未验证 提交 edcf5926 编写于 作者: K K哥 提交者: GitHub

Update the latest architecture diagram references (#7679)

上级 4a344b01
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ In addition, you can integrate
## Architecture
SkyWalking is logically split into four parts: Probes, Platform backend, Storage and UI.
<img src="https://skywalking.apache.org/assets/frame-v8.jpg?u=20200423"/>
<img src="https://skywalking.apache.org/images/SkyWalking_Architecture_20210424.png?t=20210424"/>
- **Probe**s collect data and reformat them for SkyWalking requirements (different probes support different sources).
- **Platform backend** supports data aggregation, analysis and streaming process covers traces, metrics, and logs.
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