1、The process instance is deleted in batches and the corresponding zk queue task is deleted. 2、 Process definition deletion and batch deletion 3、Tenant delete 4、Timed to delete 5、 sql task to add title 6、 sql mail does not show the blank line in front 7、Install.sh join the switch variable, control whether to start the self-start script. Start monitoring self-starting scripts when true. 8、 Resource file rename only modify the description will not report the name has been wrong 9、The sub-parent process global variable override, the sub-process inherits the parent process global variable and can be rewritten 10、 Task dependence increases "today" 11、 Stop and pause to cancel the status check of the process definition 12、 Process instance timeout BUG modification 13、nginx timeout connection problem repair 14、 Front-end one-click deployment optimization, and support ubuntu 15、Project increase process definition statistics and operation process instance statistics 16、The administrator can not generate tokenBUG repair 17、Increase the Master's process tolerance for running, fault tolerant, ready to suspend, and ready to stop. 18、The mail adds SSL protocol and TLS and SSL can be configured to start using 19、Modify the task of scheduling execution, you can resume the process across days, so that the system parameters remain unchanged 20、jar package conflict problem solving 21、 API online documentation

1、流程实例批量删除并增加相应zk队列任务删除 2、流程定义删除和批量删除 3、租户删除 4、定时删除 5、sql任务添加title 6、sql邮件不显示前面的空行 7、install.sh加入开关变量,控制是否启动自启动脚本。当为true时启动监控自启动脚本。 8、资源文件重命名只修改描述时不会报名称已存在错误 9、子父流程全局变量覆盖,子流程继承父流程全局变量并可以重写 10、任务依赖增加“今日” 11、停止和暂停取消对流程定义上下线状态检查 12、流程实例超时BUG修改 13、nginx超时连接问题修复 14、前端一键部署优化,并支持ubuntu 15、项目增加流程定义统计和运行流程实例统计 16、管理员不能生成tokenBUG修复 17、增加Master启动对正在运行、容错、准备暂停和准备停止的流程容错 18、邮件增加SSL协议并且TLS和SSL可配置启动使用 19、修改调度执行的任务,可以跨天恢复流程,以致系统参数不变 20、jar包冲突问题解决 21、API在线文档


Apache DolphinScheduler is the modern data workflow orchestration platform with powerful user interface, dedicated to solving complex task dependencies in the data pipeline and providing various types of jobs available out of the box

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发行版本 35



贡献者 211



  • Java 80.7 %
  • TypeScript 17.4 %
  • Shell 0.6 %
  • PLpgSQL 0.5 %
  • SCSS 0.5 %