未验证 提交 0cb7d90d 编写于 作者: Z zhang-wei 提交者: GitHub

Add Browser Error Category (#17)

* error category

* error category
上级 eebd016e
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ message BrowserPerfData {
message BrowserErrorLog {
string catalog = 1;
ErrorCategory category = 1;
string grade = 2;
string message = 3;
int32 line = 4;
......@@ -57,6 +57,15 @@ message BrowserErrorLog {
int64 time = 8;
enum ErrorCategory {
ajax = 0;
resource = 1;
vue = 2;
promise = 3;
js = 4;
unknown = 5;
message PerfDetail {
// Unit of all time related field should be `ms`.
int32 redirectTime = 1;
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