#!/usr/bin/env bash # Configure the following variables to customize the docker cluster. # export PARTITION_COUNT=8 export APP_NAME=temp # The ip prefix for each nodes. # Meta-x's ip address is{x}:34601. # Replica-x's ip address is{x}:34801 export NODE_IP_PREFIX=172.21.0 export CLUSTER_NAME=onebox2 export IMAGE_NAME=pegasus:latest # allow_non_idempotent_write = true # for jepsen test this option must be enabled. export IDEMPOTENT=true # Config End # ############## SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" ROOT=$(dirname "${SCRIPT_DIR}") LOCAL_IP=$("${ROOT}"/scripts/get_local_ip) export SCRIPT_DIR export ROOT export LOCAL_IP export DOCKER_DIR=${ROOT}/${CLUSTER_NAME}-docker # Where docker onebox resides. export META_COUNT=2 # Number of meta instances. export REPLICA_COUNT=5 # Number of replica instances.