未验证 提交 e2ac6b2d 编写于 作者: 迷渡's avatar 迷渡 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #236 from githinkcn/master

Add Giteer
......@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@
- [yaoshanliang/weapp-ssha ★100+](https://github.com/yaoshanliang/weapp-ssha) - 企业宣传小程序
- [yaoshanliang/weapp-jump ★100+](https://github.com/yaoshanliang/weapp-jump) - 跳一跳
- [Symous/WechatApp-BaisiSister](https://github.com/Symous/WechatApp-BaisiSister) - 百思不得姐
- [githinkcn/Giteer](https://github.com/githinkcn/Giteer) - Giteer For 码云,基于Taro + Taro UI + Dva的小程序。
- [DengKe1994/weapp-calculator](https://github.com/DengKe1994/weapp-calculator) - IOS 计算器
- [monkindey/wx-github](https://github.com/monkindey/wx-github) - GitHub 简历
- [fluency03/weapp-500px](https://github.com/fluency03/weapp-500px) - 国外摄影社区 500px
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