提交 e2009b29 编写于 作者: wu-sheng's avatar wu-sheng

Submit init version of Service Mesh probe protocol

上级 3136e717
# Protocols
There are two types of protocols list here.
- **Probe Protocol**. Include the descriptions and defines about how agent send collected metric data and traces, also the formats of each entities.
- **Probe Protocol**. Include the descriptions and definitions about how agent send collected metric data and traces, also the formats of each entities.
- **Query Protocol**. The backend provide query capability to SkyWalking own UI and others. These queries are based on GraphQL.
## Probe Protocol
## Probe Protocols
They also related to the probe group, for understand that, look [Concepts and Designs](../concepts-and-designs/README.md) document.
These groups are **Language based native agent protocol**, **Service Mesh protocol** and **3rd-party instrument protocol**.
## Language based native agent protocol
### Language based native agent protocol
This protocol is combined from two parts:
* [Cross Process Propagation Headers Protocol](Skywalking-Cross-Process-Propagation-Headers-Protocol-v1.md) is for in-wire propagation.
which is usually used to carrier the necessary info to build trace.
* [SkyWalking Trace Data Protocol](Trace-Data-Protocol.md) define the communication way and format between agent and backend.
## Service Mesh probe protocol
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### Service Mesh probe protocol
The probe in sidecar or proxy could use this protocol to send data to backendEnd. This service provided by gRPC, requires
the following key info:
1. Service Name or ID at both sides.
1. Service Instance Name or ID at both sides.
1. Endpoint. URI in HTTP, service method full signature in gRPC.
1. Latency. In milliseconds.
1. Response code in HTTP
1. Status. Success or fail.
1. Protocol. HTTP, gRPC
1. DetectPoint. In Service Mesh sidecar, `client` or `server`. In normal L7 proxy, value is `proxy`.
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.apache.skywalking.apm.network.servicemesh";
service ServiceMeshMetricService {
rpc collect(stream serviceMeshMetric) returns (Downstream) {
message serviceMeshMetric {
string sourceServiceName = 1;
int32 sourceServiceId = 2;
string sourceServiceInstance = 3;
int32 sourceServiceInstanceId = 4;
string destServiceName = 5;
int32 destServiceId = 6;
string destServiceInstance = 7;
int32 destServiceInstanceId = 8;
string endpoint = 9;
int32 latency = 10;
int32 responseCode = 11;
bool status = 12;
Protocol protocol = 13;
DetectPoint detectPoint = 14;
enum Protocol {
HTTP = 0;
gRPC = 1;
enum DetectPoint {
client = 0;
server = 1;
proxy = 2;
message Downstream {
### 3rd-party instrument protocol
3rd-party instrument protocols are not defined by SkyWalking. They are just protocols/formats, which SkyWalking is compatible and
could receive from their existed libraries. SkyWalking starts with supporting Zipkin v1, v2 data formats.
Backend is based on modulization principle, so very easy to extend a new receiver to support new protocol/format.
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