package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance; import net.bytebuddy.implementation.bind.annotation.*; import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.loader.InterceptorInstanceLoader; import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.EnhancedClassInstanceContext; import org.skywalking.apm.logging.ILog; import org.skywalking.apm.logging.LogManager; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; /** * The actual byte-buddy's interceptor to intercept class instance methods. * In this class, it provide a bridge between byte-buddy and sky-walking plugin. * * @author wusheng */ public class ClassInstanceMethodsInterceptor { private static final ILog logger = LogManager.getLogger(ClassInstanceMethodsInterceptor.class); /** * A class full name, and instanceof {@link InstanceMethodsAroundInterceptor} * This name should only stay in {@link String}, the real {@link Class} type will trigger classloader failure. * If you want to know more, please check on books about Classloader or Classloader appointment mechanism. */ private String instanceMethodsAroundInterceptorClassName; /** * Set the name of {@link ClassInstanceMethodsInterceptor#instanceMethodsAroundInterceptorClassName} * * @param instanceMethodsAroundInterceptorClassName class full name. */ public ClassInstanceMethodsInterceptor(String instanceMethodsAroundInterceptorClassName) { this.instanceMethodsAroundInterceptorClassName = instanceMethodsAroundInterceptorClassName; } /** * Intercept the target instance method. * * @param obj target class instance. * @param allArguments all method arguments * @param method method description. * @param zuper the origin call ref. * @param instanceContext the added field of enhanced class. * @return the return value of target instance method. * @throws Exception only throw exception because of or unexpected exception in sky-walking ( This is a * bug, if anything triggers this condition ). */ @RuntimeType public Object intercept(@This Object obj, @AllArguments Object[] allArguments, @Origin Method method, @SuperCall Callable zuper, @FieldValue(ClassEnhancePluginDefine.CONTEXT_ATTR_NAME) EnhancedClassInstanceContext instanceContext) throws Throwable { InstanceMethodsAroundInterceptor interceptor = InterceptorInstanceLoader .load(instanceMethodsAroundInterceptorClassName, obj.getClass().getClassLoader()); InstanceMethodInvokeContext interceptorContext = new InstanceMethodInvokeContext(obj, method.getName(), allArguments, method.getParameterTypes()); MethodInterceptResult result = new MethodInterceptResult(); try { interceptor.beforeMethod(instanceContext, interceptorContext, result); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error(t, "class[{}] before method[{}] intercept failure", obj.getClass(), method.getName()); } Object ret = null; try { if (!result.isContinue()) { ret = result._ret(); } else { ret =; } } catch (Throwable t) { try { interceptor.handleMethodException(t, instanceContext, interceptorContext); } catch (Throwable t2) { logger.error(t2, "class[{}] handle method[{}] exception failure", obj.getClass(), method.getName()); } throw t; } finally { try { ret = interceptor.afterMethod(instanceContext, interceptorContext, ret); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error(t, "class[{}] after method[{}] intercept failure", obj.getClass(), method.getName()); } } return ret; } }