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# 第六章 搜索树
> 译者:[YYF](https://github.com/yongfengyan)
有关树的一个重要应用就是搜索。这项任务是确定数据结构中是否存在目标值,这些目标值表示一组数据,搜索结果可能返回与该值相关的一些辅助信息。在所有这些搜索中,我们都会执行多个步骤,直到我们找到了要查询的值,或者尝试了所有可能性。在每一步中,我们都会为下一步考虑从而消除其中的一些部分。在线性搜索(linear search)的情况下(见§1.3.1),我们在每个步骤中删除一个数据单元。在二分法搜索(binary search)的情况下(见第1.3.4节),在每个步骤中删除剩余数据的一半。
键不必是整数。通常,我们可以对key使用任何一种全序关系(total order)来把一组数据添加到BST中,我们用符号\leq表述全序关系,全序关系具有以下属性:
* 完备性: 对于任何 x 和 y 要么满足 x \leq y 要么满足 y \leq x 或者二者同时都满足
* 传递性: 如果 x \leq y 而且 y \leq z 那么 x \leq z
* 非对称性 如果 x \leq y 并且 y \leq x 那么 x = y
从定义看起BST的一个重要特性是,通过BST可以按标签的升序访问其节点,这就产生了一种简单的排序算法,称为树排序“tree sort”。
/** Permute the elements of A into non-decreasing order. Assumes
* the elements of A have an order on them. */
static void sort(SomeType[] A) {
int i;
T = null;
for (i = 0; i < A.length; i += 1) {
insert A[i] into search tree T.
i = 0;
traverse T in inorder, where visiting a node, Q, means
A[i] = Q.label(); i += 1;
## 6.1 BST的应用
/** A binary search tree. */
class BST {
protected int label;
protected BST left, right;
/** A leaf node with given LABEL */
public BST(int label) {
this(label, null, null);
/** Fetch the label of this node. */
public int label();
/** Fetch the left (right) child of this. */
public BST left() ...public BST right() ...
/** The highest node in T that contains the
* label L, or null if there is none. */
public static BST find(BST T, int L) ...
/** True iff label L is in T. */
public static boolean isIn(BST T, int L){
return find (T, L) != null;
/** Insert the label L into T, returning the modified tree.
* The nodes of the original tree may be modified. If
* T is a subtree of a larger BST, T’, then insertion into
* T will render T’ invalid due to violation of the binary-
* search-tree property if L > T’.label() and T is in
* T’.left() or L < T’.label() and T is in T’.right().
public static BST insert(BST T, int L) ...
/** Delete the instance of label L from T that is closest to
* to the root and return the modified tree. The nodes of
* the original tree may be modified. */
public static BST remove(BST T, int L) ...
/* This constructor is private to force all BST creation
* to be done by the insert method. */
private BST(int label, BST left, BST right) {
this.label = label; this.left = left; this.right = right;
6.2: A BST representation
### 6.1.1 搜索 BST
/** The highest node in T that contains the
* label L, or null if there is none. */
public static BST find(BST T, int L){
if (T == null || L == T.label)return T;
else if (L < T.label)
return find(T.left, L);
else return find(T.right, L);
### 6.1.2 插入 BST
/** Insert the label L into T, returning the modified tree.
* The nodes of the original tree may be modified.... */
static BST insert(BST T, int L){
if (T == null)
return new BST (L, null, null);
if (L < T.label)
T.left = insert(T.left, L);
T.right = insert(T.right, L);
return T;}
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