提交 ecfa5573 编写于 作者: S Stefan Mächler 提交者: Ben

Improve make_bit example

Use the '-z' option of the 'test' command to check whether 'MSG' is
a string of zero length.

Do not test the variable 'MSG' twice, return '1' by using the
'false' command in the first 'if' statement. In this way the 'push'
target is aborted right after printing the reminder. There is no
need to test it once again.
上级 0bef2f4b
push: push:
@if [ "x$(MSG)" = 'x' ] ; then \ @if [ -z "$(MSG)" ]; then \
echo "Usage: MSG='your message here.' make push"; fi echo "Usage: MSG='your message here.' make push"; false; fi
@test "x$(MSG)" != 'x'
git commit -a -m "$(MSG)" git commit -a -m "$(MSG)"
git svn fetch git svn fetch
git svn rebase git svn rebase
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