提交 b2d14604 编写于 作者: A Alan Lau 提交者: wu-sheng

make words be consistent in the context.& fix typo (#3865)

上级 d0a1cdd5
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ The test framework provides `JVM-container` and `Tomcat-container` base images.
### JVM-container Image Introduction
[JVM-container](../../../test/plugin/containers/jvm-container) uses `openjdk:8` as the basic image.
[JVM-container](../../../test/plugin/containers/jvm-container) uses `openjdk:8` as the base image.
The test case project is required to be packaged as `project-name.zip`, including `startup.sh` and uber jar, by using `mvn clean package`.
Take the following test projects as good examples
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Take the following test projects as good examples
### Tomcat-container Image Introduction
[Tomcat-container](../../../test/plugin/containers/tomcat-container) uses `tomcat:8.5.42-jdk8-openjdk` as the basic image.
[Tomcat-container](../../../test/plugin/containers/tomcat-container) uses `tomcat:8.5.42-jdk8-openjdk` as the base image.
The test case project is required to be packaged as `project-name.war` by using `mvn package`.
Take the following test project as a good example
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Take the following test project as a good example
## Test project hierarchical structure
The test case is an independent maven project, and it is required to be packaged as a war tar ball or zip file, depends
on the chosen basic image. Also, two external accessible endpoints, mostly two URLs, are required.
on the chosen base image. Also, two external accessible endpoints, mostly two URLs, are required.
All test case codes should be in `org.apache.skywalking.apm.testcase.*` package, unless there are some codes expected being instrumented,
then the classes could be in `test.org.apache.skywalking.apm.testcase.*` package.
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ File Name | Descriptions
`support-version.list` | List the target versions for this case
`startup.sh` |`JVM-container` only, don't need this when use`Tomcat-container`
`*` support-version.list format requires every line for a singe version. Could use `#` to comment out this version.
`*` support-version.list format requires every line for a single version. Could use `#` to comment out this version.
### configuration.yml
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