type ClientProxy interface {
GetLoadHandler(self *Client) *LoadHandler
GetRenderHandler(self *Client) *RenderHandler
GetRequestHandler(self *Client) *RequestHandler
OnProcessMessageReceived(self *Client, browser *Browser, source_process ProcessID, message *ProcessMessage) int32
OnProcessMessageReceived(self *Client, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, source_process ProcessID, message *ProcessMessage) int32
// Client (cef_client_t from include/capi/cef_client_capi.h)
......@@ -273,14 +273,14 @@ func gocef_client_get_request_handler(self *C.cef_client_t) *C.cef_request_handl
// Called when a new message is received from a different process. Return true
// (1) if the message was handled or false (0) otherwise. Do not keep a
// reference to or attempt to access the message outside of this callback.
func (d *Client) OnProcessMessageReceived(browser *Browser, source_process ProcessID, message *ProcessMessage) int32 {
return lookupClientProxy(d.Base()).OnProcessMessageReceived(d, browser, source_process, message)
func (d *Client) OnProcessMessageReceived(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, source_process ProcessID, message *ProcessMessage) int32 {
return lookupClientProxy(d.Base()).OnProcessMessageReceived(d, browser, frame, source_process, message)
//export gocef_client_on_process_message_received
func gocef_client_on_process_message_received(self *C.cef_client_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, source_process C.cef_process_id_t, message *C.cef_process_message_t) C.int {
func gocef_client_on_process_message_received(self *C.cef_client_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, source_process C.cef_process_id_t, message *C.cef_process_message_t) C.int {
me__ := (*Client)(self)
proxy__ := lookupClientProxy(me__.Base())
return C.int(proxy__.OnProcessMessageReceived(me__, (*Browser)(browser), ProcessID(source_process), (*ProcessMessage)(message)))
return C.int(proxy__.OnProcessMessageReceived(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), ProcessID(source_process), (*ProcessMessage)(message)))
......@@ -4,12 +4,11 @@ package cef
import (
// #include "capi_gen.h"
// void gocef_cookie_manager_set_supported_schemes(cef_cookie_manager_t * self, cef_string_list_t schemes, cef_completion_callback_t * callback, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_cookie_manager_t *, cef_string_list_t, cef_completion_callback_t *)) { return callback__(self, schemes, callback); }
// void gocef_cookie_manager_set_supported_schemes(cef_cookie_manager_t * self, cef_string_list_t schemes, int include_defaults, cef_completion_callback_t * callback, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_cookie_manager_t *, cef_string_list_t, int, cef_completion_callback_t *)) { return callback__(self, schemes, include_defaults, callback); }
// int gocef_cookie_manager_visit_all_cookies(cef_cookie_manager_t * self, cef_cookie_visitor_t * visitor, int (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_cookie_manager_t *, cef_cookie_visitor_t *)) { return callback__(self, visitor); }
// int gocef_cookie_manager_visit_url_cookies(cef_cookie_manager_t * self, cef_string_t * url, int includeHttpOnly, cef_cookie_visitor_t * visitor, int (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_cookie_manager_t *, cef_string_t *, int, cef_cookie_visitor_t *)) { return callback__(self, url, includeHttpOnly, visitor); }
// int gocef_cookie_manager_set_cookie(cef_cookie_manager_t * self, cef_string_t * url, cef_cookie_t * cookie, cef_set_cookie_callback_t * callback, int (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_cookie_manager_t *, cef_string_t *, cef_cookie_t *, cef_set_cookie_callback_t *)) { return callback__(self, url, cookie, callback); }
// int gocef_cookie_manager_delete_cookies(cef_cookie_manager_t * self, cef_string_t * url, cef_string_t * cookie_name, cef_delete_cookies_callback_t * callback, int (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_cookie_manager_t *, cef_string_t *, cef_string_t *, cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *)) { return callback__(self, url, cookie_name, callback); }
// int gocef_cookie_manager_set_storage_path(cef_cookie_manager_t * self, cef_string_t * path, int persist_session_cookies, cef_completion_callback_t * callback, int (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_cookie_manager_t *, cef_string_t *, int, cef_completion_callback_t *)) { return callback__(self, path, persist_session_cookies, callback); }
// int gocef_cookie_manager_flush_store(cef_cookie_manager_t * self, cef_completion_callback_t * callback, int (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_cookie_manager_t *, cef_completion_callback_t *)) { return callback__(self, callback); }
......@@ -30,16 +29,19 @@ func (d *CookieManager) Base() *BaseRefCounted {
// SetSupportedSchemes (set_supported_schemes)
// Set the schemes supported by this manager. The default schemes ("http",
// "https", "ws" and "wss") will always be supported. If |callback| is non-
// NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the IO thread after the change
// has been applied. Must be called before any cookies are accessed.
func (d *CookieManager) SetSupportedSchemes(schemes StringList, callback *CompletionCallback) {
C.gocef_cookie_manager_set_supported_schemes(d.toNative(), C.cef_string_list_t(schemes), callback.toNative(), d.set_supported_schemes)
// Set the schemes supported by this manager. If |include_defaults| is true
// (1) the default schemes ("http", "https", "ws" and "wss") will also be
// supported. Calling this function with an NULL |schemes| value and
// |include_defaults| set to false (0) will disable all loading and saving of
// cookies for this manager. If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed
// asnychronously on the UI thread after the change has been applied. Must be
// called before any cookies are accessed.
func (d *CookieManager) SetSupportedSchemes(schemes StringList, include_defaults int32, callback *CompletionCallback) {
C.gocef_cookie_manager_set_supported_schemes(d.toNative(), C.cef_string_list_t(schemes), C.int(include_defaults), callback.toNative(), d.set_supported_schemes)
// VisitAllCookies (visit_all_cookies)
// Visit all cookies on the IO thread. The returned cookies are ordered by
// Visit all cookies on the UI thread. The returned cookies are ordered by
// longest path, then by earliest creation date. Returns false (0) if cookies
// cannot be accessed.
func (d *CookieManager) VisitAllCookies(visitor *CookieVisitor) int32 {
......@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ func (d *CookieManager) VisitAllCookies(visitor *CookieVisitor) int32 {
// VisitUrlCookies (visit_url_cookies)
// Visit a subset of cookies on the IO thread. The results are filtered by the
// Visit a subset of cookies on the UI thread. The results are filtered by the
// given url scheme, host, domain and path. If |includeHttpOnly| is true (1)
// HTTP-only cookies will also be included in the results. The returned
// cookies are ordered by longest path, then by earliest creation date.
......@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ func (d *CookieManager) VisitUrlCookies(url string, includeHttpOnly int32, visit
// check for disallowed characters (e.g. the ';' character is disallowed
// within the cookie value attribute) and fail without setting the cookie if
// such characters are found. If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed
// asnychronously on the IO thread after the cookie has been set. Returns
// asnychronously on the UI thread after the cookie has been set. Returns
// false (0) if an invalid URL is specified or if cookies cannot be accessed.
func (d *CookieManager) SetCookie(url string, cookie *Cookie, callback *SetCookieCallback) int32 {
url_ := C.cef_string_userfree_alloc()
......@@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ func (d *CookieManager) SetCookie(url string, cookie *Cookie, callback *SetCooki
// both will be deleted. If only |url| is specified all host cookies (but not
// domain cookies) irrespective of path will be deleted. If |url| is NULL all
// cookies for all hosts and domains will be deleted. If |callback| is non-
// NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the IO thread after the cookies
// NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the UI thread after the cookies
// have been deleted. Returns false (0) if a non-NULL invalid URL is specified
// or if cookies cannot be accessed. Cookies can alternately be deleted using
// the Visit*Cookies() functions.
......@@ -102,27 +104,9 @@ func (d *CookieManager) DeleteCookies(url, cookie_name string, callback *DeleteC
return int32(C.gocef_cookie_manager_delete_cookies(d.toNative(), (*C.cef_string_t)(url_), (*C.cef_string_t)(cookie_name_), callback.toNative(), d.delete_cookies))
// SetStoragePath (set_storage_path)
// Sets the directory path that will be used for storing cookie data. If
// |path| is NULL data will be stored in memory only. Otherwise, data will be
// stored at the specified |path|. To persist session cookies (cookies without
// an expiry date or validity interval) set |persist_session_cookies| to true
// (1). Session cookies are generally intended to be transient and most Web
// browsers do not persist them. If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed
// asnychronously on the IO thread after the manager's storage has been
// initialized. Returns false (0) if cookies cannot be accessed.
func (d *CookieManager) SetStoragePath(path string, persist_session_cookies int32, callback *CompletionCallback) int32 {
path_ := C.cef_string_userfree_alloc()
setCEFStr(path, path_)
defer func() {
return int32(C.gocef_cookie_manager_set_storage_path(d.toNative(), (*C.cef_string_t)(path_), C.int(persist_session_cookies), callback.toNative(), d.set_storage_path))
// FlushStore (flush_store)
// Flush the backing store (if any) to disk. If |callback| is non-NULL it will
// be executed asnychronously on the IO thread after the flush is complete.
// be executed asnychronously on the UI thread after the flush is complete.
// Returns false (0) if cookies cannot be accessed.
func (d *CookieManager) FlushStore(callback *CompletionCallback) int32 {
return int32(C.gocef_cookie_manager_flush_store(d.toNative(), callback.toNative(), d.flush_store))
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ type CookieVisitorProxy interface {
// CookieVisitor (cef_cookie_visitor_t from include/capi/cef_cookie_capi.h)
// Structure to implement for visiting cookie values. The functions of this
// structure will always be called on the IO thread.
// structure will always be called on the UI thread.
type CookieVisitor C.cef_cookie_visitor_t
// NewCookieVisitor creates a new CookieVisitor with the specified proxy. Passing
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import (
// DragHandlerProxy defines methods required for using DragHandler.
type DragHandlerProxy interface {
OnDragEnter(self *DragHandler, browser *Browser, dragData *DragData, mask DragOperationsMask) int32
OnDraggableRegionsChanged(self *DragHandler, browser *Browser, regionsCount uint64, regions *DraggableRegion)
OnDraggableRegionsChanged(self *DragHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, regionsCount uint64, regions *DraggableRegion)
// DragHandler (cef_drag_handler_t from include/capi/cef_drag_handler_capi.h)
......@@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ func gocef_drag_handler_on_drag_enter(self *C.cef_drag_handler_t, browser *C.cef
// draggable regions are never defined in a document this function will also
// never be called. If the last draggable region is removed from a document
// this function will be called with an NULL vector.
func (d *DragHandler) OnDraggableRegionsChanged(browser *Browser, regionsCount uint64, regions *DraggableRegion) {
lookupDragHandlerProxy(d.Base()).OnDraggableRegionsChanged(d, browser, regionsCount, regions)
func (d *DragHandler) OnDraggableRegionsChanged(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, regionsCount uint64, regions *DraggableRegion) {
lookupDragHandlerProxy(d.Base()).OnDraggableRegionsChanged(d, browser, frame, regionsCount, regions)
//export gocef_drag_handler_on_draggable_regions_changed
func gocef_drag_handler_on_draggable_regions_changed(self *C.cef_drag_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, regionsCount C.size_t, regions *C.cef_draggable_region_t) {
func gocef_drag_handler_on_draggable_regions_changed(self *C.cef_drag_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, regionsCount C.size_t, regions *C.cef_draggable_region_t) {
me__ := (*DragHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupDragHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
regions_ := regions.toGo()
proxy__.OnDraggableRegionsChanged(me__, (*Browser)(browser), uint64(regionsCount), regions_)
proxy__.OnDraggableRegionsChanged(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), uint64(regionsCount), regions_)
......@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ import (
// cef_browser_t * gocef_frame_get_browser(cef_frame_t * self, cef_browser_t * (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_frame_t *)) { return callback__(self); }
// cef_v8context_t * gocef_frame_get_v8context(cef_frame_t * self, cef_v8context_t * (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_frame_t *)) { return callback__(self); }
// void gocef_frame_visit_dom(cef_frame_t * self, cef_domvisitor_t * visitor, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_frame_t *, cef_domvisitor_t *)) { return callback__(self, visitor); }
// cef_urlrequest_t * gocef_frame_create_urlrequest(cef_frame_t * self, cef_request_t * request, cef_urlrequest_client_t * client, cef_urlrequest_t * (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_frame_t *, cef_request_t *, cef_urlrequest_client_t *)) { return callback__(self, request, client); }
// void gocef_frame_send_process_message(cef_frame_t * self, cef_process_id_t target_process, cef_process_message_t * message, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_frame_t *, cef_process_id_t, cef_process_message_t *)) { return callback__(self, target_process, message); }
......@@ -236,3 +238,37 @@ func (d *Frame) GetV8context() *V8context {
func (d *Frame) VisitDom(visitor *Domvisitor) {
C.gocef_frame_visit_dom(d.toNative(), visitor.toNative(), d.visit_dom)
// CreateUrlrequest (create_urlrequest)
// Create a new URL request that will be treated as originating from this
// frame and the associated browser. This request may be intercepted by the
// client via cef_resource_request_handler_t or cef_scheme_handler_factory_t.
// Use cef_urlrequest_t::Create instead if you do not want the request to have
// this association, in which case it may be handled differently (see
// documentation on that function). Requests may originate from both the
// browser process and the render process.
// For requests originating from the browser process:
// - POST data may only contain a single element of type PDE_TYPE_FILE or
// For requests originating from the render process:
// - POST data may only contain a single element of type PDE_TYPE_BYTES.
// - If the response contains Content-Disposition or Mime-Type header values
// that would not normally be rendered then the response may receive
// special handling inside the browser (for example, via the file download
// code path instead of the URL request code path).
// The |request| object will be marked as read-only after calling this
// function.
func (d *Frame) CreateUrlrequest(request *Request, client *UrlrequestClient) *Urlrequest {
return (*Urlrequest)(C.gocef_frame_create_urlrequest(d.toNative(), request.toNative(), client.toNative(), d.create_urlrequest))
// SendProcessMessage (send_process_message)
// Send a message to the specified |target_process|. Message delivery is not
// guaranteed in all cases (for example, if the browser is closing,
// navigating, or if the target process crashes). Send an ACK message back
// from the target process if confirmation is required.
func (d *Frame) SendProcessMessage(target_process ProcessID, message *ProcessMessage) {
C.gocef_frame_send_process_message(d.toNative(), C.cef_process_id_t(target_process), message.toNative(), d.send_process_message)
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import (
// LifeSpanHandlerProxy defines methods required for using LifeSpanHandler.
type LifeSpanHandlerProxy interface {
OnBeforePopup(self *LifeSpanHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, target_url, target_frame_name string, target_disposition WindowOpenDisposition, user_gesture int32, popupFeatures *PopupFeatures, windowInfo *WindowInfo, client **Client, settings *BrowserSettings, no_javascript_access *int32) int32
OnBeforePopup(self *LifeSpanHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, target_url, target_frame_name string, target_disposition WindowOpenDisposition, user_gesture int32, popupFeatures *PopupFeatures, windowInfo *WindowInfo, client **Client, settings *BrowserSettings, extra_info **DictionaryValue, no_javascript_access *int32) int32
OnAfterCreated(self *LifeSpanHandler, browser *Browser)
DoClose(self *LifeSpanHandler, browser *Browser) int32
OnBeforeClose(self *LifeSpanHandler, browser *Browser)
......@@ -80,14 +80,17 @@ func (d *LifeSpanHandler) Base() *BaseRefCounted {
// modifications to |windowInfo| will be ignored if the parent browser is
// wrapped in a cef_browser_view_t. Popup browser creation will be canceled if
// the parent browser is destroyed before the popup browser creation completes
// (indicated by a call to OnAfterCreated for the popup browser).
func (d *LifeSpanHandler) OnBeforePopup(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, target_url, target_frame_name string, target_disposition WindowOpenDisposition, user_gesture int32, popupFeatures *PopupFeatures, windowInfo *WindowInfo, client **Client, settings *BrowserSettings, no_javascript_access *int32) int32 {
return lookupLifeSpanHandlerProxy(d.Base()).OnBeforePopup(d, browser, frame, target_url, target_frame_name, target_disposition, user_gesture, popupFeatures, windowInfo, client, settings, no_javascript_access)
// (indicated by a call to OnAfterCreated for the popup browser). The
// |extra_info| parameter provides an opportunity to specify extra information
// specific to the created popup browser that will be passed to
// cef_render_process_handler_t::on_browser_created() in the render process.
func (d *LifeSpanHandler) OnBeforePopup(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, target_url, target_frame_name string, target_disposition WindowOpenDisposition, user_gesture int32, popupFeatures *PopupFeatures, windowInfo *WindowInfo, client **Client, settings *BrowserSettings, extra_info **DictionaryValue, no_javascript_access *int32) int32 {
return lookupLifeSpanHandlerProxy(d.Base()).OnBeforePopup(d, browser, frame, target_url, target_frame_name, target_disposition, user_gesture, popupFeatures, windowInfo, client, settings, extra_info, no_javascript_access)
//export gocef_life_span_handler_on_before_popup
func gocef_life_span_handler_on_before_popup(self *C.cef_life_span_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, target_url *C.cef_string_t, target_frame_name *C.cef_string_t, target_disposition C.cef_window_open_disposition_t, user_gesture C.int, popupFeatures *C.cef_popup_features_t, windowInfo *C.cef_window_info_t, client **C.cef_client_t, settings *C.cef_browser_settings_t, no_javascript_access *C.int) C.int {
func gocef_life_span_handler_on_before_popup(self *C.cef_life_span_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, target_url *C.cef_string_t, target_frame_name *C.cef_string_t, target_disposition C.cef_window_open_disposition_t, user_gesture C.int, popupFeatures *C.cef_popup_features_t, windowInfo *C.cef_window_info_t, client **C.cef_client_t, settings *C.cef_browser_settings_t, extra_info **C.cef_dictionary_value_t, no_javascript_access *C.int) C.int {
me__ := (*LifeSpanHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupLifeSpanHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
target_url_ := cefstrToString(target_url)
......@@ -97,7 +100,9 @@ func gocef_life_span_handler_on_before_popup(self *C.cef_life_span_handler_t, br
client_ := (*Client)(*client)
client__p := &client_
settings_ := settings.toGo()
return C.int(proxy__.OnBeforePopup(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), target_url_, target_frame_name_, WindowOpenDisposition(target_disposition), int32(user_gesture), popupFeatures_, windowInfo_, client__p, settings_, (*int32)(no_javascript_access)))
extra_info_ := (*DictionaryValue)(*extra_info)
extra_info__p := &extra_info_
return C.int(proxy__.OnBeforePopup(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), target_url_, target_frame_name_, WindowOpenDisposition(target_disposition), int32(user_gesture), popupFeatures_, windowInfo_, client__p, settings_, extra_info__p, (*int32)(no_javascript_access)))
// OnAfterCreated (on_after_created)
......@@ -218,9 +223,13 @@ func gocef_life_span_handler_do_close(self *C.cef_life_span_handler_t, browser *
// OnBeforeClose (on_before_close)
// Called just before a browser is destroyed. Release all references to the
// browser object and do not attempt to execute any functions on the browser
// object after this callback returns. This callback will be the last
// notification that references |browser|. See do_close() documentation for
// additional usage information.
// object (other than GetIdentifier or IsSame) after this callback returns.
// This callback will be the last notification that references |browser| on
// the UI thread. Any in-progress network requests associated with |browser|
// will be aborted when the browser is destroyed, and
// cef_resource_request_handler_t callbacks related to those requests may
// still arrive on the IO thread after this function is called. See do_close()
// documentation for additional usage information.
func (d *LifeSpanHandler) OnBeforeClose(browser *Browser) {
lookupLifeSpanHandlerProxy(d.Base()).OnBeforeClose(d, browser)
......@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ import (
type RenderProcessHandlerProxy interface {
OnRenderThreadCreated(self *RenderProcessHandler, extra_info *ListValue)
OnWebKitInitialized(self *RenderProcessHandler)
OnBrowserCreated(self *RenderProcessHandler, browser *Browser)
OnBrowserCreated(self *RenderProcessHandler, browser *Browser, extra_info *DictionaryValue)
OnBrowserDestroyed(self *RenderProcessHandler, browser *Browser)
GetLoadHandler(self *RenderProcessHandler) *LoadHandler
OnContextCreated(self *RenderProcessHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, context *V8context)
OnContextReleased(self *RenderProcessHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, context *V8context)
OnUncaughtException(self *RenderProcessHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, context *V8context, exception *V8exception, stackTrace *V8stackTrace)
OnFocusedNodeChanged(self *RenderProcessHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, node *Domnode)
OnProcessMessageReceived(self *RenderProcessHandler, browser *Browser, source_process ProcessID, message *ProcessMessage) int32
OnProcessMessageReceived(self *RenderProcessHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, source_process ProcessID, message *ProcessMessage) int32
// RenderProcessHandler (cef_render_process_handler_t from include/capi/cef_render_process_handler_capi.h)
......@@ -100,17 +100,21 @@ func gocef_render_process_handler_on_web_kit_initialized(self *C.cef_render_proc
// OnBrowserCreated (on_browser_created)
// Called after a browser has been created. When browsing cross-origin a new
// browser will be created before the old browser with the same identifier is
// destroyed.
func (d *RenderProcessHandler) OnBrowserCreated(browser *Browser) {
lookupRenderProcessHandlerProxy(d.Base()).OnBrowserCreated(d, browser)
// destroyed. |extra_info| is a read-only value originating from
// cef_browser_host_t::cef_browser_host_create_browser(),
// cef_browser_host_t::cef_browser_host_create_browser_sync(),
// cef_life_span_handler_t::on_before_popup() or
// cef_browser_view_t::cef_browser_view_create().
func (d *RenderProcessHandler) OnBrowserCreated(browser *Browser, extra_info *DictionaryValue) {
lookupRenderProcessHandlerProxy(d.Base()).OnBrowserCreated(d, browser, extra_info)
//export gocef_render_process_handler_on_browser_created
func gocef_render_process_handler_on_browser_created(self *C.cef_render_process_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t) {
func gocef_render_process_handler_on_browser_created(self *C.cef_render_process_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, extra_info *C.cef_dictionary_value_t) {
me__ := (*RenderProcessHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupRenderProcessHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
proxy__.OnBrowserCreated(me__, (*Browser)(browser))
proxy__.OnBrowserCreated(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*DictionaryValue)(extra_info))
// OnBrowserDestroyed (on_browser_destroyed)
......@@ -214,14 +218,14 @@ func gocef_render_process_handler_on_focused_node_changed(self *C.cef_render_pro
// Called when a new message is received from a different process. Return true
// (1) if the message was handled or false (0) otherwise. Do not keep a
// reference to or attempt to access the message outside of this callback.
func (d *RenderProcessHandler) OnProcessMessageReceived(browser *Browser, source_process ProcessID, message *ProcessMessage) int32 {
return lookupRenderProcessHandlerProxy(d.Base()).OnProcessMessageReceived(d, browser, source_process, message)
func (d *RenderProcessHandler) OnProcessMessageReceived(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, source_process ProcessID, message *ProcessMessage) int32 {
return lookupRenderProcessHandlerProxy(d.Base()).OnProcessMessageReceived(d, browser, frame, source_process, message)
//export gocef_render_process_handler_on_process_message_received
func gocef_render_process_handler_on_process_message_received(self *C.cef_render_process_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, source_process C.cef_process_id_t, message *C.cef_process_message_t) C.int {
func gocef_render_process_handler_on_process_message_received(self *C.cef_render_process_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, source_process C.cef_process_id_t, message *C.cef_process_message_t) C.int {
me__ := (*RenderProcessHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupRenderProcessHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
return C.int(proxy__.OnProcessMessageReceived(me__, (*Browser)(browser), ProcessID(source_process), (*ProcessMessage)(message)))
return C.int(proxy__.OnProcessMessageReceived(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), ProcessID(source_process), (*ProcessMessage)(message)))
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ type RequestCallbackProxy interface {
Cancel(self *RequestCallback)
// RequestCallback (cef_request_callback_t from include/capi/cef_request_handler_capi.h)
// RequestCallback (cef_request_callback_t from include/capi/cef_request_callback_capi.h)
// Callback structure used for asynchronous continuation of url requests.
type RequestCallback C.cef_request_callback_t
......@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ void gocef_set_request_context_handler_proxy(cef_request_context_handler_t *self
// Casts to (void *) added to avoid warnings since Go callbacks can't have
// some modifiers, such as 'const' applied to their parameter signatures.
self->on_request_context_initialized = (void *)&gocef_request_context_handler_on_request_context_initialized;
self->get_cookie_manager = (void *)&gocef_request_context_handler_get_cookie_manager;
self->on_before_plugin_load = (void *)&gocef_request_context_handler_on_before_plugin_load;
self->get_resource_request_handler = (void *)&gocef_request_context_handler_get_resource_request_handler;
......@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ import (
// RequestContextHandlerProxy defines methods required for using RequestContextHandler.
type RequestContextHandlerProxy interface {
OnRequestContextInitialized(self *RequestContextHandler, request_context *RequestContext)
GetCookieManager(self *RequestContextHandler) *CookieManager
OnBeforePluginLoad(self *RequestContextHandler, mime_type, plugin_url string, is_main_frame int32, top_origin_url string, plugin_info *WebPluginInfo, plugin_policy *PluginPolicy) int32
GetResourceRequestHandler(self *RequestContextHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, is_navigation, is_download int32, request_initiator string, disable_default_handling *int32) *ResourceRequestHandler
// RequestContextHandler (cef_request_context_handler_t from include/capi/cef_request_context_handler_capi.h)
......@@ -74,22 +74,6 @@ func gocef_request_context_handler_on_request_context_initialized(self *C.cef_re
proxy__.OnRequestContextInitialized(me__, (*RequestContext)(request_context))
// GetCookieManager (get_cookie_manager)
// Called on the browser process IO thread to retrieve the cookie manager. If
// this function returns NULL the default cookie manager retrievable via
// cef_request_tContext::get_default_cookie_manager() will be used.
func (d *RequestContextHandler) GetCookieManager() *CookieManager {
return lookupRequestContextHandlerProxy(d.Base()).GetCookieManager(d)
//export gocef_request_context_handler_get_cookie_manager
func gocef_request_context_handler_get_cookie_manager(self *C.cef_request_context_handler_t) *C.cef_cookie_manager_t {
me__ := (*RequestContextHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupRequestContextHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
return (proxy__.GetCookieManager(me__)).toNative()
// OnBeforePluginLoad (on_before_plugin_load)
// Called on multiple browser process threads before a plugin instance is
// loaded. |mime_type| is the mime type of the plugin that will be loaded.
......@@ -123,3 +107,33 @@ func gocef_request_context_handler_on_before_plugin_load(self *C.cef_request_con
plugin_policy_ := PluginPolicy(*plugin_policy)
return C.int(proxy__.OnBeforePluginLoad(me__, mime_type_, plugin_url_, int32(is_main_frame), top_origin_url_, (*WebPluginInfo)(plugin_info), &plugin_policy_))
// GetResourceRequestHandler (get_resource_request_handler)
// Called on the browser process IO thread before a resource request is
// initiated. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the
// request, and may be NULL for requests originating from service workers or
// cef_urlrequest_t. |request| represents the request contents and cannot be
// modified in this callback. |is_navigation| will be true (1) if the resource
// request is a navigation. |is_download| will be true (1) if the resource
// request is a download. |request_initiator| is the origin (scheme + domain)
// of the page that initiated the request. Set |disable_default_handling| to
// true (1) to disable default handling of the request, in which case it will
// need to be handled via cef_resource_request_handler_t::GetResourceHandler
// or it will be canceled. To allow the resource load to proceed with default
// handling return NULL. To specify a handler for the resource return a
// cef_resource_request_handler_t object. This function will not be called if
// the client associated with |browser| returns a non-NULL value from
// cef_request_tHandler::GetResourceRequestHandler for the same request
// (identified by cef_request_t::GetIdentifier).
func (d *RequestContextHandler) GetResourceRequestHandler(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, is_navigation, is_download int32, request_initiator string, disable_default_handling *int32) *ResourceRequestHandler {
return lookupRequestContextHandlerProxy(d.Base()).GetResourceRequestHandler(d, browser, frame, request, is_navigation, is_download, request_initiator, disable_default_handling)
//export gocef_request_context_handler_get_resource_request_handler
func gocef_request_context_handler_get_resource_request_handler(self *C.cef_request_context_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, request *C.cef_request_t, is_navigation C.int, is_download C.int, request_initiator *C.cef_string_t, disable_default_handling *C.int) *C.cef_resource_request_handler_t {
me__ := (*RequestContextHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupRequestContextHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
request_initiator_ := cefstrToString(request_initiator)
return (proxy__.GetResourceRequestHandler(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), (*Request)(request), int32(is_navigation), int32(is_download), request_initiator_, (*int32)(disable_default_handling))).toNative()
......@@ -15,12 +15,14 @@ type RequestContextSettings struct {
// Size of this structure.
Size uint64
// CachePath (cache_path)
// The location where cache data will be stored on disk. If empty then
// browsers will be created in "incognito mode" where in-memory caches are
// used for storage and no data is persisted to disk. HTML5 databases such as
// localStorage will only persist across sessions if a cache path is
// specified. To share the global browser cache and related configuration set
// this value to match the CefSettings.cache_path value.
// The location where cache data for this request context will be stored on
// disk. If non-empty this must be either equal to or a child directory of
// CefSettings.root_cache_path. If empty then browsers will be created in
// "incognito mode" where in-memory caches are used for storage and no data is
// persisted to disk. HTML5 databases such as localStorage will only persist
// across sessions if a cache path is specified. To share the global browser
// cache and related configuration set this value to match the
// CefSettings.cache_path value.
CachePath string
// PersistSessionCookies (persist_session_cookies)
// To persist session cookies (cookies without an expiry date or validity
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
// int gocef_request_context_is_global(cef_request_context_t * self, int (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_context_t *)) { return callback__(self); }
// cef_request_context_handler_t * gocef_request_context_get_handler(cef_request_context_t * self, cef_request_context_handler_t * (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_context_t *)) { return callback__(self); }
// cef_string_userfree_t gocef_request_context_get_cache_path(cef_request_context_t * self, cef_string_userfree_t (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_context_t *)) { return callback__(self); }
// cef_cookie_manager_t * gocef_request_context_get_default_cookie_manager(cef_request_context_t * self, cef_completion_callback_t * callback, cef_cookie_manager_t * (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_context_t *, cef_completion_callback_t *)) { return callback__(self, callback); }
// cef_cookie_manager_t * gocef_request_context_get_cookie_manager(cef_request_context_t * self, cef_completion_callback_t * callback, cef_cookie_manager_t * (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_context_t *, cef_completion_callback_t *)) { return callback__(self, callback); }
// int gocef_request_context_register_scheme_handler_factory(cef_request_context_t * self, cef_string_t * scheme_name, cef_string_t * domain_name, cef_scheme_handler_factory_t * factory, int (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_context_t *, cef_string_t *, cef_string_t *, cef_scheme_handler_factory_t *)) { return callback__(self, scheme_name, domain_name, factory); }
// int gocef_request_context_clear_scheme_handler_factories(cef_request_context_t * self, int (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_context_t *)) { return callback__(self); }
// void gocef_request_context_purge_plugin_list_cache(cef_request_context_t * self, int reload_pages, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_context_t *, int)) { return callback__(self, reload_pages); }
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import (
// int gocef_request_context_can_set_preference(cef_request_context_t * self, cef_string_t * name, int (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_context_t *, cef_string_t *)) { return callback__(self, name); }
// int gocef_request_context_set_preference(cef_request_context_t * self, cef_string_t * name, cef_value_t * value, cef_string_t * error_r, int (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_context_t *, cef_string_t *, cef_value_t *, cef_string_t *)) { return callback__(self, name, value, error_r); }
// void gocef_request_context_clear_certificate_exceptions(cef_request_context_t * self, cef_completion_callback_t * callback, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_context_t *, cef_completion_callback_t *)) { return callback__(self, callback); }
// void gocef_request_context_clear_http_auth_credentials(cef_request_context_t * self, cef_completion_callback_t * callback, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_context_t *, cef_completion_callback_t *)) { return callback__(self, callback); }
// void gocef_request_context_close_all_connections(cef_request_context_t * self, cef_completion_callback_t * callback, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_context_t *, cef_completion_callback_t *)) { return callback__(self, callback); }
// void gocef_request_context_resolve_host(cef_request_context_t * self, cef_string_t * origin, cef_resolve_callback_t * callback, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_context_t *, cef_string_t *, cef_resolve_callback_t *)) { return callback__(self, origin, callback); }
// void gocef_request_context_load_extension(cef_request_context_t * self, cef_string_t * root_directory, cef_dictionary_value_t * manifest, cef_extension_handler_t * handler, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_context_t *, cef_string_t *, cef_dictionary_value_t *, cef_extension_handler_t *)) { return callback__(self, root_directory, manifest, handler); }
......@@ -92,15 +93,12 @@ func (d *RequestContext) GetCachePath() string {
return cefuserfreestrToString(C.gocef_request_context_get_cache_path(d.toNative(), d.get_cache_path))
// GetDefaultCookieManager (get_default_cookie_manager)
// Returns the default cookie manager for this object. This will be the global
// cookie manager if this object is the global request context. Otherwise,
// this will be the default cookie manager used when this request context does
// not receive a value via cef_request_tContextHandler::get_cookie_manager().
// If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the IO
// thread after the manager's storage has been initialized.
func (d *RequestContext) GetDefaultCookieManager(callback *CompletionCallback) *CookieManager {
return (*CookieManager)(C.gocef_request_context_get_default_cookie_manager(d.toNative(), callback.toNative(), d.get_default_cookie_manager))
// GetCookieManager (get_cookie_manager)
// Returns the cookie manager for this object. If |callback| is non-NULL it
// will be executed asnychronously on the IO thread after the manager's
// storage has been initialized.
func (d *RequestContext) GetCookieManager(callback *CompletionCallback) *CookieManager {
return (*CookieManager)(C.gocef_request_context_get_cookie_manager(d.toNative(), callback.toNative(), d.get_cookie_manager))
// RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory (register_scheme_handler_factory)
......@@ -230,6 +228,14 @@ func (d *RequestContext) ClearCertificateExceptions(callback *CompletionCallback
C.gocef_request_context_clear_certificate_exceptions(d.toNative(), callback.toNative(), d.clear_certificate_exceptions)
// ClearHttpAuthCredentials (clear_http_auth_credentials)
// Clears all HTTP authentication credentials that were added as part of
// handling GetAuthCredentials. If |callback| is non-NULL it will be executed
// on the UI thread after completion.
func (d *RequestContext) ClearHttpAuthCredentials(callback *CompletionCallback) {
C.gocef_request_context_clear_http_auth_credentials(d.toNative(), callback.toNative(), d.clear_http_auth_credentials)
// CloseAllConnections (close_all_connections)
// Clears all active and idle connections that Chromium currently has. This is
// only recommended if you have released all other CEF objects but don't yet
......@@ -8,17 +8,9 @@ void gocef_set_request_handler_proxy(cef_request_handler_t *self) {
// some modifiers, such as 'const' applied to their parameter signatures.
self->on_before_browse = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_on_before_browse;
self->on_open_urlfrom_tab = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_on_open_urlfrom_tab;
self->on_before_resource_load = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_on_before_resource_load;
self->get_resource_handler = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_get_resource_handler;
self->on_resource_redirect = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_on_resource_redirect;
self->on_resource_response = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_on_resource_response;
self->get_resource_response_filter = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_get_resource_response_filter;
self->on_resource_load_complete = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_on_resource_load_complete;
self->get_resource_request_handler = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_get_resource_request_handler;
self->get_auth_credentials = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_get_auth_credentials;
self->can_get_cookies = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_can_get_cookies;
self->can_set_cookie = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_can_set_cookie;
self->on_quota_request = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_on_quota_request;
self->on_protocol_execution = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_on_protocol_execution;
self->on_certificate_error = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_on_certificate_error;
self->on_select_client_certificate = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_on_select_client_certificate;
self->on_plugin_crashed = (void *)&gocef_request_handler_on_plugin_crashed;
......@@ -18,17 +18,9 @@ import (
type RequestHandlerProxy interface {
OnBeforeBrowse(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, user_gesture, is_redirect int32) int32
OnOpenUrlfromTab(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, target_url string, target_disposition WindowOpenDisposition, user_gesture int32) int32
OnBeforeResourceLoad(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, callback *RequestCallback) ReturnValue
GetResourceHandler(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request) *ResourceHandler
OnResourceRedirect(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, response *Response, new_url *string)
OnResourceResponse(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, response *Response) int32
GetResourceResponseFilter(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, response *Response) *ResponseFilter
OnResourceLoadComplete(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, response *Response, status UrlrequestStatus, received_content_length int64)
GetAuthCredentials(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, isProxy int32, host string, port int32, realm, scheme string, callback *AuthCallback) int32
CanGetCookies(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request) int32
CanSetCookie(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, cookie *Cookie) int32
GetResourceRequestHandler(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, is_navigation, is_download int32, request_initiator string, disable_default_handling *int32) *ResourceRequestHandler
GetAuthCredentials(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, origin_url string, isProxy int32, host string, port int32, realm, scheme string, callback *AuthCallback) int32
OnQuotaRequest(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, origin_url string, new_size int64, callback *RequestCallback) int32
OnProtocolExecution(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, url string, allow_os_execution *int32)
OnCertificateError(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, cert_error Errorcode, request_url string, ssl_info *Sslinfo, callback *RequestCallback) int32
OnSelectClientCertificate(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, isProxy int32, host string, port int32, certificatesCount uint64, certificates **X509certificate, callback *SelectClientCertificateCallback) int32
OnPluginCrashed(self *RequestHandler, browser *Browser, plugin_path string)
......@@ -124,170 +116,59 @@ func gocef_request_handler_on_open_urlfrom_tab(self *C.cef_request_handler_t, br
return C.int(proxy__.OnOpenUrlfromTab(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), target_url_, WindowOpenDisposition(target_disposition), int32(user_gesture)))
// OnBeforeResourceLoad (on_before_resource_load)
// Called on the IO thread before a resource request is loaded. The |request|
// object may be modified. Return RV_CONTINUE to continue the request
// immediately. Return RV_CONTINUE_ASYNC and call cef_request_tCallback::
// cont() at a later time to continue or cancel the request asynchronously.
// Return RV_CANCEL to cancel the request immediately.
func (d *RequestHandler) OnBeforeResourceLoad(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, callback *RequestCallback) ReturnValue {
return lookupRequestHandlerProxy(d.Base()).OnBeforeResourceLoad(d, browser, frame, request, callback)
// GetResourceRequestHandler (get_resource_request_handler)
// Called on the browser process IO thread before a resource request is
// initiated. The |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the
// request. |request| represents the request contents and cannot be modified
// in this callback. |is_navigation| will be true (1) if the resource request
// is a navigation. |is_download| will be true (1) if the resource request is
// a download. |request_initiator| is the origin (scheme + domain) of the page
// that initiated the request. Set |disable_default_handling| to true (1) to
// disable default handling of the request, in which case it will need to be
// handled via cef_resource_request_handler_t::GetResourceHandler or it will
// be canceled. To allow the resource load to proceed with default handling
// return NULL. To specify a handler for the resource return a
// cef_resource_request_handler_t object. If this callback returns NULL the
// same function will be called on the associated cef_request_tContextHandler,
// if any.
func (d *RequestHandler) GetResourceRequestHandler(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, is_navigation, is_download int32, request_initiator string, disable_default_handling *int32) *ResourceRequestHandler {
return lookupRequestHandlerProxy(d.Base()).GetResourceRequestHandler(d, browser, frame, request, is_navigation, is_download, request_initiator, disable_default_handling)
//export gocef_request_handler_on_before_resource_load
func gocef_request_handler_on_before_resource_load(self *C.cef_request_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, request *C.cef_request_t, callback *C.cef_request_callback_t) C.cef_return_value_t {
//export gocef_request_handler_get_resource_request_handler
func gocef_request_handler_get_resource_request_handler(self *C.cef_request_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, request *C.cef_request_t, is_navigation C.int, is_download C.int, request_initiator *C.cef_string_t, disable_default_handling *C.int) *C.cef_resource_request_handler_t {
me__ := (*RequestHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupRequestHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
return C.cef_return_value_t(proxy__.OnBeforeResourceLoad(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), (*Request)(request), (*RequestCallback)(callback)))
// GetResourceHandler (get_resource_handler)
// Called on the IO thread before a resource is loaded. To allow the resource
// to load normally return NULL. To specify a handler for the resource return
// a cef_resource_handler_t object. The |request| object should not be
// modified in this callback.
func (d *RequestHandler) GetResourceHandler(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request) *ResourceHandler {
return lookupRequestHandlerProxy(d.Base()).GetResourceHandler(d, browser, frame, request)
//export gocef_request_handler_get_resource_handler
func gocef_request_handler_get_resource_handler(self *C.cef_request_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, request *C.cef_request_t) *C.cef_resource_handler_t {
me__ := (*RequestHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupRequestHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
return (proxy__.GetResourceHandler(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), (*Request)(request))).toNative()
// OnResourceRedirect (on_resource_redirect)
// Called on the IO thread when a resource load is redirected. The |request|
// parameter will contain the old URL and other request-related information.
// The |response| parameter will contain the response that resulted in the
// redirect. The |new_url| parameter will contain the new URL and can be
// changed if desired. The |request| object cannot be modified in this
// callback.
func (d *RequestHandler) OnResourceRedirect(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, response *Response, new_url *string) {
lookupRequestHandlerProxy(d.Base()).OnResourceRedirect(d, browser, frame, request, response, new_url)
//export gocef_request_handler_on_resource_redirect
func gocef_request_handler_on_resource_redirect(self *C.cef_request_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, request *C.cef_request_t, response *C.cef_response_t, new_url *C.cef_string_t) {
me__ := (*RequestHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupRequestHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
new_url_ := cefstrToString(new_url)
proxy__.OnResourceRedirect(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), (*Request)(request), (*Response)(response), &new_url_)
// OnResourceResponse (on_resource_response)
// Called on the IO thread when a resource response is received. To allow the
// resource to load normally return false (0). To redirect or retry the
// resource modify |request| (url, headers or post body) and return true (1).
// The |response| object cannot be modified in this callback.
func (d *RequestHandler) OnResourceResponse(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, response *Response) int32 {
return lookupRequestHandlerProxy(d.Base()).OnResourceResponse(d, browser, frame, request, response)
//export gocef_request_handler_on_resource_response
func gocef_request_handler_on_resource_response(self *C.cef_request_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, request *C.cef_request_t, response *C.cef_response_t) C.int {
me__ := (*RequestHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupRequestHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
return C.int(proxy__.OnResourceResponse(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), (*Request)(request), (*Response)(response)))
// GetResourceResponseFilter (get_resource_response_filter)
// Called on the IO thread to optionally filter resource response content.
// |request| and |response| represent the request and response respectively
// and cannot be modified in this callback.
func (d *RequestHandler) GetResourceResponseFilter(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, response *Response) *ResponseFilter {
return lookupRequestHandlerProxy(d.Base()).GetResourceResponseFilter(d, browser, frame, request, response)
//export gocef_request_handler_get_resource_response_filter
func gocef_request_handler_get_resource_response_filter(self *C.cef_request_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, request *C.cef_request_t, response *C.cef_response_t) *C.cef_response_filter_t {
me__ := (*RequestHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupRequestHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
return (proxy__.GetResourceResponseFilter(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), (*Request)(request), (*Response)(response))).toNative()
// OnResourceLoadComplete (on_resource_load_complete)
// Called on the IO thread when a resource load has completed. |request| and
// |response| represent the request and response respectively and cannot be
// modified in this callback. |status| indicates the load completion status.
// |received_content_length| is the number of response bytes actually read.
func (d *RequestHandler) OnResourceLoadComplete(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, response *Response, status UrlrequestStatus, received_content_length int64) {
lookupRequestHandlerProxy(d.Base()).OnResourceLoadComplete(d, browser, frame, request, response, status, received_content_length)
//export gocef_request_handler_on_resource_load_complete
func gocef_request_handler_on_resource_load_complete(self *C.cef_request_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, request *C.cef_request_t, response *C.cef_response_t, status C.cef_urlrequest_status_t, received_content_length C.int64) {
me__ := (*RequestHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupRequestHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
proxy__.OnResourceLoadComplete(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), (*Request)(request), (*Response)(response), UrlrequestStatus(status), int64(received_content_length))
request_initiator_ := cefstrToString(request_initiator)
return (proxy__.GetResourceRequestHandler(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), (*Request)(request), int32(is_navigation), int32(is_download), request_initiator_, (*int32)(disable_default_handling))).toNative()
// GetAuthCredentials (get_auth_credentials)
// Called on the IO thread when the browser needs credentials from the user.
// |isProxy| indicates whether the host is a proxy server. |host| contains the
// hostname and |port| contains the port number. |realm| is the realm of the
// challenge and may be NULL. |scheme| is the authentication scheme used, such
// as "basic" or "digest", and will be NULL if the source of the request is an
// |origin_url| is the origin making this authentication request. |isProxy|
// indicates whether the host is a proxy server. |host| contains the hostname
// and |port| contains the port number. |realm| is the realm of the challenge
// and may be NULL. |scheme| is the authentication scheme used, such as
// "basic" or "digest", and will be NULL if the source of the request is an
// FTP server. Return true (1) to continue the request and call
// cef_auth_callback_t::cont() either in this function or at a later time when
// the authentication information is available. Return false (0) to cancel the
// request immediately.
func (d *RequestHandler) GetAuthCredentials(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, isProxy int32, host string, port int32, realm, scheme string, callback *AuthCallback) int32 {
return lookupRequestHandlerProxy(d.Base()).GetAuthCredentials(d, browser, frame, isProxy, host, port, realm, scheme, callback)
func (d *RequestHandler) GetAuthCredentials(browser *Browser, origin_url string, isProxy int32, host string, port int32, realm, scheme string, callback *AuthCallback) int32 {
return lookupRequestHandlerProxy(d.Base()).GetAuthCredentials(d, browser, origin_url, isProxy, host, port, realm, scheme, callback)
//export gocef_request_handler_get_auth_credentials
func gocef_request_handler_get_auth_credentials(self *C.cef_request_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, isProxy C.int, host *C.cef_string_t, port C.int, realm *C.cef_string_t, scheme *C.cef_string_t, callback *C.cef_auth_callback_t) C.int {
func gocef_request_handler_get_auth_credentials(self *C.cef_request_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, origin_url *C.cef_string_t, isProxy C.int, host *C.cef_string_t, port C.int, realm *C.cef_string_t, scheme *C.cef_string_t, callback *C.cef_auth_callback_t) C.int {
me__ := (*RequestHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupRequestHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
origin_url_ := cefstrToString(origin_url)
host_ := cefstrToString(host)
realm_ := cefstrToString(realm)
scheme_ := cefstrToString(scheme)
return C.int(proxy__.GetAuthCredentials(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), int32(isProxy), host_, int32(port), realm_, scheme_, (*AuthCallback)(callback)))
// CanGetCookies (can_get_cookies)
// Called on the IO thread before sending a network request with a "Cookie"
// request header. Return true (1) to allow cookies to be included in the
// network request or false (0) to block cookies. The |request| object should
// not be modified in this callback.
func (d *RequestHandler) CanGetCookies(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request) int32 {
return lookupRequestHandlerProxy(d.Base()).CanGetCookies(d, browser, frame, request)
//export gocef_request_handler_can_get_cookies
func gocef_request_handler_can_get_cookies(self *C.cef_request_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, request *C.cef_request_t) C.int {
me__ := (*RequestHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupRequestHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
return C.int(proxy__.CanGetCookies(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), (*Request)(request)))
// CanSetCookie (can_set_cookie)
// Called on the IO thread when receiving a network request with a "Set-
// Cookie" response header value represented by |cookie|. Return true (1) to
// allow the cookie to be stored or false (0) to block the cookie. The
// |request| object should not be modified in this callback.
func (d *RequestHandler) CanSetCookie(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, request *Request, cookie *Cookie) int32 {
return lookupRequestHandlerProxy(d.Base()).CanSetCookie(d, browser, frame, request, cookie)
//export gocef_request_handler_can_set_cookie
func gocef_request_handler_can_set_cookie(self *C.cef_request_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, frame *C.cef_frame_t, request *C.cef_request_t, cookie *C.cef_cookie_t) C.int {
me__ := (*RequestHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupRequestHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
cookie_ := cookie.toGo()
return C.int(proxy__.CanSetCookie(me__, (*Browser)(browser), (*Frame)(frame), (*Request)(request), cookie_))
return C.int(proxy__.GetAuthCredentials(me__, (*Browser)(browser), origin_url_, int32(isProxy), host_, int32(port), realm_, scheme_, (*AuthCallback)(callback)))
// OnQuotaRequest (on_quota_request)
......@@ -311,25 +192,6 @@ func gocef_request_handler_on_quota_request(self *C.cef_request_handler_t, brows
return C.int(proxy__.OnQuotaRequest(me__, (*Browser)(browser), origin_url_, int64(new_size), (*RequestCallback)(callback)))
// OnProtocolExecution (on_protocol_execution)
// Called on the UI thread to handle requests for URLs with an unknown
// protocol component. Set |allow_os_execution| to true (1) to attempt
// execution via the registered OS protocol handler, if any. SECURITY WARNING:
func (d *RequestHandler) OnProtocolExecution(browser *Browser, url string, allow_os_execution *int32) {
lookupRequestHandlerProxy(d.Base()).OnProtocolExecution(d, browser, url, allow_os_execution)
//export gocef_request_handler_on_protocol_execution
func gocef_request_handler_on_protocol_execution(self *C.cef_request_handler_t, browser *C.cef_browser_t, url *C.cef_string_t, allow_os_execution *C.int) {
me__ := (*RequestHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupRequestHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
url_ := cefstrToString(url)
proxy__.OnProtocolExecution(me__, (*Browser)(browser), url_, (*int32)(allow_os_execution))
// OnCertificateError (on_certificate_error)
// Called on the UI thread to handle requests for URLs with an invalid SSL
// certificate. Return true (1) and call cef_request_tCallback::cont() either
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ import (
// void gocef_request_set_post_data(cef_request_t * self, cef_post_data_t * postData, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_t *, cef_post_data_t *)) { return callback__(self, postData); }
// void gocef_request_get_header_map(cef_request_t * self, cef_string_multimap_t headerMap, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_t *, cef_string_multimap_t)) { return callback__(self, headerMap); }
// void gocef_request_set_header_map(cef_request_t * self, cef_string_multimap_t headerMap, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_t *, cef_string_multimap_t)) { return callback__(self, headerMap); }
// cef_string_userfree_t gocef_request_get_header_by_name(cef_request_t * self, cef_string_t * name, cef_string_userfree_t (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_t *, cef_string_t *)) { return callback__(self, name); }
// void gocef_request_set_header_by_name(cef_request_t * self, cef_string_t * name, cef_string_t * value, int overwrite, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_t *, cef_string_t *, cef_string_t *, int)) { return callback__(self, name, value, overwrite); }
// void gocef_request_set(cef_request_t * self, cef_string_t * url, cef_string_t * method, cef_post_data_t * postData, cef_string_multimap_t headerMap, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_t *, cef_string_t *, cef_string_t *, cef_post_data_t *, cef_string_multimap_t)) { return callback__(self, url, method, postData, headerMap); }
// int gocef_request_get_flags(cef_request_t * self, int (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_t *)) { return callback__(self); }
// void gocef_request_set_flags(cef_request_t * self, int flags, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_request_t *, int)) { return callback__(self, flags); }
......@@ -136,6 +138,39 @@ func (d *Request) SetHeaderMap(headerMap StringMultimap) {
C.gocef_request_set_header_map(d.toNative(), C.cef_string_multimap_t(headerMap), d.set_header_map)
// GetHeaderByName (get_header_by_name)
// Returns the first header value for |name| or an NULL string if not found.
// Will not return the Referer value if any. Use GetHeaderMap instead if
// |name| might have multiple values.
// The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (d *Request) GetHeaderByName(name string) string {
name_ := C.cef_string_userfree_alloc()
setCEFStr(name, name_)
defer func() {
return cefuserfreestrToString(C.gocef_request_get_header_by_name(d.toNative(), (*C.cef_string_t)(name_), d.get_header_by_name))
// SetHeaderByName (set_header_by_name)
// Set the header |name| to |value|. If |overwrite| is true (1) any existing
// values will be replaced with the new value. If |overwrite| is false (0) any
// existing values will not be overwritten. The Referer value cannot be set
// using this function.
func (d *Request) SetHeaderByName(name, value string, overwrite int32) {
name_ := C.cef_string_userfree_alloc()
setCEFStr(name, name_)
defer func() {
value_ := C.cef_string_userfree_alloc()
setCEFStr(value, value_)
defer func() {
C.gocef_request_set_header_by_name(d.toNative(), (*C.cef_string_t)(name_), (*C.cef_string_t)(value_), C.int(overwrite), d.set_header_by_name)
// Set (set)
// Set all values at one time.
func (d *Request) Set(url, method string, postData *PostData, headerMap StringMultimap) {
......@@ -203,8 +238,8 @@ func (d *Request) GetTransitionType() TransitionType {
// GetIdentifier (get_identifier)
// Returns the globally unique identifier for this request or 0 if not
// specified. Can be used by cef_request_tHandler implementations in the
// browser process to track a single request across multiple callbacks.
// specified. Can be used by cef_resource_request_handler_t implementations in
// the browser process to track a single request across multiple callbacks.
func (d *Request) GetIdentifier() uint64 {
return uint64(C.gocef_request_get_identifier(d.toNative(), d.get_identifier))
......@@ -6,10 +6,11 @@
void gocef_set_resource_handler_proxy(cef_resource_handler_t *self) {
// Casts to (void *) added to avoid warnings since Go callbacks can't have
// some modifiers, such as 'const' applied to their parameter signatures.
self->open = (void *)&gocef_resource_handler_open;
self->process_request = (void *)&gocef_resource_handler_process_request;
self->get_response_headers = (void *)&gocef_resource_handler_get_response_headers;
self->skip = (void *)&gocef_resource_handler_skip;
self->read = (void *)&gocef_resource_handler_read;
self->read_response = (void *)&gocef_resource_handler_read_response;
self->can_get_cookie = (void *)&gocef_resource_handler_can_get_cookie;
self->can_set_cookie = (void *)&gocef_resource_handler_can_set_cookie;
self->cancel = (void *)&gocef_resource_handler_cancel;
......@@ -16,17 +16,18 @@ import (
// ResourceHandlerProxy defines methods required for using ResourceHandler.
type ResourceHandlerProxy interface {
Open(self *ResourceHandler, request *Request, handle_request *int32, callback *Callback) int32
ProcessRequest(self *ResourceHandler, request *Request, callback *Callback) int32
GetResponseHeaders(self *ResourceHandler, response *Response, response_length *int64, redirectUrl *string)
Skip(self *ResourceHandler, bytes_to_skip int64, bytes_skipped *int64, callback *ResourceSkipCallback) int32
Read(self *ResourceHandler, data_out unsafe.Pointer, bytes_to_read int32, bytes_read *int32, callback *ResourceReadCallback) int32
ReadResponse(self *ResourceHandler, data_out unsafe.Pointer, bytes_to_read int32, bytes_read *int32, callback *Callback) int32
CanGetCookie(self *ResourceHandler, cookie *Cookie) int32
CanSetCookie(self *ResourceHandler, cookie *Cookie) int32
Cancel(self *ResourceHandler)
// ResourceHandler (cef_resource_handler_t from include/capi/cef_resource_handler_capi.h)
// Structure used to implement a custom request handler structure. The functions
// of this structure will always be called on the IO thread.
// of this structure will be called on the IO thread unless otherwise indicated.
type ResourceHandler C.cef_resource_handler_t
// NewResourceHandler creates a new ResourceHandler with the specified proxy. Passing
......@@ -61,12 +62,35 @@ func (d *ResourceHandler) Base() *BaseRefCounted {
return (*BaseRefCounted)(&d.base)
// Open (open)
// Open the response stream. To handle the request immediately set
// |handle_request| to true (1) and return true (1). To decide at a later time
// set |handle_request| to false (0), return true (1), and execute |callback|
// to continue or cancel the request. To cancel the request immediately set
// |handle_request| to true (1) and return false (0). This function will be
// called in sequence but not from a dedicated thread. For backwards
// compatibility set |handle_request| to false (0) and return false (0) and
// the ProcessRequest function will be called.
func (d *ResourceHandler) Open(request *Request, handle_request *int32, callback *Callback) int32 {
return lookupResourceHandlerProxy(d.Base()).Open(d, request, handle_request, callback)
//export gocef_resource_handler_open
func gocef_resource_handler_open(self *C.cef_resource_handler_t, request *C.cef_request_t, handle_request *C.int, callback *C.cef_callback_t) C.int {
me__ := (*ResourceHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupResourceHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
return C.int(proxy__.Open(me__, (*Request)(request), (*int32)(handle_request), (*Callback)(callback)))
// ProcessRequest (process_request)
// Begin processing the request. To handle the request return true (1) and
// call cef_callback_t::cont() once the response header information is
// available (cef_callback_t::cont() can also be called from inside this
// function if header information is available immediately). To cancel the
// request return false (0).
// WARNING: This function is deprecated. Use Open instead.
func (d *ResourceHandler) ProcessRequest(request *Request, callback *Callback) int32 {
return lookupResourceHandlerProxy(d.Base()).ProcessRequest(d, request, callback)
......@@ -106,55 +130,68 @@ func gocef_resource_handler_get_response_headers(self *C.cef_resource_handler_t,
proxy__.GetResponseHeaders(me__, (*Response)(response), (*int64)(response_length), &redirectUrl_)
// ReadResponse (read_response)
// Read response data. If data is available immediately copy up to
// |bytes_to_read| bytes into |data_out|, set |bytes_read| to the number of
// bytes copied, and return true (1). To read the data at a later time set
// |bytes_read| to 0, return true (1) and call cef_callback_t::cont() when the
// data is available. To indicate response completion return false (0).
func (d *ResourceHandler) ReadResponse(data_out unsafe.Pointer, bytes_to_read int32, bytes_read *int32, callback *Callback) int32 {
return lookupResourceHandlerProxy(d.Base()).ReadResponse(d, data_out, bytes_to_read, bytes_read, callback)
// Skip (skip)
// Skip response data when requested by a Range header. Skip over and discard
// |bytes_to_skip| bytes of response data. If data is available immediately
// set |bytes_skipped| to the number of of bytes skipped and return true (1).
// To read the data at a later time set |bytes_skipped| to 0, return true (1)
// and execute |callback| when the data is available. To indicate failure set
// |bytes_skipped| to < 0 (e.g. -2 for ERR_FAILED) and return false (0). This
// function will be called in sequence but not from a dedicated thread.
func (d *ResourceHandler) Skip(bytes_to_skip int64, bytes_skipped *int64, callback *ResourceSkipCallback) int32 {
return lookupResourceHandlerProxy(d.Base()).Skip(d, bytes_to_skip, bytes_skipped, callback)
//export gocef_resource_handler_read_response
func gocef_resource_handler_read_response(self *C.cef_resource_handler_t, data_out unsafe.Pointer, bytes_to_read C.int, bytes_read *C.int, callback *C.cef_callback_t) C.int {
//export gocef_resource_handler_skip
func gocef_resource_handler_skip(self *C.cef_resource_handler_t, bytes_to_skip C.int64, bytes_skipped *C.int64, callback *C.cef_resource_skip_callback_t) C.int {
me__ := (*ResourceHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupResourceHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
return C.int(proxy__.ReadResponse(me__, data_out, int32(bytes_to_read), (*int32)(bytes_read), (*Callback)(callback)))
return C.int(proxy__.Skip(me__, int64(bytes_to_skip), (*int64)(bytes_skipped), (*ResourceSkipCallback)(callback)))
// CanGetCookie (can_get_cookie)
// Return true (1) if the specified cookie can be sent with the request or
// false (0) otherwise. If false (0) is returned for any cookie then no
// cookies will be sent with the request.
func (d *ResourceHandler) CanGetCookie(cookie *Cookie) int32 {
return lookupResourceHandlerProxy(d.Base()).CanGetCookie(d, cookie)
// Read (read)
// Read response data. If data is available immediately copy up to
// |bytes_to_read| bytes into |data_out|, set |bytes_read| to the number of
// bytes copied, and return true (1). To read the data at a later time keep a
// pointer to |data_out|, set |bytes_read| to 0, return true (1) and execute
// |callback| when the data is available (|data_out| will remain valid until
// the callback is executed). To indicate response completion set |bytes_read|
// to 0 and return false (0). To indicate failure set |bytes_read| to < 0
// (e.g. -2 for ERR_FAILED) and return false (0). This function will be called
// in sequence but not from a dedicated thread. For backwards compatibility
// set |bytes_read| to -1 and return false (0) and the ReadResponse function
// will be called.
func (d *ResourceHandler) Read(data_out unsafe.Pointer, bytes_to_read int32, bytes_read *int32, callback *ResourceReadCallback) int32 {
return lookupResourceHandlerProxy(d.Base()).Read(d, data_out, bytes_to_read, bytes_read, callback)
//export gocef_resource_handler_can_get_cookie
func gocef_resource_handler_can_get_cookie(self *C.cef_resource_handler_t, cookie *C.cef_cookie_t) C.int {
//export gocef_resource_handler_read
func gocef_resource_handler_read(self *C.cef_resource_handler_t, data_out unsafe.Pointer, bytes_to_read C.int, bytes_read *C.int, callback *C.cef_resource_read_callback_t) C.int {
me__ := (*ResourceHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupResourceHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
cookie_ := cookie.toGo()
return C.int(proxy__.CanGetCookie(me__, cookie_))
return C.int(proxy__.Read(me__, data_out, int32(bytes_to_read), (*int32)(bytes_read), (*ResourceReadCallback)(callback)))
// CanSetCookie (can_set_cookie)
// Return true (1) if the specified cookie returned with the response can be
// set or false (0) otherwise.
func (d *ResourceHandler) CanSetCookie(cookie *Cookie) int32 {
return lookupResourceHandlerProxy(d.Base()).CanSetCookie(d, cookie)
// ReadResponse (read_response)
// Read response data. If data is available immediately copy up to
// |bytes_to_read| bytes into |data_out|, set |bytes_read| to the number of
// bytes copied, and return true (1). To read the data at a later time set
// |bytes_read| to 0, return true (1) and call cef_callback_t::cont() when the
// data is available. To indicate response completion return false (0).
// WARNING: This function is deprecated. Use Skip and Read instead.
func (d *ResourceHandler) ReadResponse(data_out unsafe.Pointer, bytes_to_read int32, bytes_read *int32, callback *Callback) int32 {
return lookupResourceHandlerProxy(d.Base()).ReadResponse(d, data_out, bytes_to_read, bytes_read, callback)
//export gocef_resource_handler_can_set_cookie
func gocef_resource_handler_can_set_cookie(self *C.cef_resource_handler_t, cookie *C.cef_cookie_t) C.int {
//export gocef_resource_handler_read_response
func gocef_resource_handler_read_response(self *C.cef_resource_handler_t, data_out unsafe.Pointer, bytes_to_read C.int, bytes_read *C.int, callback *C.cef_callback_t) C.int {
me__ := (*ResourceHandler)(self)
proxy__ := lookupResourceHandlerProxy(me__.Base())
cookie_ := cookie.toGo()
return C.int(proxy__.CanSetCookie(me__, cookie_))
return C.int(proxy__.ReadResponse(me__, data_out, int32(bytes_to_read), (*int32)(bytes_read), (*Callback)(callback)))
// Cancel (cancel)
......@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import (
// void gocef_response_set_status_text(cef_response_t * self, cef_string_t * statusText, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_response_t *, cef_string_t *)) { return callback__(self, statusText); }
// cef_string_userfree_t gocef_response_get_mime_type(cef_response_t * self, cef_string_userfree_t (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_response_t *)) { return callback__(self); }
// void gocef_response_set_mime_type(cef_response_t * self, cef_string_t * mimeType, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_response_t *, cef_string_t *)) { return callback__(self, mimeType); }
// cef_string_userfree_t gocef_response_get_charset(cef_response_t * self, cef_string_userfree_t (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_response_t *)) { return callback__(self); }
// void gocef_response_set_charset(cef_response_t * self, cef_string_t * charset, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_response_t *, cef_string_t *)) { return callback__(self, charset); }
// cef_string_userfree_t gocef_response_get_header(cef_response_t * self, cef_string_t * name, cef_string_userfree_t (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_response_t *, cef_string_t *)) { return callback__(self, name); }
// void gocef_response_get_header_map(cef_response_t * self, cef_string_multimap_t headerMap, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_response_t *, cef_string_multimap_t)) { return callback__(self, headerMap); }
// void gocef_response_set_header_map(cef_response_t * self, cef_string_multimap_t headerMap, void (CEF_CALLBACK *callback__)(cef_response_t *, cef_string_multimap_t)) { return callback__(self, headerMap); }
......@@ -103,6 +105,24 @@ func (d *Response) SetMimeType(mimeType string) {
C.gocef_response_set_mime_type(d.toNative(), (*C.cef_string_t)(mimeType_), d.set_mime_type)
// GetCharset (get_charset)
// Get the response charset.
// The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
func (d *Response) GetCharset() string {
return cefuserfreestrToString(C.gocef_response_get_charset(d.toNative(), d.get_charset))
// SetCharset (set_charset)
// Set the response charset.
func (d *Response) SetCharset(charset string) {
charset_ := C.cef_string_userfree_alloc()
setCEFStr(charset, charset_)
defer func() {
C.gocef_response_set_charset(d.toNative(), (*C.cef_string_t)(charset_), d.set_charset)
// GetHeader (get_header)
// Get the value for the specified response header field.
// The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func (d *SchemeHandlerFactory) Base() *BaseRefCounted {
// will be the browser window and frame respectively that originated the
// request or NULL if the request did not originate from a browser window (for
// example, if the request came from cef_urlrequest_t). The |request| object
// passed to this function will not contain cookie data.
// passed to this function cannot be modified.
func (d *SchemeHandlerFactory) Create(browser *Browser, frame *Frame, scheme_name string, request *Request) *ResourceHandler {
scheme_name_ := C.cef_string_userfree_alloc()
setCEFStr(scheme_name, scheme_name_)
......@@ -69,13 +69,23 @@ type Settings struct {
// CefApp::OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing() method.
CommandLineArgsDisabled int32
// CachePath (cache_path)
// The location where cache data will be stored on disk. If empty then
// browsers will be created in "incognito mode" where in-memory caches are
// used for storage and no data is persisted to disk. HTML5 databases such as
// localStorage will only persist across sessions if a cache path is
// specified. Can be overridden for individual CefRequestContext instances via
// the CefRequestContextSettings.cache_path value.
// The location where data for the global browser cache will be stored on
// disk. In non-empty this must be either equal to or a child directory of
// CefSettings.root_cache_path. If empty then browsers will be created in
// "incognito mode" where in-memory caches are used for storage and no data is
// persisted to disk. HTML5 databases such as localStorage will only persist
// across sessions if a cache path is specified. Can be overridden for
// individual CefRequestContext instances via the
// CefRequestContextSettings.cache_path value.
CachePath string
// RootCachePath (root_cache_path)
// The root directory that all CefSettings.cache_path and
// CefRequestContextSettings.cache_path values must have in common. If this
// value is empty and CefSettings.cache_path is non-empty then this value will
// default to the CefSettings.cache_path value. Failure to set this value
// correctly may result in the sandbox blocking read/write access to the
// cache_path directory.
RootCachePath string
// UserDataPath (user_data_path)
// The location where user data such as spell checking dictionary files will
// be stored on disk. If empty then the default platform-specific user data
......@@ -213,6 +223,12 @@ type Settings struct {
// for individual CefRequestContext instances via the
// CefRequestContextSettings.accept_language_list value.
AcceptLanguageList string
// ApplicationClientIdForFileScanning (application_client_id_for_file_scanning)
// GUID string used for identifying the application. This is passed to the
// system AV function for scanning downloaded files. By default, the GUID
// will be an empty string and the file will be treated as an untrusted
// file when the GUID is empty.
ApplicationClientIdForFileScanning string
// NewSettings creates a new Settings.
......@@ -241,6 +257,7 @@ func (d *Settings) toNative(native *C.cef_settings_t) *C.cef_settings_t {
native.windowless_rendering_enabled = C.int(d.WindowlessRenderingEnabled)
native.command_line_args_disabled = C.int(d.CommandLineArgsDisabled)
setCEFStr(d.CachePath, &native.cache_path)
setCEFStr(d.RootCachePath, &native.root_cache_path)
setCEFStr(d.UserDataPath, &native.user_data_path)
native.persist_session_cookies = C.int(d.PersistSessionCookies)
native.persist_user_preferences = C.int(d.PersistUserPreferences)
......@@ -259,6 +276,7 @@ func (d *Settings) toNative(native *C.cef_settings_t) *C.cef_settings_t {
native.enable_net_security_expiration = C.int(d.EnableNetSecurityExpiration)
native.background_color = C.cef_color_t(d.BackgroundColor)
setCEFStr(d.AcceptLanguageList, &native.accept_language_list)
setCEFStr(d.ApplicationClientIdForFileScanning, &native.application_client_id_for_file_scanning)
return native
......@@ -281,6 +299,7 @@ func (n *C.cef_settings_t) intoGo(d *Settings) {
d.WindowlessRenderingEnabled = int32(n.windowless_rendering_enabled)
d.CommandLineArgsDisabled = int32(n.command_line_args_disabled)
d.CachePath = cefstrToString(&n.cache_path)
d.RootCachePath = cefstrToString(&n.root_cache_path)
d.UserDataPath = cefstrToString(&n.user_data_path)
d.PersistSessionCookies = int32(n.persist_session_cookies)
d.PersistUserPreferences = int32(n.persist_user_preferences)
......@@ -299,4 +318,5 @@ func (n *C.cef_settings_t) intoGo(d *Settings) {
d.EnableNetSecurityExpiration = int32(n.enable_net_security_expiration)
d.BackgroundColor = Color(n.background_color)
d.AcceptLanguageList = cefstrToString(&n.accept_language_list)
d.ApplicationClientIdForFileScanning = cefstrToString(&n.application_client_id_for_file_scanning)
......@@ -131,9 +131,11 @@ func gocef_urlrequest_client_on_download_data(self *C.cef_urlrequest_client_t, r
// |isProxy| indicates whether the host is a proxy server. |host| contains the
// hostname and |port| contains the port number. Return true (1) to continue
// the request and call cef_auth_callback_t::cont() when the authentication
// information is available. Return false (0) to cancel the request. This
// function will only be called for requests initiated from the browser
// process.
// information is available. If the request has an associated browser/frame
// then returning false (0) will result in a call to GetAuthCredentials on the
// cef_request_tHandler associated with that browser, if any. Otherwise,
// returning false (0) will cancel the request immediately. This function will
// only be called for requests initiated from the browser process.
func (d *UrlrequestClient) GetAuthCredentials(isProxy int32, host string, port int32, realm, scheme string, callback *AuthCallback) int32 {
return lookupUrlrequestClientProxy(d.Base()).GetAuthCredentials(d, isProxy, host, port, realm, scheme, callback)
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#include "include/capi/cef_process_message_capi.h"
#include "include/capi/cef_render_handler_capi.h"
#include "include/capi/cef_render_process_handler_capi.h"
#include "include/capi/cef_request_callback_capi.h"
#include "include/capi/cef_request_capi.h"
#include "include/capi/cef_request_context_capi.h"
#include "include/capi/cef_request_context_handler_capi.h"
......@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@
#include "include/capi/cef_resource_bundle_capi.h"
#include "include/capi/cef_resource_bundle_handler_capi.h"
#include "include/capi/cef_resource_handler_capi.h"
#include "include/capi/cef_resource_request_handler_capi.h"
#include "include/capi/cef_response_capi.h"
#include "include/capi/cef_response_filter_capi.h"
#include "include/capi/cef_scheme_capi.h"
......@@ -491,68 +491,239 @@ const (
// Errorcode (cef_errorcode_t from include/internal/cef_types.h)
// Supported error code values. See net\base\net_error_list.h for complete
// descriptions of the error codes.
// Supported error code values.
type Errorcode int
// Possible values for Errorcode
const (
ErrNone Errorcode = 0 // ERR_NONE
ErrFailed Errorcode = -2 // ERR_FAILED
ErrAborted Errorcode = -3 // ERR_ABORTED
ErrInvalidArgument Errorcode = -4 // ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT
ErrInvalidHandle Errorcode = -5 // ERR_INVALID_HANDLE
ErrFileNotFound Errorcode = -6 // ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
ErrTimedOut Errorcode = -7 // ERR_TIMED_OUT
ErrFileTooBig Errorcode = -8 // ERR_FILE_TOO_BIG
ErrUnexpected Errorcode = -9 // ERR_UNEXPECTED
ErrAccessDenied Errorcode = -10 // ERR_ACCESS_DENIED
ErrNotImplemented Errorcode = -11 // ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
ErrConnectionClosed Errorcode = -100 // ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED
ErrConnectionReset Errorcode = -101 // ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
ErrConnectionRefused Errorcode = -102 // ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
ErrConnectionAborted Errorcode = -103 // ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED
ErrConnectionFailed Errorcode = -104 // ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED
ErrNameNotResolved Errorcode = -105 // ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
ErrInternetDisconnected Errorcode = -106 // ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED
ErrSSLProtocolError Errorcode = -107 // ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
ErrAddressInvalid Errorcode = -108 // ERR_ADDRESS_INVALID
ErrAddressUnreachable Errorcode = -109 // ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE
ErrSSLClientAuthCertNeeded Errorcode = -110 // ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED
ErrTunnelConnectionFailed Errorcode = -111 // ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED
ErrNoSSLVersionsEnabled Errorcode = -112 // ERR_NO_SSL_VERSIONS_ENABLED
ErrSSLVersionOrCipherMismatch Errorcode = -113 // ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH
ErrSSLRenegotiationRequested Errorcode = -114 // ERR_SSL_RENEGOTIATION_REQUESTED
ErrCertCommonNameInvalid Errorcode = -200 // ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID
ErrCertBegin Errorcode = ErrCertCommonNameInvalid // ERR_CERT_BEGIN
ErrCertDateInvalid Errorcode = -201 // ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID
ErrCertAuthorityInvalid Errorcode = -202 // ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
ErrCertContainsErrors Errorcode = -203 // ERR_CERT_CONTAINS_ERRORS
ErrCertNoRevocationMechanism Errorcode = -204 // ERR_CERT_NO_REVOCATION_MECHANISM
ErrCertUnableToCheckRevocation Errorcode = -205 // ERR_CERT_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_REVOCATION
ErrCertRevoked Errorcode = -206 // ERR_CERT_REVOKED
ErrCertInvalid Errorcode = -207 // ERR_CERT_INVALID
ErrCertWeakSignatureAlgorithm Errorcode = -208 // ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM
// -209 is available: was ERR_CERT_NOT_IN_DNS.
ErrCertNonUniqueName Errorcode = -210 // ERR_CERT_NON_UNIQUE_NAME
ErrCertWeakKey Errorcode = -211 // ERR_CERT_WEAK_KEY
ErrCertNameConstraintViolation Errorcode = -212 // ERR_CERT_NAME_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION
ErrCertValidityTooLong Errorcode = -213 // ERR_CERT_VALIDITY_TOO_LONG
ErrCertEnd Errorcode = ErrCertValidityTooLong // ERR_CERT_END
ErrInvalidURL Errorcode = -300 // ERR_INVALID_URL
ErrDisallowedURLScheme Errorcode = -301 // ERR_DISALLOWED_URL_SCHEME
ErrUnknownURLScheme Errorcode = -302 // ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
ErrTooManyRedirects Errorcode = -310 // ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
ErrUnsafeRedirect Errorcode = -311 // ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT
ErrUnsafePort Errorcode = -312 // ERR_UNSAFE_PORT
ErrInvalidResponse Errorcode = -320 // ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE
ErrInvalidChunkedEncoding Errorcode = -321 // ERR_INVALID_CHUNKED_ENCODING
ErrMethodNotSupported Errorcode = -322 // ERR_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED
ErrUnexpectedProxyAuth Errorcode = -323 // ERR_UNEXPECTED_PROXY_AUTH
ErrEmptyResponse Errorcode = -324 // ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
ErrResponseHeadersTooBig Errorcode = -325 // ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_TOO_BIG
ErrCacheMiss Errorcode = -400 // ERR_CACHE_MISS
ErrInsecureResponse Errorcode = -501 // ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE
// No error.
ErrNone Errorcode = 0 // ERR_NONE
ErrIOPending Errorcode = 1 // ERR_IO_PENDING
ErrFailed Errorcode = 2 // ERR_FAILED
ErrAborted Errorcode = 3 // ERR_ABORTED
ErrInvalidArgument Errorcode = 4 // ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT
ErrInvalidHandle Errorcode = 5 // ERR_INVALID_HANDLE
ErrFileNotFound Errorcode = 6 // ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
ErrTimedOut Errorcode = 7 // ERR_TIMED_OUT
ErrFileTooBig Errorcode = 8 // ERR_FILE_TOO_BIG
ErrUnexpected Errorcode = 9 // ERR_UNEXPECTED
ErrAccessDenied Errorcode = 10 // ERR_ACCESS_DENIED
ErrNotImplemented Errorcode = 11 // ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
ErrInsufficientResources Errorcode = 12 // ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES
ErrOutOfMemory Errorcode = 13 // ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY
ErrUploadFileChanged Errorcode = 14 // ERR_UPLOAD_FILE_CHANGED
ErrSocketNotConnected Errorcode = 15 // ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED
ErrFileExists Errorcode = 16 // ERR_FILE_EXISTS
ErrFilePathTooLong Errorcode = 17 // ERR_FILE_PATH_TOO_LONG
ErrFileNoSpace Errorcode = 18 // ERR_FILE_NO_SPACE
ErrFileVirusInfected Errorcode = 19 // ERR_FILE_VIRUS_INFECTED
ErrBlockedByClient Errorcode = 20 // ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
ErrNetworkChanged Errorcode = 21 // ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED
ErrBlockedByAdministrator Errorcode = 22 // ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ADMINISTRATOR
ErrSocketIsConnected Errorcode = 23 // ERR_SOCKET_IS_CONNECTED
ErrBlockedEnrollmentCheckPending Errorcode = 24 // ERR_BLOCKED_ENROLLMENT_CHECK_PENDING
ErrUploadStreamRewindNotSupported Errorcode = 25 // ERR_UPLOAD_STREAM_REWIND_NOT_SUPPORTED
ErrContextShutDown Errorcode = 26 // ERR_CONTEXT_SHUT_DOWN
ErrBlockedByResponse Errorcode = 27 // ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE
ErrBlockedByXssAuditor Errorcode = 28 // ERR_BLOCKED_BY_XSS_AUDITOR
ErrCleartextNotPermitted Errorcode = 29 // ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED
ErrConnectionClosed Errorcode = 30 // ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED
ErrConnectionReset Errorcode = 31 // ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
ErrConnectionRefused Errorcode = 32 // ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
ErrConnectionAborted Errorcode = 33 // ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED
ErrConnectionFailed Errorcode = 34 // ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED
ErrNameNotResolved Errorcode = 35 // ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
ErrInternetDisconnected Errorcode = 36 // ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED
ErrSSLProtocolError Errorcode = 37 // ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
ErrAddressInvalid Errorcode = 38 // ERR_ADDRESS_INVALID
ErrAddressUnreachable Errorcode = 39 // ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE
ErrSSLClientAuthCertNeeded Errorcode = 40 // ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED
ErrTunnelConnectionFailed Errorcode = 41 // ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED
ErrNoSSLVersionsEnabled Errorcode = 42 // ERR_NO_SSL_VERSIONS_ENABLED
ErrSSLVersionOrCipherMismatch Errorcode = 43 // ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH
ErrSSLRenegotiationRequested Errorcode = 44 // ERR_SSL_RENEGOTIATION_REQUESTED
ErrProxyAuthUnsupported Errorcode = 45 // ERR_PROXY_AUTH_UNSUPPORTED
ErrCertErrorInSSLRenegotiation Errorcode = 46 // ERR_CERT_ERROR_IN_SSL_RENEGOTIATION
ErrBadSSLClientAuthCert Errorcode = 47 // ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT
ErrConnectionTimedOut Errorcode = 48 // ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
ErrHostResolverQueueTooLarge Errorcode = 49 // ERR_HOST_RESOLVER_QUEUE_TOO_LARGE
ErrSocksConnectionFailed Errorcode = 50 // ERR_SOCKS_CONNECTION_FAILED
ErrSocksConnectionHostUnreachable Errorcode = 51 // ERR_SOCKS_CONNECTION_HOST_UNREACHABLE
ErrAlpnNegotiationFailed Errorcode = 52 // ERR_ALPN_NEGOTIATION_FAILED
ErrSSLNoRenegotiation Errorcode = 53 // ERR_SSL_NO_RENEGOTIATION
ErrWinsockUnexpectedWrittenBytes Errorcode = 54 // ERR_WINSOCK_UNEXPECTED_WRITTEN_BYTES
ErrSSLDecompressionFailureAlert Errorcode = 55 // ERR_SSL_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE_ALERT
ErrSSLBadRecordMacAlert Errorcode = 56 // ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT
ErrProxyAuthRequested Errorcode = 57 // ERR_PROXY_AUTH_REQUESTED
ErrSSLWeakServerEphemeralDhKey Errorcode = 58 // ERR_SSL_WEAK_SERVER_EPHEMERAL_DH_KEY
ErrProxyConnectionFailed Errorcode = 59 // ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED
ErrMandatoryProxyConfigurationFailed Errorcode = 60 // ERR_MANDATORY_PROXY_CONFIGURATION_FAILED
ErrPreconnectMaxSocketLimit Errorcode = 61 // ERR_PRECONNECT_MAX_SOCKET_LIMIT
ErrSSLClientAuthPrivateKeyAccessDenied Errorcode = 62 // ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY_ACCESS_DENIED
ErrSSLClientAuthCertNoPrivateKey Errorcode = 63 // ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY
ErrProxyCertificateInvalid Errorcode = 64 // ERR_PROXY_CERTIFICATE_INVALID
ErrNameResolutionFailed Errorcode = 65 // ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED
ErrNetworkAccessDenied Errorcode = 66 // ERR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED
ErrTemporarilyThrottled Errorcode = 67 // ERR_TEMPORARILY_THROTTLED
ErrHttpsProxyTunnelResponseRedirect Errorcode = 68 // ERR_HTTPS_PROXY_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_REDIRECT
ErrSSLClientAuthSignatureFailed Errorcode = 69 // ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_SIGNATURE_FAILED
ErrMsgTooBig Errorcode = 70 // ERR_MSG_TOO_BIG
ErrSpdySessionAlreadyExists Errorcode = 71 // ERR_SPDY_SESSION_ALREADY_EXISTS
ErrWsProtocolError Errorcode = 72 // ERR_WS_PROTOCOL_ERROR
ErrAddressInUse Errorcode = 73 // ERR_ADDRESS_IN_USE
ErrSSLHandshakeNotCompleted Errorcode = 74 // ERR_SSL_HANDSHAKE_NOT_COMPLETED
ErrSSLBadPeerPublicKey Errorcode = 75 // ERR_SSL_BAD_PEER_PUBLIC_KEY
ErrSSLPinnedKeyNotInCertChain Errorcode = 76 // ERR_SSL_PINNED_KEY_NOT_IN_CERT_CHAIN
ErrClientAuthCertTypeUnsupported Errorcode = 77 // ERR_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED
ErrOriginBoundCertGenerationTypeMismatch Errorcode = 78 // ERR_ORIGIN_BOUND_CERT_GENERATION_TYPE_MISMATCH
ErrSSLDecryptErrorAlert Errorcode = 79 // ERR_SSL_DECRYPT_ERROR_ALERT
ErrWsThrottleQueueTooLarge Errorcode = 80 // ERR_WS_THROTTLE_QUEUE_TOO_LARGE
ErrSSLServerCertChanged Errorcode = 81 // ERR_SSL_SERVER_CERT_CHANGED
ErrSSLUnrecognizedNameAlert Errorcode = 82 // ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT
ErrSocketSetReceiveBufferSizeError Errorcode = 83 // ERR_SOCKET_SET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR
ErrSocketSetSendBufferSizeError Errorcode = 84 // ERR_SOCKET_SET_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR
ErrSocketReceiveBufferSizeUnchangeable Errorcode = 85 // ERR_SOCKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE_UNCHANGEABLE
ErrSocketSendBufferSizeUnchangeable Errorcode = 86 // ERR_SOCKET_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE_UNCHANGEABLE
ErrSSLClientAuthCertBadFormat Errorcode = 87 // ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_BAD_FORMAT
ErrIcannNameCollision Errorcode = 88 // ERR_ICANN_NAME_COLLISION
ErrSSLServerCertBadFormat Errorcode = 89 // ERR_SSL_SERVER_CERT_BAD_FORMAT
ErrCTSthParsingFailed Errorcode = 90 // ERR_CT_STH_PARSING_FAILED
ErrCTSthIncomplete Errorcode = 91 // ERR_CT_STH_INCOMPLETE
ErrUnableToReuseConnectionForProxyAuth Errorcode = 92 // ERR_UNABLE_TO_REUSE_CONNECTION_FOR_PROXY_AUTH
ErrCTConsistencyProofParsingFailed Errorcode = 93 // ERR_CT_CONSISTENCY_PROOF_PARSING_FAILED
ErrSSLObsoleteCipher Errorcode = 94 // ERR_SSL_OBSOLETE_CIPHER
ErrWsUpgrade Errorcode = 95 // ERR_WS_UPGRADE
ErrReadIfReadyNotImplemented Errorcode = 96 // ERR_READ_IF_READY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
ErrSSLVersionInterference Errorcode = 97 // ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE
ErrNoBufferSpace Errorcode = 98 // ERR_NO_BUFFER_SPACE
ErrSSLClientAuthNoCommonAlgorithms Errorcode = 99 // ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_NO_COMMON_ALGORITHMS
ErrEarlyDataRejected Errorcode = 100 // ERR_EARLY_DATA_REJECTED
ErrWrongVersionOnEarlyData Errorcode = 101 // ERR_WRONG_VERSION_ON_EARLY_DATA
ErrTls13DowngradeDetected Errorcode = 102 // ERR_TLS13_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED
ErrSSLKeyUsageIncompatible Errorcode = 103 // ERR_SSL_KEY_USAGE_INCOMPATIBLE
ErrCertCommonNameInvalid Errorcode = 104 // ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID
ErrCertDateInvalid Errorcode = 105 // ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID
ErrCertAuthorityInvalid Errorcode = 106 // ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
ErrCertContainsErrors Errorcode = 107 // ERR_CERT_CONTAINS_ERRORS
ErrCertNoRevocationMechanism Errorcode = 108 // ERR_CERT_NO_REVOCATION_MECHANISM
ErrCertUnableToCheckRevocation Errorcode = 109 // ERR_CERT_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_REVOCATION
ErrCertRevoked Errorcode = 110 // ERR_CERT_REVOKED
ErrCertInvalid Errorcode = 111 // ERR_CERT_INVALID
ErrCertWeakSignatureAlgorithm Errorcode = 112 // ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM
ErrCertNonUniqueName Errorcode = 113 // ERR_CERT_NON_UNIQUE_NAME
ErrCertWeakKey Errorcode = 114 // ERR_CERT_WEAK_KEY
ErrCertNameConstraintViolation Errorcode = 115 // ERR_CERT_NAME_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION
ErrCertValidityTooLong Errorcode = 116 // ERR_CERT_VALIDITY_TOO_LONG
ErrCertificateTransparencyRequired Errorcode = 117 // ERR_CERTIFICATE_TRANSPARENCY_REQUIRED
ErrCertSymantecLegacy Errorcode = 118 // ERR_CERT_SYMANTEC_LEGACY
ErrCertEnd Errorcode = 119 // ERR_CERT_END
ErrInvalidURL Errorcode = 120 // ERR_INVALID_URL
ErrDisallowedURLScheme Errorcode = 121 // ERR_DISALLOWED_URL_SCHEME
ErrUnknownURLScheme Errorcode = 122 // ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
ErrInvalidRedirect Errorcode = 123 // ERR_INVALID_REDIRECT
ErrTooManyRedirects Errorcode = 124 // ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
ErrUnsafeRedirect Errorcode = 125 // ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT
ErrUnsafePort Errorcode = 126 // ERR_UNSAFE_PORT
ErrInvalidResponse Errorcode = 127 // ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE
ErrInvalidChunkedEncoding Errorcode = 128 // ERR_INVALID_CHUNKED_ENCODING
ErrMethodNotSupported Errorcode = 129 // ERR_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED
ErrUnexpectedProxyAuth Errorcode = 130 // ERR_UNEXPECTED_PROXY_AUTH
ErrEmptyResponse Errorcode = 131 // ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
ErrResponseHeadersTooBig Errorcode = 132 // ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_TOO_BIG
ErrPacStatusNotOk Errorcode = 133 // ERR_PAC_STATUS_NOT_OK
ErrPacScriptFailed Errorcode = 134 // ERR_PAC_SCRIPT_FAILED
ErrRequestRangeNotSatisfiable Errorcode = 135 // ERR_REQUEST_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE
ErrMalformedIdentity Errorcode = 136 // ERR_MALFORMED_IDENTITY
ErrContentDecodingFailed Errorcode = 137 // ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED
ErrNetworkIOSuspended Errorcode = 138 // ERR_NETWORK_IO_SUSPENDED
ErrSynReplyNotReceived Errorcode = 139 // ERR_SYN_REPLY_NOT_RECEIVED
ErrEncodingConversionFailed Errorcode = 140 // ERR_ENCODING_CONVERSION_FAILED
ErrUnrecognizedFtpDirectoryListingFormat Errorcode = 141 // ERR_UNRECOGNIZED_FTP_DIRECTORY_LISTING_FORMAT
ErrNoSupportedProxies Errorcode = 142 // ERR_NO_SUPPORTED_PROXIES
ErrSpdyProtocolError Errorcode = 143 // ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR
ErrInvalidAuthCredentials Errorcode = 144 // ERR_INVALID_AUTH_CREDENTIALS
ErrUnsupportedAuthScheme Errorcode = 145 // ERR_UNSUPPORTED_AUTH_SCHEME
ErrEncodingDetectionFailed Errorcode = 146 // ERR_ENCODING_DETECTION_FAILED
ErrMissingAuthCredentials Errorcode = 147 // ERR_MISSING_AUTH_CREDENTIALS
ErrUnexpectedSecurityLibraryStatus Errorcode = 148 // ERR_UNEXPECTED_SECURITY_LIBRARY_STATUS
ErrMisconfiguredAuthEnvironment Errorcode = 149 // ERR_MISCONFIGURED_AUTH_ENVIRONMENT
ErrUndocumentedSecurityLibraryStatus Errorcode = 150 // ERR_UNDOCUMENTED_SECURITY_LIBRARY_STATUS
ErrResponseBodyTooBigToDrain Errorcode = 151 // ERR_RESPONSE_BODY_TOO_BIG_TO_DRAIN
ErrResponseHeadersMultipleContentLength Errorcode = 152 // ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_MULTIPLE_CONTENT_LENGTH
ErrIncompleteSpdyHeaders Errorcode = 153 // ERR_INCOMPLETE_SPDY_HEADERS
ErrPacNotInDhcp Errorcode = 154 // ERR_PAC_NOT_IN_DHCP
ErrResponseHeadersMultipleContentDisposition Errorcode = 155 // ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_MULTIPLE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION
ErrResponseHeadersMultipleLocation Errorcode = 156 // ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_MULTIPLE_LOCATION
ErrSpdyServerRefusedStream Errorcode = 157 // ERR_SPDY_SERVER_REFUSED_STREAM
ErrSpdyPingFailed Errorcode = 158 // ERR_SPDY_PING_FAILED
ErrContentLengthMismatch Errorcode = 159 // ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH
ErrIncompleteChunkedEncoding Errorcode = 160 // ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING
ErrQuicProtocolError Errorcode = 161 // ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR
ErrResponseHeadersTruncated Errorcode = 162 // ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_TRUNCATED
ErrQuicHandshakeFailed Errorcode = 163 // ERR_QUIC_HANDSHAKE_FAILED
ErrSpdyInadequateTransportSecurity Errorcode = 164 // ERR_SPDY_INADEQUATE_TRANSPORT_SECURITY
ErrSpdyFlowControlError Errorcode = 165 // ERR_SPDY_FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR
ErrSpdyFrameSizeError Errorcode = 166 // ERR_SPDY_FRAME_SIZE_ERROR
ErrSpdyCompressionError Errorcode = 167 // ERR_SPDY_COMPRESSION_ERROR
ErrProxyAuthRequestedWithNoConnection Errorcode = 168 // ERR_PROXY_AUTH_REQUESTED_WITH_NO_CONNECTION
ErrHTTP11Required Errorcode = 169 // ERR_HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED
ErrProxyHTTP11Required Errorcode = 170 // ERR_PROXY_HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED
ErrPacScriptTerminated Errorcode = 171 // ERR_PAC_SCRIPT_TERMINATED
ErrInvalidHTTPResponse Errorcode = 172 // ERR_INVALID_HTTP_RESPONSE
ErrContentDecodingInitFailed Errorcode = 173 // ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_INIT_FAILED
ErrSpdyRstStreamNoErrorReceived Errorcode = 174 // ERR_SPDY_RST_STREAM_NO_ERROR_RECEIVED
ErrSpdyPushedStreamNotAvailable Errorcode = 175 // ERR_SPDY_PUSHED_STREAM_NOT_AVAILABLE
ErrSpdyClaimedPushedStreamResetByServer Errorcode = 176 // ERR_SPDY_CLAIMED_PUSHED_STREAM_RESET_BY_SERVER
ErrTooManyRetries Errorcode = 177 // ERR_TOO_MANY_RETRIES
ErrSpdyStreamClosed Errorcode = 178 // ERR_SPDY_STREAM_CLOSED
ErrSpdyClientRefusedStream Errorcode = 179 // ERR_SPDY_CLIENT_REFUSED_STREAM
ErrSpdyPushedResponseDoesNotMatch Errorcode = 180 // ERR_SPDY_PUSHED_RESPONSE_DOES_NOT_MATCH
ErrCacheMiss Errorcode = 181 // ERR_CACHE_MISS
ErrCacheReadFailure Errorcode = 182 // ERR_CACHE_READ_FAILURE
ErrCacheWriteFailure Errorcode = 183 // ERR_CACHE_WRITE_FAILURE
ErrCacheOperationNotSupported Errorcode = 184 // ERR_CACHE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED
ErrCacheOpenFailure Errorcode = 185 // ERR_CACHE_OPEN_FAILURE
ErrCacheCreateFailure Errorcode = 186 // ERR_CACHE_CREATE_FAILURE
ErrCacheRace Errorcode = 187 // ERR_CACHE_RACE
ErrCacheChecksumReadFailure Errorcode = 188 // ERR_CACHE_CHECKSUM_READ_FAILURE
ErrCacheChecksumMismatch Errorcode = 189 // ERR_CACHE_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH
ErrCacheLockTimeout Errorcode = 190 // ERR_CACHE_LOCK_TIMEOUT
ErrCacheAuthFailureAfterRead Errorcode = 191 // ERR_CACHE_AUTH_FAILURE_AFTER_READ
ErrCacheEntryNotSuitable Errorcode = 192 // ERR_CACHE_ENTRY_NOT_SUITABLE
ErrCacheDoomFailure Errorcode = 193 // ERR_CACHE_DOOM_FAILURE
ErrCacheOpenOrCreateFailure Errorcode = 194 // ERR_CACHE_OPEN_OR_CREATE_FAILURE
ErrInsecureResponse Errorcode = 195 // ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE
ErrNoPrivateKeyForCert Errorcode = 196 // ERR_NO_PRIVATE_KEY_FOR_CERT
ErrAddUserCertFailed Errorcode = 197 // ERR_ADD_USER_CERT_FAILED
ErrInvalidSignedExchange Errorcode = 198 // ERR_INVALID_SIGNED_EXCHANGE
ErrFtpFailed Errorcode = 199 // ERR_FTP_FAILED
ErrFtpServiceUnavailable Errorcode = 200 // ERR_FTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
ErrFtpTransferAborted Errorcode = 201 // ERR_FTP_TRANSFER_ABORTED
ErrFtpFileBusy Errorcode = 202 // ERR_FTP_FILE_BUSY
ErrFtpSyntaxError Errorcode = 203 // ERR_FTP_SYNTAX_ERROR
ErrFtpCommandNotSupported Errorcode = 204 // ERR_FTP_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED
ErrFtpBadCommandSequence Errorcode = 205 // ERR_FTP_BAD_COMMAND_SEQUENCE
ErrPkcs12ImportBadPassword Errorcode = 206 // ERR_PKCS12_IMPORT_BAD_PASSWORD
ErrPkcs12ImportFailed Errorcode = 207 // ERR_PKCS12_IMPORT_FAILED
ErrImportCaCertNotCa Errorcode = 208 // ERR_IMPORT_CA_CERT_NOT_CA
ErrImportCertAlreadyExists Errorcode = 209 // ERR_IMPORT_CERT_ALREADY_EXISTS
ErrImportCaCertFailed Errorcode = 210 // ERR_IMPORT_CA_CERT_FAILED
ErrImportServerCertFailed Errorcode = 211 // ERR_IMPORT_SERVER_CERT_FAILED
ErrPkcs12ImportInvalidMac Errorcode = 212 // ERR_PKCS12_IMPORT_INVALID_MAC
ErrPkcs12ImportInvalidFile Errorcode = 213 // ERR_PKCS12_IMPORT_INVALID_FILE
ErrPkcs12ImportUnsupported Errorcode = 214 // ERR_PKCS12_IMPORT_UNSUPPORTED
ErrKeyGenerationFailed Errorcode = 215 // ERR_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED
ErrPrivateKeyExportFailed Errorcode = 216 // ERR_PRIVATE_KEY_EXPORT_FAILED
ErrSelfSignedCertGenerationFailed Errorcode = 217 // ERR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT_GENERATION_FAILED
ErrCertDatabaseChanged Errorcode = 218 // ERR_CERT_DATABASE_CHANGED
ErrDnsMalformedResponse Errorcode = 219 // ERR_DNS_MALFORMED_RESPONSE
ErrDnsServerRequiresTcp Errorcode = 220 // ERR_DNS_SERVER_REQUIRES_TCP
ErrDnsServerFailed Errorcode = 221 // ERR_DNS_SERVER_FAILED
ErrDnsTimedOut Errorcode = 222 // ERR_DNS_TIMED_OUT
ErrDnsCacheMiss Errorcode = 223 // ERR_DNS_CACHE_MISS
ErrDnsSearchEmpty Errorcode = 224 // ERR_DNS_SEARCH_EMPTY
ErrDnsSortError Errorcode = 225 // ERR_DNS_SORT_ERROR
ErrDnsHTTPFailed Errorcode = 226 // ERR_DNS_HTTP_FAILED
// EventFlags (cef_event_flags_t from include/internal/cef_types.h)
......@@ -1212,8 +1383,8 @@ const (
SSLConnectionVersionTLS1 SSLVersion = 3 // SSL_CONNECTION_VERSION_TLS1
SSLConnectionVersionTLS11 SSLVersion = 4 // SSL_CONNECTION_VERSION_TLS1_1
SSLConnectionVersionTLS12 SSLVersion = 5 // SSL_CONNECTION_VERSION_TLS1_2
// Reserve 6 for TLS 1.3.
SSLConnectionVersionQuic SSLVersion = 7 // SSL_CONNECTION_VERSION_QUIC
SSLConnectionVersionTLS13 SSLVersion = 6 // SSL_CONNECTION_VERSION_TLS1_3
SSLConnectionVersionQuic SSLVersion = 7 // SSL_CONNECTION_VERSION_QUIC
// State (cef_state_t from include/internal/cef_types.h)
......@@ -75,33 +75,42 @@ func BinaryValueCreate(data unsafe.Pointer, data_size uint64) *BinaryValue {
// |windowInfo|. All values will be copied internally and the actual window will
// be created on the UI thread. If |request_context| is NULL the global request
// context will be used. This function can be called on any browser process
// thread and will not block.
func BrowserHostCreateBrowser(windowInfo *WindowInfo, client *Client, url string, settings *BrowserSettings, request_context *RequestContext) int32 {
// thread and will not block. The optional |extra_info| parameter provides an
// opportunity to specify extra information specific to the created browser that
// will be passed to cef_render_process_handler_t::on_browser_created() in the
// render process.
func BrowserHostCreateBrowser(windowInfo *WindowInfo, client *Client, url string, settings *BrowserSettings, extra_info *DictionaryValue, request_context *RequestContext) int32 {
url_ := C.cef_string_userfree_alloc()
setCEFStr(url, url_)
defer func() {
return int32(C.cef_browser_host_create_browser(windowInfo.toNative(&C.cef_window_info_t{}), client.toNative(), (*C.cef_string_t)(url_), settings.toNative(&C.cef_browser_settings_t{}), request_context.toNative()))
return int32(C.cef_browser_host_create_browser(windowInfo.toNative(&C.cef_window_info_t{}), client.toNative(), (*C.cef_string_t)(url_), settings.toNative(&C.cef_browser_settings_t{}), extra_info.toNative(), request_context.toNative()))
// BrowserHostCreateBrowserSync (cef_browser_host_create_browser_sync from include/capi/cef_browser_capi.h)
// Create a new browser window using the window parameters specified by
// |windowInfo|. If |request_context| is NULL the global request context will be
// used. This function can only be called on the browser process UI thread.
func BrowserHostCreateBrowserSync(windowInfo *WindowInfo, client *Client, url string, settings *BrowserSettings, request_context *RequestContext) *Browser {
// used. This function can only be called on the browser process UI thread. The
// optional |extra_info| parameter provides an opportunity to specify extra
// information specific to the created browser that will be passed to
// cef_render_process_handler_t::on_browser_created() in the render process.
func BrowserHostCreateBrowserSync(windowInfo *WindowInfo, client *Client, url string, settings *BrowserSettings, extra_info *DictionaryValue, request_context *RequestContext) *Browser {
url_ := C.cef_string_userfree_alloc()
setCEFStr(url, url_)
defer func() {
return (*Browser)(C.cef_browser_host_create_browser_sync(windowInfo.toNative(&C.cef_window_info_t{}), client.toNative(), (*C.cef_string_t)(url_), settings.toNative(&C.cef_browser_settings_t{}), request_context.toNative()))
return (*Browser)(C.cef_browser_host_create_browser_sync(windowInfo.toNative(&C.cef_window_info_t{}), client.toNative(), (*C.cef_string_t)(url_), settings.toNative(&C.cef_browser_settings_t{}), extra_info.toNative(), request_context.toNative()))
// BrowserViewCreate (cef_browser_view_create from include/capi/views/cef_browser_view_capi.h)
// Create a new BrowserView. The underlying cef_browser_t will not be created
// until this view is added to the views hierarchy.
func BrowserViewCreate(client *Client, url string, settings *BrowserSettings, request_context *RequestContext, delegate *BrowserViewDelegate) *BrowserView {
// until this view is added to the views hierarchy. The optional |extra_info|
// parameter provides an opportunity to specify extra information specific to
// the created browser that will be passed to
// cef_render_process_handler_t::on_browser_created() in the render process.
func BrowserViewCreate(client *Client, url string, settings *BrowserSettings, extra_info *DictionaryValue, request_context *RequestContext, delegate *BrowserViewDelegate) *BrowserView {
url_ := C.cef_string_userfree_alloc()
setCEFStr(url, url_)
defer func() {
......@@ -111,7 +120,7 @@ func BrowserViewCreate(client *Client, url string, settings *BrowserSettings, re
if delegate != nil {
delegate_ = delegate.toNative()
return (*BrowserView)(C.cef_browser_view_create(client.toNative(), (*C.cef_string_t)(url_), settings.toNative(&C.cef_browser_settings_t{}), request_context.toNative(), delegate_))
return (*BrowserView)(C.cef_browser_view_create(client.toNative(), (*C.cef_string_t)(url_), settings.toNative(&C.cef_browser_settings_t{}), extra_info.toNative(), request_context.toNative(), delegate_))
// BrowserViewGetForBrowser (cef_browser_view_get_for_browser from include/capi/views/cef_browser_view_capi.h)
......@@ -150,41 +159,13 @@ func CommandLineGetGlobal() *CommandLine {
return (*CommandLine)(C.cef_command_line_get_global())
// CookieManagerCreateManager (cef_cookie_manager_create_manager from include/capi/cef_cookie_capi.h)
// Creates a new cookie manager. If |path| is NULL data will be stored in memory
// only. Otherwise, data will be stored at the specified |path|. To persist
// session cookies (cookies without an expiry date or validity interval) set
// |persist_session_cookies| to true (1). Session cookies are generally intended
// to be transient and most Web browsers do not persist them. If |callback| is
// non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the IO thread after the
// manager's storage has been initialized.
func CookieManagerCreateManager(path string, persist_session_cookies int32, callback *CompletionCallback) *CookieManager {
path_ := C.cef_string_userfree_alloc()
setCEFStr(path, path_)
defer func() {
return (*CookieManager)(C.cef_cookie_manager_create_manager((*C.cef_string_t)(path_), C.int(persist_session_cookies), callback.toNative()))
// CookieManagerGetBlockingManager (cef_cookie_manager_get_blocking_manager from include/capi/cef_cookie_capi.h)
// Returns a cookie manager that neither stores nor retrieves cookies. All usage
// of cookies will be blocked including cookies accessed via the network
// (request/response headers), via JavaScript (document.cookie), and via
// cef_cookie_manager_t functions. No cookies will be displayed in DevTools. If
// you wish to only block cookies sent via the network use the
// cef_request_tHandler CanGetCookies and CanSetCookie functions instead.
func CookieManagerGetBlockingManager() *CookieManager {
return (*CookieManager)(C.cef_cookie_manager_get_blocking_manager())
// CookieManagerGetGlobalManager (cef_cookie_manager_get_global_manager from include/capi/cef_cookie_capi.h)
// Returns the global cookie manager. By default data will be stored at
// CefSettings.cache_path if specified or in memory otherwise. If |callback| is
// non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the IO thread after the
// non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the UI thread after the
// manager's storage has been initialized. Using this function is equivalent to
// calling cef_request_tContext::cef_request_context_get_global_context()->get_d
// efault_cookie_manager().
// calling cef_request_tContext::cef_request_context_get_global_context()->GetDe
// faultCookieManager().
func CookieManagerGetGlobalManager(callback *CompletionCallback) *CookieManager {
return (*CookieManager)(C.cef_cookie_manager_get_global_manager(callback.toNative()))
......@@ -1076,19 +1057,25 @@ func UnregisterInternalWebPlugin(path string) {
// UrlrequestCreate (cef_urlrequest_create from include/capi/cef_urlrequest_capi.h)
// Create a new URL request. Only GET, POST, HEAD, DELETE and PUT request
// functions are supported. Multiple post data elements are not supported and
// elements of type PDE_TYPE_FILE are only supported for requests originating
// from the browser process. Requests originating from the render process will
// receive the same handling as requests originating from Web content -- if the
// response contains Content-Disposition or Mime-Type header values that would
// not normally be rendered then the response may receive special handling
// inside the browser (for example, via the file download code path instead of
// the URL request code path). The |request| object will be marked as read-only
// after calling this function. In the browser process if |request_context| is
// NULL the global request context will be used. In the render process
// |request_context| must be NULL and the context associated with the current
// renderer process' browser will be used.
// Create a new URL request that is not associated with a specific browser or
// frame. Use cef_frame_t::CreateURLRequest instead if you want the request to
// have this association, in which case it may be handled differently (see
// documentation on that function). Requests may originate from the both browser
// process and the render process.
// For requests originating from the browser process:
// - It may be intercepted by the client via CefResourceRequestHandler or
// CefSchemeHandlerFactory.
// - POST data may only contain only a single element of type PDE_TYPE_FILE
// - If |request_context| is empty the global request context will be used.
// For requests originating from the render process:
// - It cannot be intercepted by the client so only http(s) and blob schemes
// are supported.
// - POST data may only contain a single element of type PDE_TYPE_BYTES.
// - The |request_context| parameter must be NULL.
// The |request| object will be marked as read-only after calling this function.
func UrlrequestCreate(request *Request, client *UrlrequestClient, request_context *RequestContext) *Urlrequest {
return (*Urlrequest)(C.cef_urlrequest_create(request.toNative(), client.toNative(), request_context.toNative()))
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