# SkyWalking Python Agent Sky Walking logo **SkyWalking-Python**: The Python Agent for Apache SkyWalking, which provides the native tracing abilities for Python project. **SkyWalking**: an APM(application performance monitor) system, especially designed for microservices, cloud native and container-based (Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos) architectures. [![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/apache/skywalking-python.svg?style=for-the-badge&label=Stars&logo=github)](https://github.com/apache/skywalking-python) [![Twitter Follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/asfskywalking.svg?style=for-the-badge&label=Follow&logo=twitter)](https://twitter.com/AsfSkyWalking) [![Build](https://github.com/apache/skywalking-python/workflows/Build/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/apache/skywalking-python/actions?query=branch%3Amaster+event%3Apush+workflow%3A%22Build%22) ## Install ### From Pypi The Python agent module is published to [Pypi](https://pypi.org/project/apache-skywalking/), from where you can use `pip` to install: ```shell # Install the latest version pip install apache-skywalking # Install a specific version x.y.z # pip install apache-skywalking==x.y.z pip install apache-skywalking==0.1.0 # For example, install version 0.1.0 no matter what the latest version is ``` ### From Source Codes Refer to the [FAQ](docs/FAQ.md#q-how-to-build-from-sources). ## Set up Python Agent SkyWalking Python SDK requires SkyWalking 8.0+ and Python 3.5+. > If you want to try out the latest features that are not released yet, please refer to [the guide](docs/FAQ.md#q-how-to-build-from-sources) to build from sources. ```python from skywalking import agent, config config.init(collector='', service='your awesome service') agent.start() ``` Alternatively, you can also pass the configurations via environment variables (such as `SW_AGENT_NAME`, `SW_AGENT_COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICES`, etc.) so that you don't need to call `config.init`. All supported environment variables can be found [here](docs/EnvVars.md) ## Supported Libraries There are some built-in plugins (such as `http.server`, `Flask`, `Django` etc.) that support automatic instrumentation of Python libraries, the complete lists can be found [here](docs/Plugins.md) ## API Apart from [the libraries](#supported-libraries) that can be instrumented automatically, we also provide some APIs to enable manual instrumentation. ### Create Spans The code snippet below shows how to create entry span, exit span and local span. ```python from skywalking import Component from skywalking.trace.context import SpanContext, get_context from skywalking.trace.tags import Tag context: SpanContext = get_context() # get a tracing context # create an entry span, by using `with` statement, # the span automatically starts/stops when entering/exiting the context with context.new_entry_span(op='https://github.com/apache') as span: span.component = Component.Flask # the span automatically stops when exiting the `with` context with context.new_exit_span(op='https://github.com/apache', peer='localhost:8080') as span: span.component = Component.Flask with context.new_local_span(op='https://github.com/apache') as span: span.tag(Tag(key='Singer', val='Nakajima')) ``` ### Decorators ```python from time import sleep from skywalking import Component from skywalking.decorators import trace, runnable from skywalking.trace.context import SpanContext, get_context from skywalking.trace.ipc.process import SwProcess @trace() # the operation name is the method name('some_other_method') by default def some_other_method(): sleep(1) @trace(op='awesome') # customize the operation name to 'awesome' def some_method(): some_other_method() @runnable() # cross thread propagation def some_method(): some_other_method() from threading import Thread t = Thread(target=some_method) t.start() # When another process is started, agents will also be started in other processes, # supporting only the process mode of spawn. p1 = SwProcess(target=some_method) p1.start() p1.join() context: SpanContext = get_context() with context.new_entry_span(op=str('https://github.com/apache/skywalking')) as span: span.component = Component.Flask some_method() ``` ## Contributing Before submitting a pull request or push a commit, please read our [contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md) and [developer guide](docs/Developer.md). ## FAQs Check [the FAQ page](docs/FAQ.md) or add the FAQs there. ## License Apache 2.0