未验证 提交 4b247ab1 编写于 作者: Z Zhang Yifan 提交者: GitHub

fix: Use default options to open db when latest option file has incompatible db options (#593)

上级 ae7caa25
......@@ -1330,9 +1330,18 @@ void pegasus_server_impl::on_clear_scanner(const int64_t &args) { _context_cache
// Here we create a `tmp_data_cf_opts` because we don't want to modify `_data_cf_opts`, which
// will be used elsewhere.
rocksdb::ColumnFamilyOptions tmp_data_cf_opts = _data_cf_opts;
bool has_incompatible_db_options = false;
if (db_exist) {
// When DB exists, meta CF and data CF must be present.
bool missing_meta_cf = true;
bool missing_data_cf = true;
if (check_column_families(path, &missing_meta_cf, &missing_data_cf) != ::dsn::ERR_OK) {
derror_replica("check column families failed");
return ::dsn::ERR_LOCAL_APP_FAILURE;
dassert_replica(!missing_meta_cf, "You must upgrade Pegasus server from 2.0");
dassert_replica(!missing_data_cf, "Missing data column family");
// Load latest options from option file stored in the db directory.
rocksdb::DBOptions loaded_db_opt;
std::vector<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyDescriptor> loaded_cf_descs;
......@@ -1344,28 +1353,31 @@ void pegasus_server_impl::on_clear_scanner(const int64_t &args) { _context_cache
if (!status.ok()) {
derror_replica("load latest option file failed.");
return ::dsn::ERR_LOCAL_APP_FAILURE;
for (int i = 0; i < loaded_cf_descs.size(); ++i) {
if (loaded_cf_descs[i].name == META_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME) {
missing_meta_cf = false;
} else if (loaded_cf_descs[i].name == DATA_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME) {
missing_data_cf = false;
loaded_data_cf_opts = loaded_cf_descs[i].options;
} else {
derror_replica("unknown column family name.");
// Here we ignore an invalid argument error related to `pegasus_data_version` and
// `pegasus_data` options, which were used in old version rocksdbs (before 2.1.0).
if (status.code() != rocksdb::Status::kInvalidArgument ||
status.ToString().find("pegasus_data") == std::string::npos) {
derror_replica("load latest option file failed: {}.", status.ToString());
return ::dsn::ERR_LOCAL_APP_FAILURE;
has_incompatible_db_options = true;
dwarn_replica("The latest option file has incompatible db options: {}, use default "
"options to open db.",
if (!has_incompatible_db_options) {
for (int i = 0; i < loaded_cf_descs.size(); ++i) {
if (loaded_cf_descs[i].name == DATA_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME) {
loaded_data_cf_opts = loaded_cf_descs[i].options;
// Reset usage scenario related options according to loaded_data_cf_opts.
// We don't use `loaded_data_cf_opts` directly because pointer-typed options will
// only be initialized with default values when calling 'LoadLatestOptions', see
// 'rocksdb/utilities/options_util.h'.
reset_usage_scenario_options(loaded_data_cf_opts, &tmp_data_cf_opts);
// When DB exists, meta CF and data CF must be present.
dassert_replica(!missing_meta_cf, "You must upgrade Pegasus server from 2.0");
dassert_replica(!missing_data_cf, "Missing data column family");
// Reset usage scenario related options according to loaded_data_cf_opts.
// We don't use `loaded_data_cf_opts` directly because pointer-typed options will only be
// initialized with default values when calling 'LoadLatestOptions', see
// 'rocksdb/utilities/options_util.h'.
reset_usage_scenario_options(loaded_data_cf_opts, &tmp_data_cf_opts);
} else {
// When create new DB, we have to create a new column family to store meta data (meta column
// family).
......@@ -1376,7 +1388,7 @@ void pegasus_server_impl::on_clear_scanner(const int64_t &args) { _context_cache
{{DATA_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME, tmp_data_cf_opts}, {META_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME, _meta_cf_opts}});
auto s = rocksdb::CheckOptionsCompatibility(
path, rocksdb::Env::Default(), _db_opts, column_families, /*ignore_unknown_options=*/true);
if (!s.ok() && !s.IsNotFound()) {
if (!s.ok() && !s.IsNotFound() && !has_incompatible_db_options) {
derror_replica("rocksdb::CheckOptionsCompatibility failed, error = {}", s.ToString());
return ::dsn::ERR_LOCAL_APP_FAILURE;
......@@ -2574,6 +2586,32 @@ bool pegasus_server_impl::set_options(
::dsn::error_code pegasus_server_impl::check_column_families(const std::string &path,
bool *missing_meta_cf,
bool *missing_data_cf)
*missing_meta_cf = true;
*missing_data_cf = true;
std::vector<std::string> column_families;
auto s = rocksdb::DB::ListColumnFamilies(rocksdb::DBOptions(), path, &column_families);
if (!s.ok()) {
derror_replica("rocksdb::DB::ListColumnFamilies failed, error = {}", s.ToString());
return ::dsn::ERR_LOCAL_APP_FAILURE;
for (const auto &column_family : column_families) {
if (column_family == META_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME) {
*missing_meta_cf = false;
} else if (column_family == DATA_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME) {
*missing_data_cf = false;
} else {
derror_replica("unknown column family name: {}", column_family);
return ::dsn::ERR_LOCAL_APP_FAILURE;
return ::dsn::ERR_OK;
uint64_t pegasus_server_impl::do_manual_compact(const rocksdb::CompactRangeOptions &options)
// wait flush before compact to make all data compacted.
......@@ -310,6 +310,9 @@ private:
return false;
check_column_families(const std::string &path, bool *missing_meta_cf, bool *miss_data_cf);
void release_db();
void release_db(rocksdb::DB *db, const std::vector<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyHandle *> &handles);
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