提交 b7b8d0e7 编写于 作者: 静夜思朝颜's avatar 静夜思朝颜 提交者: wu-sheng

Profile report snapshot and finish status (#12)

* add profile task report snapshot and task finish status

* wrapper snapshot element list to ProfileTaskSegmentStack

* fix missing profile task id

* remove `ProfileTaskSegemntSnapshotElement`, use code signature list

* change profile stack data type to real stack
上级 7ccf1cf6
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ option java_package = "org.apache.skywalking.apm.network.language.profile";
option csharp_namespace = "SkyWalking.NetworkProtocol";
import "common/common.proto";
import "common/trace-common.proto";
import "language-agent/Downstream.proto";
service ProfileTask {
......@@ -30,6 +32,14 @@ service ProfileTask {
rpc getProfileTaskCommands (ProfileTaskCommandQuery) returns (Commands) {
// collect dumped segment snapshot
rpc collectSnapshot (stream ProfileTaskSegemntSnapshot) returns (Downstream) {
// report profiling task finished
rpc reportTaskFinish (ProfileTaskFinishReport) returns (Downstream) {
message ProfileTaskCommandQuery {
......@@ -40,3 +50,32 @@ message ProfileTaskCommandQuery {
// last commmand timestamp
int64 lastCommandTime = 3;
// dumped segment snapshot
message ProfileTaskSegemntSnapshot {
// profile task id
string taskId = 1;
// dumped segment id
UniqueId traceSegmentId = 2;
// dump timestamp
int64 time = 3;
// snapshot dump sequence, start with zero
int32 sequence = 4;
// snapshot stack
ProfileTaskSegmentStack stack = 5;
message ProfileTaskSegmentStack {
// snapshot code signature list
repeated string codeSignatures = 1;
// profile task finished report
message ProfileTaskFinishReport {
// current sniffer information
int32 serviceId = 1;
int32 instanceId = 2;
// profile task
string taskId = 3;
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