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Apache SkyWalking Kubernetes
# Deploy SkyWalking backend to Kubernetes cluster
<img src="http://skywalking.apache.org/assets/logo.svg" alt="Sky Walking logo" height="90px" align="right" />
To install and configure skywalking in a Kubernetes cluster, follow these instructions.
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SkyWalking Kubernetes repository provides ways to install and configure skywalking in a Kubernetes cluster.
The scripts are written in Helm3.
## Documentation
#### Deploy SkyWalking and Elasticsearch 7 (default)
......@@ -68,7 +72,9 @@ This is recommended as the best practice to deploy SkyWalking backend stack into
| 6.5.0 | 1.0.0 |
| 6.6.0 | 1.1.0 |
Note: The source code for the release chart is located in the chart folder in the master branch.
Please head to the [releases page](http://skywalking.apache.org/downloads/) to download a release of Apache SkyWalking.
Note: The source code for the release chart matches the git tag.
#### old chart position table
......@@ -81,5 +87,11 @@ Note: The source code for the release chart is located in the chart folder in t
Note: The source code for old charts are in the **legacy-helm-chart** branch.
# Contact Us
* Submit an [issue](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/issues)
* Mail list: **dev@skywalking.apache.org**. Mail to `dev-subscribe@skywalking.apache.org`, follow the reply to subscribe the mail list.
* Join `skywalking` channel at [Apache Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/the-asf/shared_invite/enQtNzc2ODE3MjI1MDk1LTAyZGJmNTg1NWZhNmVmOWZjMjA2MGUyOGY4MjE5ZGUwOTQxY2Q3MDBmNTM5YTllNGU4M2QyMzQ4M2U4ZjQ5YmY). If the link is not working, find the latest one at [Apache INFRA WIKI](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INFRA/Slack+Guest+Invites).
* QQ Group: 392443393(2000/2000, not available), 901167865(available)
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