提交 9ac0f077 编写于 作者: wu-sheng's avatar wu-sheng

Refactor documents. Delete all backend documents, cc @peng-yongsheng ,...

Refactor documents. Delete all backend documents, cc @peng-yongsheng , considering backend refactored, then the documents should rebuild manually.
上级 6c88659c
......@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ enter your apache password
3. Public download URLs under `http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/incubator/skywalking/x.y.z`.
4. Public KEYS, sigs and sha512 URLs under `https://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/skywalking/xxxx`
5. Re-tag on GitHub, tag `x.y.z-RCx` as `x.y.z`, and publish a GitHub release based on this tag.
5. Send ANNOUNCE mail to `general@incubator.apache.org`.
5. Send ANNOUNCE mail to `general@incubator.apache.org` and `dev@skywalking.apache.org`.
Mail title: [ANNOUNCE] Release Apache SkyWalking (incubating) version x.y.z
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ Setup based on which kind of probes are you going to use. If you don't understan
## Language agents in Service
- Install agents
- [Java agent](service-agent/java-agent/README.md). Introduce how to install java agent to your application, without change any codes.
- [Java agent](service-agent/java-agent/README.md). Introduce how to install java agent to your service, without change any codes.
- [.NET Core agent](https://github.com/OpenSkywalking/skywalking-netcore). See .NET Core agent project document for more details.
- [Node.js agent](https://github.com/OpenSkywalking/skywalking-nodejs). See Node.js server side agent project document for more details.
- [Setup backend](service-agent/backend-setup.md). Set the backend for language agents scenario.
- [Setup backend](backend/backend-language-agent-setup.md). Set the backend for language agents scenario.
## On Service Mesh
- Istio
# What's sky-walking application toolkit?
Sky-walking application toolkit is a batch of libraries, provided by skywalking APM. Using them, you have a bridge between your application and skywalking APM agent.
_**Most important**_, they will not trigger any runtime or performance issues for your application, whether skywalking tracer is active or not.
# What does bridge mean?
As you known, skywalking agent run by -javeagent VM parameter. So you definitely don't need to change even a single line of your codes. But in some cases, you want to do interop with tracing/APM system. This is the moment you want to use application toolkit.
1. Integrate trace context(traceId) into your log component, e.g. log4j, log4j2 and logback.
1. Use CNCF OpenTracing for manually instrumentation.
1. Use Skywalking annotation and interactive APIs.
_**Notice**: all toolkits libraries are on bitray.com/jcenter. And make sure their version should be as same as the tracer's version._
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# Direct uplink
## Supported version
5.0.0-beta +
## What is direct uplink?
In default, SkyWalking agent uses naming service to find all collector addresses. Then connect to gRPC services.
In **direct uplink**, mean no naming service available or don't work well, set the gRPC addresses in agent directly.
The agent uses theses addresses to connect gRPC services.
## Why need this?
Agent uplink data through the following network
1. VPCs in Cloud
1. Internet
1. Different subnet.
1. IPs and Ports proxy
## Set the agent config
1. Remove `collector.servers` config item.
2. You can find the following settings in `agent.config`
# Collector agent_gRPC/grpc service addresses.
# Secondary address setting, only effect when "collector.servers" is empty.
# By using this, no discovery mechanism provided. The agent only uses these addresses to uplink data.
# Recommend to use this only when collector cluster IPs are unreachable from agent side. Such as:
# 1. Agent and collector cluster are in different VPC in Cloud.
# 2. Agent uplinks data to collector cluster through Internet.
# collector.direct_servers=www.skywalking.service.io
3. Set `collector.direct_servers` to a domain name, IP:PORTs, with split by comma(,).
# Namespace
## Supported version
5.0.0-beta +
## Background
SkyWalking is a monitoring tool, which collects metrics from a distributed system. In the real world, a very large distributed system
includes hundreds of application, thousands of application instance. In that case, more likely, more than one group,
even than one company are maintaining and monitoring the distributed system. Each one of them takes charge of different parts,
don't or can't share there metrics.
includes hundreds of services, thousands of service instances. In that case, most likely, more than one group,
even more than one company are maintaining and monitoring the distributed system. Each one of them takes charge of different parts,
don't want or shouldn't share there metrics.
Namespace is proposal from this.It is used for tracing and monitoring isolation.
Namespace is the proposal from this.It is used for tracing and monitoring isolation.
## Set the namespace
### Set agent.namespace in agent config
......@@ -21,19 +19,6 @@ The default value of `agent.namespace` is empty.
The default header key of SkyWalking is `sw3`, more in this [document](../../../protocols/Skywalking-Cross-Process-Propagation-Headers-Protocol-v1.md).
After `agent.namespace` set, the key changes to `namespace:sw3`.
After `agent.namespace` set, the key changes to `namespace-sw3`.
The across process propagation chain breaks, when the two sides are using different namespace.
### Set namespace in collector
namespace: xxxxx
1. If cluster model is active, with zookeeper implementation, The path in zookeeper is changed to include namespace prefix path.
1. If use Elasticsearch as storage implementation, all type names are changed to include namespace prefix.
# Setup java agent
1. Find `agent` folder in SkyWalking
2. Add `-javaagent:/path/to/skywalking-agent/skywalking-agent.jar` to VM argument.
1. Find `agent` folder in SkyWalking release package
2. Add `-javaagent:/path/to/skywalking-package/agent/skywalking-agent.jar` to JVM argument. And make sure to add it before the `-jar` argument.
New agent package looks like this:
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Change the first line of `tomcat/bin/catalina.bat`.
set "CATALINA_OPTS=-javaagent:/path/to/skywalking-agent/skywalking-agent.jar"
- JAR file
Add `-javaagent` argument to command line in which you start your app. And make sure to add it before the `-jar` argument. eg:
Add `-javaagent` argument to command line in which you start your app. eg:
java -javaagent:/path/to/skywalking-agent/skywalking-agent.jar -jar yourApp.jar
......@@ -56,20 +56,16 @@ Now, we have the following known plugins.
* [Filter traces through custom services](agent-optional-plugins/trace-ignore-plugin.md)
## Advanced Features
* [Override settings through System.properties](en/java-agent/Setting-override.md)
* [Direct uplink and disable naming discovery](en/java-agent/Direct-uplink.md)
* [Open TLS](en/java-agent/TLS.md)
* [Namespace Isolation](en/java-agent/Namespace.md)
* [Token Authentication](en/java-agent/Token-auth.md)
* Application Toolkit
* [Overview](en/java-agent/Applicaton-toolkit.md)
* [Use SkyWalking OpenTracing compatible tracer](en/java-agent/Opentracing.md)
* Integration with log frameworks
* [log4j](en/java-agent/Application-toolkit-log4j-1.x.md)
* [log4j2](en/java-agent/Application-toolkit-log4j-2.x.md)
* [logback](en/java-agent/Application-toolkit-logback-1.x.md)
* [Trace by SkyWalking manual APIs](en/java-agent/Application-toolkit-trace.md)
* [Trace across threads](en/java-agent/Application-toolkit-trace-cross-thread.md)
* Set the settings through system properties for config file override. Read [setting override](Setting-override.md).
* Use gRPC TLS to link backend. See [open TLS](TLS.md)
* Monitor a big cluster by different SkyWalking services. Use [Namespace](Namespace.md) to isolate the context propagation.
* Set client [token](Token-auth.md) if backend open [token authentication](../../backend/backend-token-auth.md).
* Application Toolkit, are a collection of libraries, provided by skywalking APM. Using them, you have a bridge between your application and skywalking APM agent.
* If you want to use OpenTracing Java APIs, try [SkyWalking OpenTracing compatible tracer](Opentracing.md). More details you could find at http://opentracing.io
* If you want to print trace context(e.g. traceId) in your logs, choose the log frameworks, [log4j](Application-toolkit-log4j-1.x.md),
[log4j2](Application-toolkit-log4j-2.x.md), [logback](Application-toolkit-logback-1.x.md)
* If you want to use annotations or SkyWalking native APIs to read context, try [SkyWalking manual APIs](Application-toolkit-trace.md)
* If you want to continue traces across thread manually, use [across thread solution APIs](Application-toolkit-trace-cross-thread.md).
# Test
If you are interested in plugin compatible tests or agent performance, see the following reports.
......@@ -7,18 +7,9 @@ at the same time, the SkyWalking backend is in another region (VPC).
> Because of that, security requirement is very obvious.
## Requirement
Enable **direct uplink**, by following this [document](Direct-uplink.md).
Because of uplink through internet, with security concern, the naming mechanism didn't fit.
So we didn't support TLS in naming service of HTTP service.
## Supported version
5.0.0-beta +
## Authentication Mode
Only support **no mutual auth**.
- Use this [script](../../../tools/TLS/tls_key_generate.sh) if you are not familiar with how to generate key files.
- Use this [script](../../../../../tools/TLS/tls_key_generate.sh) if you are not familiar with how to generate key files.
- Find `ca.crt`, and use it at client side
- Find `server.crt` and `server.pem`. Use them at server side.
......@@ -29,18 +20,4 @@ Only support **no mutual auth**.
Agent open TLS automatically after the `/ca/ca.crt` file detected.
### Collector config
Module `agent_gRPC/gRPC` supports TLS. And only this module for now.
- Uncomment the `ssl_cert_chain_file` and `ssl_private_key_file` settings in `application.yml`
- `ssl_cert_chain_file` value is the absolute path of `server.crt`
- `ssl_private_key_file` value is the absolute path of `server.pem`
## Avoid port share
In most cases, we recommend sharing port for all gRPC services in `agent_gRPC/gRPC` and `remote/gRPC` modules.
But don't do this when you open TLS in `agent_gRPC/gRPC`, the obvious reason is you can't listen a port with and without TLS.
The solution is, change the `remote/gRPC/port`.
## How about other listening ports
Please use other security ways to make sure can't access other ports out of region (VPC), such as firewall, proxy.
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o make sure can't access other ports out of region (VPC), such as firewall, proxy.
\ No newline at end of file
# Token Authentication
## Supported version
5.0.0-beta +
## How need token authentication after we have TLS?
TLS is about transport security, which makes sure the network can be trusted.
The token authentication is about monitoring application data **can be trusted**.
## Token
In current version, Token is considered as a simple string.
### Set Token
1. Set token in agent.config file
Set token in agent.config file
# Authentication active is based on backend setting, see application.yml for more details.
agent.authentication = xxxx
2. Set token in application.yml file
host: localhost
port: 11800
#Set your own token to active auth
authentication: xxxxxx
Meanwhile, open the [backend token authentication](../../backend/backend-token-auth.md).
## Authentication fails
The Collector verifies every request from agent, allowed only the token match.
# Supported Database Sharding Storage
Beside the default Elasticsearch storage, the user can use shardingJDBC and MySQL as storage implementor.
Note: it only supported MYSQL database sharding, and due to the license restrictions, the users need to import MYSQL Driver manually.
## Requirement
- Manually import MySQL Driver package mysql-connector-java-5.1.36.jar to collector libs directory.
- In config/application.yml, delete the ElasticSearch configuration and add the following shardingjdbc configuration.
driverClass: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
# JDBC Datasource connections for ShardingJDBC, multiple should be separated by comma
url: jdbc:mysql://ip1:port1/skywalking,jdbc:mysql://ip2:port2/skywalking
# Usernames, which match the sequence of Datasource URLs
userName: admin,admin
# Passwords, which match the sequence of Datasource URLs
password: 123456,123456
## See also
- ShardingJDBC now named as ShardingSphere since its 3.x, see [here](http://shardingsphere.io)
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