提交 4a466a17 编写于 作者: wu-sheng's avatar wu-sheng

Fix the profile protocol.

上级 c106b75e
......@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ service ProfileTask {
message ProfileTaskCommandQuery {
// current sniffer information
int32 serviceId = 1;
int32 instanceId = 2;
string service = 1;
string serviceInstance = 2;
// last command timestamp
int64 lastCommandTime = 3;
......@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ message ThreadStack {
// profile task finished report
message ProfileTaskFinishReport {
// current sniffer information
int32 serviceId = 1;
int32 instanceId = 2;
string service = 1;
string serviceInstance = 2;
// profile task
string taskId = 3;
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