未验证 提交 d5348c93 编写于 作者: L Leon Yang 提交者: GitHub

Fix: TraceIgnorePathPatterns can't set empty value (#7059)

上级 e3312c78
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Release Notes.
* Fix ClassCast issue for RequestHolder/ResponseHolder.
* fixed `jdk-threading-plugin` memory leak.
* Optimize multiple field reflection operation in Feign plugin.
* Fix `trace-ignore-plugin` TraceIgnorePathPatterns can't set empty value
#### OAP-Backend
* BugFix: filter invalid Envoy access logs whose socket address is empty.
......@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ public class TraceIgnoreExtendService extends SamplingService {
void handleTraceIgnorePatternsChanged() {
if (StringUtil.isNotBlank(traceIgnorePatternWatcher.getTraceIgnorePathPatterns())) {
patterns = traceIgnorePatternWatcher.getTraceIgnorePathPatterns().split(PATTERN_SEPARATOR);
} else {
patterns = new String[] {};
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