提交 7ccf1cf6 编写于 作者: Z zhang-wei 提交者: wu-sheng

Add field for browser perf service (#11)

* pagePageId & time field

* del comments
上级 8f897e82
......@@ -33,10 +33,14 @@ message BrowserPerfData {
int32 serviceId = 1;
// Service version in browser is the Instance concept in the backend.
int32 serviceVersionId = 2;
// Data time
int64 time = 3;
// Page path in browser is the endpoint concept in the backend
// Page path in the browser, mostly it is URI, without parameter
string pagePath = 3;
repeated BrowserErrorLog logs = 4;
PerfDetail perfDetail = 5;
string pagePath = 4;
int32 pagePathId = 5;
repeated BrowserErrorLog logs = 6;
PerfDetail perfDetail = 7;
message BrowserErrorLog {
......@@ -47,6 +51,8 @@ message BrowserErrorLog {
int32 col = 5;
string stack = 6;
string errorUrl = 7;
// Error log time
int64 time = 8;
message PerfDetail {
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