未验证 提交 426e87ec 编写于 作者: wu-sheng's avatar wu-sheng 提交者: GitHub

Add CHANGELOG for our next release (#798)

* Provde the changelog for this month's release.

* Add a new changelog.

* Update CHANGELOG.md
上级 074acb13
Changes by Version
5.0.0-alpha (2018-02-28)
#### Agent -> Collector protocol
- Remove C++ keywords
- Move **Ref** into Span from Segment
- Add span type, when register an operation
#### UI -> Collector GraphQL query protocol
- First version protocol
#### Agent Changes
- Support gRPC 1.x plugin
- Support kafka 0.11 and 1.x plugin
- Support ServiceComb 0.x plugin
- Support optional plugin mechanism.
- Support Spring 3.x and 4.x bean annotation optional plugin
- Support Apache httpcomponent AsyncClient 4.x plugin
- Provide automatic agent daily tests, and release reports [here](https://github.com/SkywalkingTest/agent-integration-test-report).
- Refactor Postgresql, Oracle, MySQL plugin for compatible.
- Fix jetty client 9 plugin error
- Fix async APIs of okhttp plugin error
- Fix log config didn't work
- Fix a class loader error in okhttp plugin
#### Collector Changes
- Support metrics analysis and aggregation for application, application instance and service in minute, hour, day and month.
- Support new GraphQL query protocol
- Support alarm
- Provide a prototype instrument for collector.
- Support node speculate in cluster and application topology. (Provider Node -> Consumer Node) -> (Provider Node -> MQ Server -> Consumer Node)
#### UI Changes
- New 5.0.0 UI!!!
[Issues and Pull requests](https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/milestone/17)
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