未验证 提交 0ca52f3e 编写于 作者: K Kimura Takesi 提交者: GitHub

update node client document (#7966)

Co-authored-by: NTakesi Kimura <takeshki@yahoo-corp.jp>
上级 c9026ca9
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ Compatibility between each version of the Node.js client and the C++ client is a
| Node.js client | C++ client |
| :------------- | :------------- |
| 1.0.0 | 2.3.0 or later |
| 1.1.0 | 2.4.0 or later |
| 1.2.0 | 2.5.0 or later |
If an incompatible version of the C++ client is installed, you may fail to build or run this library.
......@@ -93,6 +95,7 @@ The following configurable parameters are available for Pulsar clients:
| `tlsValidateHostname` | The boolean value of setup whether to enable TLS hostname verification. | `false` |
| `tlsAllowInsecureConnection` | The boolean value of setup whether the Pulsar client accepts untrusted TLS certificate from broker. | `false` |
| `statsIntervalInSeconds` | Interval between each stat info. Stats is activated with positive statsInterval. The value should be set to 1 second at least | 600 |
| `log` | A function that is used for logging. | `console.log` |
## Producers
......@@ -213,6 +216,8 @@ Pulsar Node.js consumers have the following methods available:
| `acknowledgeId(Object)` | [Acknowledges](reference-terminology.md#acknowledgment-ack) a message to the Pulsar [broker](reference-terminology.md#broker) by message ID object. | `void` |
| `acknowledgeCumulative(Object)` | [Acknowledges](reference-terminology.md#acknowledgment-ack) *all* the messages in the stream, up to and including the specified message. The `acknowledgeCumulative` method will return void, and send the ack to the broker asynchronously. After that, the messages will *not* be redelivered to the consumer. Cumulative acking can not be used with a [shared](concepts-messaging.md#shared) subscription type. | `void` |
| `acknowledgeCumulativeId(Object)` | [Acknowledges](reference-terminology.md#acknowledgment-ack) *all* the messages in the stream, up to and including the specified message ID. | `void` |
| `negativeAcknowledge(Message)`| [Negatively acknowledges](reference-terminology.md#negative-acknowledgment-nack) a message to the Pulsar broker by message object. | `void` |
| `negativeAcknowledgeId(MessageId)` | [Negatively acknowledges](reference-terminology.md#negative-acknowledgment-nack) a message to the Pulsar broker by message ID object. | `void` |
| `close()` | Closes the consumer, disabling its ability to receive messages from the broker. | `Promise<null>` |
### Consumer configuration
......@@ -222,11 +227,15 @@ Pulsar Node.js consumers have the following methods available:
| `topic` | The Pulsar [topic](reference-terminology.md#topic) on which the consumer will establish a subscription and listen for messages. | |
| `subscription` | The subscription name for this consumer. | |
| `subscriptionType` | Available options are `Exclusive`, `Shared`, and `Failover`. | `Exclusive` |
| `subscriptionInitialPosition` | Initial position at which to set cursor when subscribing to a topic at first time. | `SubscriptionInitialPosition.Latest` |
| `ackTimeoutMs` | Acknowledge timeout in milliseconds. | 0 |
| `nAckRedeliverTimeoutMs` | Delay to wait before redelivering messages that failed to be processed. | 60000 |
| `receiverQueueSize` | Sets the size of the consumer's receiver queue, i.e. the number of messages that can be accumulated by the consumer before the application calls `receive`. A value higher than the default of 1000 could increase consumer throughput, though at the expense of more memory utilization. | 1000 |
| `receiverQueueSizeAcrossPartitions` | Set the max total receiver queue size across partitions. This setting will be used to reduce the receiver queue size for individual partitions if the total exceeds this value. | 50000 |
| `consumerName` | The name of consumer. Currently(v2.4.1), [failover](concepts-messaging.md#failover) mode use consumer name in ordering. | |
| `properties` | The metadata of consumer. | |
| `listener`| A listener that is called for a message received. | |
| `readCompacted`| If enabling `readCompacted`, a consumer reads messages from a compacted topic rather than reading a full message backlog of a topic.<br/><br/>A consumer only sees the latest value for each key in the compacted topic, up until reaching the point in the topic message when compacting backlog. Beyond that point, send messages as normal.<br/><br/> `readCompacted` can only be enabled on subscriptions to persistent topics, which have a single active consumer (like failure or exclusive subscriptions).<br/><br/>Attempting to enable it on subscriptions to non-persistent topics or on shared subscriptions leads to a subscription call throwing a `PulsarClientException`. | false |
### Consumer example
......@@ -260,6 +269,21 @@ const Pulsar = require('pulsar-client');
Instead a consumer can be created with `listener` to process messages.
// Create a consumer
const consumer = await client.subscribe({
topic: 'my-topic',
subscription: 'my-subscription',
subscriptionType: 'Exclusive',
listener: (msg, msgConsumer) => {
## Readers
Pulsar readers process messages from Pulsar topics. Readers are different from consumers because with readers you need to explicitly specify which message in the stream you want to begin with (consumers, on the other hand, automatically begin with the most recently unacked message). You can [configure](#reader-configuration) Node.js readers using a reader configuration object.
......@@ -298,6 +322,8 @@ Pulsar Node.js readers have the following methods available:
| `receiverQueueSize` | Sets the size of the reader's receiver queue, i.e. the number of messages that can be accumulated by the reader before the application calls `readNext`. A value higher than the default of 1000 could increase reader throughput, though at the expense of more memory utilization. | 1000 |
| `readerName` | The name of the reader. | |
| `subscriptionRolePrefix` | The subscription role prefix. | |
| `readCompacted` | If enabling `readCompacted`, a consumer reads messages from a compacted topic rather than reading a full message backlog of a topic.<br/><br/>A consumer only sees the latest value for each key in the compacted topic, up until reaching the point in the topic message when compacting backlog. Beyond that point, send messages as normal.<br/><br/> `readCompacted` can only be enabled on subscriptions to persistent topics, which have a single active consumer (like failure or exclusive subscriptions).<br/><br/>Attempting to enable it on subscriptions to non-persistent topics or on shared subscriptions leads to a subscription call throwing a `PulsarClientException`. | `false` |
### Reader example
......@@ -378,6 +404,7 @@ The message object have the following methods available:
| `getMessageId()` | Getter method of [message id object](#message-id-object-operations). | `Object` |
| `getPublishTimestamp()` | Getter method of publish timestamp. | `Number` |
| `getEventTimestamp()` | Getter method of event timestamp. | `Number` |
| `getRedeliveryCount()` | Getter method of redelivery count. | `Number` |
| `getPartitionKey()` | Getter method of partition key. | `String` |
### Message ID object operations
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