[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag 1.2.1

New Feature

  1. [#1497] DAG automatic layout when use api call process definition create
  2. [ #747] Worker server runtime log desensitization
  3. [#1635] merge configurations in order to reduce configuration files
  4. [#1460] Add CI
  5. [#1547] node text edit box supports full-screen magnification
  6. [#1646] Add github action to analyze code with sonarcloud
  7. [#1367] Add java checkstyle


  1. [#184] Use the default workgroup in the page ,Instead of the value id.
  2. [#1441] add user success when user name contains '.'.
  3. [#839] add Spark Task Component can switch Spark Version.
  4. [#1511] Merge frontend and backend tar into one binary tar
  5. [#1509] Remove master server and worker server listening port (5566、7788)
  6. [#1575] Remove kazoo, simplify deployment
  7. [#1300] Add right alignment function in sql email content
  8. [#1599] add profile nginx in order to deploy frontend
  9. Support Mac local development and debugging

Bug Fixes

  1. Solve the problem that the pop-up box cannot be closed when the browser returns
  2. Fix [#1399] The wrong field order in logger.info
  3. Fix [#1379] SQL task,date parameter need to add explicit type casts
  4. Fix [#1477] some tasks would be running all the time when db delayed
  5. Fix [#1514] the field queue in table t_ds_user not change with tabke t_ds_queue modify queue_name field
  6. Fix [#1768] There are multiple pages of data. After deleting all the data on one page, the data is displayed as empty
  7. Fix [#1770] After canceling the file authorization, the running workflow should not obtain resource files from the original tenant directory
  8. Fix [#1779] The execution of the SUB_PROCESS task failed first, but eventually succeeded
  9. Fix [#1789] Click to view the history, enter the task instance page, the results of the query based on the search conditions are displayed incorrectly
  10. Fix [#1810] Workflow instance does not show dependencies
  11. Fix [#1816] Add multiple dependencies, the workflow definitions of the first few dependencies read the workflow definition of the last project
  12. Fix [#1828] After executing the authorized UDF function, the path of the read resource file is incorrect


Apache DolphinScheduler is the modern data workflow orchestration platform with powerful user interface, dedicated to solving complex task dependencies in the data pipeline and providing various types of jobs available out of the box

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发行版本 35



贡献者 211



  • Java 80.7 %
  • TypeScript 17.4 %
  • Shell 0.6 %
  • PLpgSQL 0.5 %
  • SCSS 0.5 %