# Choose receiver Receiver is a concept in SkyWalking backend. All modules, which are responsible for receiving telemetry or tracing data from other being monitored system, are all being called **Receiver**. Although today, most of receivers are using gRPC or HTTPRestful to provide service, actually, whether listening mode or pull mode could be receiver. Such as a receiver could base on pull data from remote, like Kakfa MQ. We have following receivers, and `default` implementors are provided in our Apache distribution.zzz 1. **receiver-trace**. gRPC and HTTPRestful services to accept SkyWalking format traces. 1. **receiver-register**. gRPC and HTTPRestful services to provide service, service instance and endpoint register. 1. **service-mesh**. gRPC services accept data from inbound mesh probes. 1. **receiver-jvm**. gRPC services accept JVM metric data. 1. **istio-telemetry**. Istio telemetry is from Istio official bypass adaptor, this receiver match its gRPC services. 1. **envoy-metric**. Envoy `metrics_service` supported by this receiver. OAL script support all GAUGE type metrics. 1. **receiver_zipkin**. See [details](#zipkin-receiver). The sample settings of these receivers should be already in default `application.yml`, and also list here ```yaml receiver-register: default: receiver-trace: default: bufferPath: ../trace-buffer/ # Path to trace buffer files, suggest to use absolute path bufferOffsetMaxFileSize: 100 # Unit is MB bufferDataMaxFileSize: 500 # Unit is MB bufferFileCleanWhenRestart: false sampleRate: ${SW_TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE:1000} # The sample rate precision is 1/10000. 10000 means 100% sample in default. receiver-jvm: default: service-mesh: default: bufferPath: ../mesh-buffer/ # Path to trace buffer files, suggest to use absolute path bufferOffsetMaxFileSize: 100 # Unit is MB bufferDataMaxFileSize: 500 # Unit is MB bufferFileCleanWhenRestart: false istio-telemetry: default: envoy-metric: default: receiver_zipkin: default: host: port: 9411 contextPath: / ``` ## gRPC/HTTP server for receiver In default, all gRPC/HTTP services should be served at `core/gRPC` and `core/rest`. But the `receiver-sharing-server` module provide a way to make all receivers serving at different ip:port, if you set them explicitly. ```yaml receiver-sharing-server: default: restHost: ${SW_SHARING_SERVER_REST_HOST:} restPort: ${SW_SHARING_SERVER_REST_PORT:12800} restContextPath: ${SW_SHARING_SERVER_REST_CONTEXT_PATH:/} gRPCHost: ${SW_SHARING_SERVER_GRPC_HOST:} gRPCPort: ${SW_SHARING_SERVER_GRPC_PORT:11800} ``` Notice, if you add these settings, make sure they are not as same as core module, because gRPC/HTTP servers of core are still used for UI and OAP internal communications. ## Zipkin receiver Zipkin receiver could work in two different mode. 1. Tracing mode(default). Tracing mode is that, skywalking OAP acts like zipkin collector, fully supports Zipkin v1/v2 formats through HTTP service, also provide persistence and query in skywalking UI. But it wouldn't analysis metric from them. In most case, I suggest you could use this feature, when metrics come from service mesh. Notice, in this mode, Zipkin receiver requires `zipkin-elasticsearch` storage implementation active. Read [this](backend-storage.md#elasticsearch-6-with-zipkin-trace-extension) to know how to active. 1. Analysis mode(Not production ready), receive Zipkin v1/v2 formats through HTTP service. Transform the trace to skywalking native format, and analysis like skywalking trace. This feature can't work in production env right now, because of Zipkin tag/endpoint value unpredictable, we can't make sure it fits production env requirements. Active `analysis mode`, you should set `needAnalysis` config. ```yaml receiver_zipkin: default: host: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_HOST:} port: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_PORT:9411} contextPath: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_CONTEXT_PATH:/} needAnalysis: true ```