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# 第六章 搜索树
# 第六章 搜索树 Search Trees
> 译者:[YYF](https://github.com/yongfengyan)
......@@ -12,11 +12,13 @@
键不必是整数。通常,我们可以对key使用任何一种全序关系(total order)来把一组数据添加到BST中,我们用符号\leq表述全序关系,全序关系具有以下属性:
* 完备性: 对于任何 x 和 y 要么满足 x \leq y 要么满足 y \leq x 或者二者同时都满足
* 传递性: 如果 x \leq y 而且 y \leq z 那么 x \leq z
* 非对称性 如果 x \leq y 并且 y \leq x 那么 x = y
*完备性: 对于任何 x 和 y 要么满足 x \leq y 要么满足 y \leq x 或者二者同时都满足
*传递性: 如果 x \leq y 而且 y \leq z 那么 x \leq z
*非对称性 如果 x \leq y 并且 y \leq x 那么 x = y
......@@ -39,9 +41,9 @@ static void sort(SomeType[] A) {
## 6.1 BST的应用
## 6.1 BST的应用 Operations on a BST
......@@ -93,10 +95,10 @@ class BST {
6.2: A BST representation
*6.2: A BST representation*
### 6.1.1 搜索 BST
### 6.1.1 搜索 BST Searching a BST
......@@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ public static BST find(BST T, int L){
### 6.1.2 插入 BST
### 6.1.2 插入 BST Inserting into a BST
......@@ -130,9 +132,231 @@ static BST insert(BST T, int L){
return T;}
### 6.1.3 删除 BST 中的数据单元 Deleting items from a BST
/** Delete the instance of label L from T that is closest to
* to the root and return the modified tree. The nodes of
* the original tree may be modified. */
public static BST remove(BST T, int L) {
if (T == null)
return null;
if (L < T.label)
T.left = remove(T.left, L);
else if (L > T.label)
T.right = remove(T.right, L);// Otherwise, we’ve found L
else if (T.left == null)
return T.right;
else if (T.right == null)
return T.left;
T.right = swapSmallest(T.right, T);
return T;
/** Move the label from the first node in T (in an inorder
* traversal) to node R (over-writing the current label of R),
* remove the first node of T from T, and return the resulting tree.*/
private static BST swapSmallest(BST T, BST R) {
if (T.left == null) {
R.label = T.label;
return T.right;
else {
T.left = swapSmallest(T.left, R);
return T;
*Removing items from a BST without parent pointers 从没有父指针的BST中删除项*
### 6.1.4 带有父指针的操作 Operations with parent pointers
static BST insert(BST T, int L) {
BST newNode;
if (T == null)
return new BST (L, null, null);
if (L < T.label)
T.left = newNode = insert(T.left, L);
elseT.right = newNode = insert(T.right, L);
newNode.parent = T;
return T;
*Insertion into a BST that has parent pointers (带有父指针BST的插入操作)*
/** Delete the instance of label L from T that is closest to
* to the root and return the modified tree. The nodes of
* the original tree may be modified. */
public static BST remove(BST T, int L) {
if (T == null)
return null;
BST newChild;
newChild = null;
result = T;
if (L < T.label)
T.left = newChild = remove(T.left, L);
else if (L > T.label)
T.right = newChild = remove(T.right, L);
// Otherwise, we’ve found L
else if (T.left == null)
return T.right;
else if (T.right == null)
return T.left;
T.right = newChild = swapSmallest(T.right, T);
if (newChild != null)
newChild.parent = T;
return T;
private static BST swapSmallest(BST T, BST R) {
if (T.left == null) {
R.label = T.label;
return T.right;
} else {
T.left = swapSmallest(T.left, R);
if (T.left != null)
T.left.parent = T;
return T;
*Removing items from a BST with parent pointers 带有父指针的删除操作*
### 6.1.5 简并性问题 Degeneracy strikes
## 6.2 实现SortedSet接口 Implementing the SortedSet interface
让我们提前计划一下,在这些操作中,我们必须支持headSet()、 tailSet()和 subSet(),
*Most technical problems can be solved by introducing another level of indirection*
下例说明了一个BSTSet,它显示了表示的主要元素:原始集合、包含其数据的BST、同一集合的视图以及该视图上的迭代器。这些集合都包含用于比较器的空间(见§2.2.4),以允许集合的用户指定一个顺序;在下例中,我们使用自然顺序(natural ordering),在字符串上,自然顺序给出了词典编纂顺序。图6.7包含表示的相应Java声明的草图。
public class BSTSet<T> extends AbstractSet<T> {
/** The empty set, using COMP as the ordering. */
public BSTSet (Comparator<T> comp) {
comparator = comp;
low = high = null;
sent = new BST ();
}/** The empty set, using natural ordering. */
public BSTSet () {
this (null);
/** The set initialized to the contents of C, with natural order. */
public BSTSet (Collection<? extends T> c) {
addAll (c);
/** The set initialized to the contents of S, same ordering. */
public BSTSet (SortedSet<? extends T> s) {
this (s.comparator()); addAll (c);
/** Value of comparator(); null if naturally ordered. */
private Comparator<T> comp;
/** Bounds on elements in this class, null if no bounds. */private T low, high;
/** Sentinel of BST containing data. */
private final BST<T> sent;
*Java representation for BSTSet class, showing only constructors and instance variables*
/** Used internally to form views. */
private BSTSet (BSTSet<T> set, T low, T high) {
comparator = set.comparator ();
this.low = low;
this.high = high;
this.sent = set.sent;
}/** An iterator over BSTSet. */
private class BSTIter<T> implements Iterator<T> {
/** Next node in iteration to yield. Equals the sentinel node* when done. */
BST<T> next;
/** Node last returned by next(), or null if none, or if remove()
* has intervened. */
BST<T> last;BSTIter () {
last = null;
next = first node that is in bounds, or sent if none;
/** A node in the BST */
private static class BST<T> {
T label;BST<T> left, right, parent;
/** A sentinel node */
BST () {
label = null; parent = null;
BST (T label, BST<T> left, BST<T> right) {
this.label = label;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
*continued: Private nested classes used in implementation*
*表示的BST部分在动物群和子集之间共享。三角形表示整个子树,圆形矩形表示单个节点。每个集合包含一个指向列表根的指针(一个sentinel节点,其标签被认为大于树中的任何值)、值的上下限(空表示未绑定)和比较器(在本例中为空,表示自然顺序)。迭代器包含一个指向子集的指针(它正在迭代),一个指向按顺序包含next label的节点的指针(next)(“duck”),另一个指向按i.next()最后传递的序列包含标签的节点的指针(last)。BST的虚线区域完全由迭代器进行sk ipped。迭代器不返回“hartebeest”节点,但迭代器必须通过它才能到达它返回的节点。*
## 6.3 Orthogonal Range Queries
### 6.1.3
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