未验证 提交 647e234d 编写于 作者: L liqiangz 提交者: GitHub

Fix CHANGES.md typo (#6688)

上级 c2c62620
......@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ Release Notes.
* Fix apm-toolkit-log4j-2.x-activation no trace Id in async log.
* Replace hbase-1.x-plugin with hbase-1.x-2.x-plugin to adapt hbase client 2.x
* Remove the close_before_method and close_after_method parameters of custom-enhance-plugin to avoid memory leaks.
* Fix bug that springmvn-annotation-4.x-plugin, witness class does not exist in some versions.
* Add Redis command parameters to 'db.statement' field on Lettuce span UI for displaying more info
* Fix bug that springmvc-annotation-4.x-plugin, witness class does not exist in some versions.
* Add Redis command parameters to 'db.statement' field on Lettuce span UI for displaying more info.
* Fix NullPointerException with `ReactiveRequestHolder.getHeaders`.
* Fix springmvc reactive api can't collect HTTP statusCode.
* Fix bug that asynchttpclient plugin does not record the response status code
* Fix bug that asynchttpclient plugin does not record the response status code.
* Fix spanLayer is null in optional plugin(gateway-2.0.x-plugin gateway-2.1.x-plugin).
#### OAP-Backend
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Release Notes.
* Update the Apdex metric combine calculator.
* Enhance `MeterSystem` to allow creating metrics with same `metricName` / `function` / `scope`.
* Storage plugin supports postgresql.
* Fix kubernetes.client.opeanapi.ApiException.
* Fix kubernetes.client.openapi.ApiException.
* Remove filename suffix in the meter active file config.
* Introduce log analysis language (LAL).
* Fix alarm httpclient connection leak.
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