未验证 提交 60af52fb 编写于 作者: G geosmart 提交者: GitHub

[Improvement][ApiDoc] fix-queue controller verifyQueue param (#5558)

Co-authored-by: Nwanggang <wanggy01@servyou.com.cn>
上级 56273319
......@@ -171,7 +171,6 @@ public class QueueController extends BaseController {
@ApiOperation(value = "verifyQueue", notes = "VERIFY_QUEUE_NOTES")
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "id", value = "QUEUE_ID", required = true, dataType = "Int", example = "100"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "queue", value = "YARN_QUEUE_NAME", required = true, dataType = "String"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "queueName", value = "QUEUE_NAME", required = true, dataType = "String")
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