[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag 1.1.0

New features:

  1. [EasyScheduler-391] run a process under a specified tenement user
  2. [EasyScheduler-288] Feature/qiye_weixin
  3. [EasyScheduler-189] Security support such as Kerberos
  4. [EasyScheduler-398] Administrator, with tenants (install.sh set default tenant), can create resources, projects and data sources (restricted Have an administrator)
  5. [EasyScheduler-293] Click on the parameter selected when running the process, there is no place to view, no save
  6. [EasyScheduler-401] Timing is easy to time every second. After the timing is completed, the next trigger time can be displayed on the page.
  7. [EasyScheduler-493] add datasource kerberos auth and FAQ modify and add resource upload s3


  1. [EasyScheduler-227] upgrade spring-boot to 2.1.x and spring to 5.x
  2. [EasyScheduler-434] The number of worker nodes is inconsistent between zk and mysql
  3. [EasyScheduler-435] Verification of the mailbox format
  4. [EasyScheduler-441] prohibits running nodes from joining completed node detection
  5. [EasyScheduler-400] Home page, queue statistics are not harmonious, command statistics have no data
  6. [EasyScheduler-395] For fault-tolerant recovery processes, the status cannot be **Running
  7. [EasyScheduler-529] optimize poll task from zookeeper
  8. [EasyScheduler-242] worker-server node gets task performance problem
  9. [EasyScheduler-352] worker grouping, queue consumption problem
  10. [EasyScheduler-461] View data source parameters, need to encrypt account password information
  11. [EasyScheduler-396] Dockerfile optimization, and associated Dockerfile and github to achieve automatic mirroring
  12. [EasyScheduler-389] service monitor cannot find the change of master/worker
  13. [EasyScheduler-511] support recovery process from stop/kill nodes.
  14. [EasyScheduler-399] HadoopUtils specifies user actions instead of **Deploying users
  15. [EasyScheduler-378] Mailbox regular match
  16. [EasyScheduler-625] EasyScheduler call shell "task instance not set host"
  17. [EasyScheduler-622] Front-end interface deployment k8s, background deployment big data cluster session error


  1. [EasyScheduler-394] When the master&worker is deployed on the same machine, if the master&worker service is restarted, the previously scheduled tasks cannot be scheduled.
  2. [EasyScheduler-469] Fix naming errors,monitor page
  3. [EasyScheduler-392] Feature request: fix email regex check
  4. [EasyScheduler-405] Timely modify/add page, start time and end time cannot be the same
  5. [EasyScheduler-517] Complement - Sub Workflow - Time Parameters
  6. [EasyScheduler-532] Python node does not execute the problem
  7. [EasyScheduler-543] optimize datasource connection params safety
  8. [EasyScheduler-569] Timed tasks can't really stop
  9. [EasyScheduler-463] Email verification does not support very suffixed mailboxes
  10. [EasyScheduler-650] Creating a hive data source without a principal will cause the connection to fail
  11. [EasyScheduler-641] The cellphone is not supported for 199 telecom segment when create a user
  12. [EasyScheduler-627] Different sql node task logs in parallel in the same workflow will be mixed


  1. [EasyScheduler-391] run a process under a specified tenement user
  2. [EasyScheduler-288] Feature/qiye_weixin
  3. [EasyScheduler-189] Kerberos等安全支持
  4. [EasyScheduler-398] 管理员,有租户(install.sh设置默认租户),可以创建资源、项目和数据源(限制有一个管理员)
  5. [EasyScheduler-293] 点击运行流程时候选择的参数,没有地方可查看,也没有保存
  6. [EasyScheduler-401] 定时很容易定时每秒一次,定时完成以后可以在页面显示一下下次触发时间
  7. [EasyScheduler-493] add datasource kerberos auth and FAQ modify and add resource upload s3


  1. [EasyScheduler-227] upgrade spring-boot to 2.1.x and spring to 5.x
  2. [EasyScheduler-434] worker节点数量 zk和mysql中不一致
  3. [EasyScheduler-435] 邮箱格式的验证
  4. [EasyScheduler-441] 禁止运行节点加入已完成节点检测
  5. [EasyScheduler-400] 首页页面,队列统计不和谐,命令统计无数据
  6. [EasyScheduler-395] 对于容错恢复的流程,状态不能为 **正在运行
  7. [EasyScheduler-529] optimize poll task from zookeeper
  8. [EasyScheduler-242] worker-server节点获取任务性能问题
  9. [EasyScheduler-352] worker 分组, 队列消费问题
  10. [EasyScheduler-461] 查看数据源参数,需要加密账号密码信息
  11. [EasyScheduler-396] Dockerfile优化,并关联Dockerfile和github实现自动打镜像
  12. [EasyScheduler-389] service monitor cannot find the change of master/worker
  13. [EasyScheduler-511] support recovery process from stop/kill nodes.
  14. [EasyScheduler-399] HadoopUtils指定用户操作,而不是 **部署用户
  15. [EasyScheduler-378] Mailbox regular match
  16. [EasyScheduler-625] EasyScheduler call shell "task instance not set host"
  17. [EasyScheduler-622] Front-end interface deployment k8s, background deployment big data cluster session error


  1. [EasyScheduler-394] master&worker部署在同一台机器上时,如果重启master&worker服务,会导致之前调度的任务无法继续调度
  2. [EasyScheduler-469] Fix naming errors,monitor page
  3. [EasyScheduler-392] Feature request: fix email regex check
  4. [EasyScheduler-405] 定时修改/添加页面,开始时间和结束时间不能相同
  5. [EasyScheduler-517] 补数 - 子工作流 - 时间参数
  6. [EasyScheduler-532] python节点不执行的问题
  7. [EasyScheduler-543] optimize datasource connection params safety
  8. [EasyScheduler-569] 定时任务无法真正停止
  9. [EasyScheduler-463] 邮箱验证不支持非常见后缀邮箱
  10. [EasyScheduler-650] Creating a hive data source without a principal will cause the connection to fail
  11. [EasyScheduler-641] The cellphone is not supported for 199 telecom segment when create a user
  12. [EasyScheduler-627] Different sql node task logs in parallel in the same workflow will be mixed


Apache DolphinScheduler is the modern data workflow orchestration platform with powerful user interface, dedicated to solving complex task dependencies in the data pipeline and providing various types of jobs available out of the box

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发行版本 35



贡献者 211



  • Java 80.7 %
  • TypeScript 17.4 %
  • Shell 0.6 %
  • PLpgSQL 0.5 %
  • SCSS 0.5 %