# 定语从句 (限定范围) who-人/which-物 ## **who-人 :定语从句形成过程** 我认识那个在车里哭的人 (man作为主语,用who) * 主: 我认识那个人 * 从: 那个人在车里哭 * 合: 我认识那个人 那个人在车里哭 * I know the man the man is crying in the car. (the man is crying in the car, man是主语, who不可以省略) * I know the man who is crying in the car. 我认识那个你喜欢的男孩 (主语用who 宾语用whom, 不过现在 主格和宾格 没严格了) * 主: 我认识那个男孩 * 从: 你喜欢的男孩 * 合: 我认识那个男孩 你喜欢的男孩 * I know the boy you like the boy. (you like the boy, boy不是主语,who/whom可以省略) * I know the boy who/whom you like. * I know the boy you like. 我认识那个喜欢你的男孩 * 主: 我认识那个男孩 * 从: 喜欢你的男孩 * 合: 我认识那个男孩 喜欢你的男孩 * I know the boy the boy like you. (the boy like you, boy不是主语,who/whom可以省略) * I know the boy who like you. ## **which-物 :定语从句形成过程** > which 我不喜欢没有图片的书 * 主: 我不喜欢书 * 从: 书没有图片 * 合: 我不喜欢书 书没有图片 * I don't like books books don't have pictures. * I don't books which don't have pictures. > in which = where 我特别讨厌我遇见他的那个城市 (in 是本来就有,所以才有 in which=where, where 是一个偷懒的行为) * 主: 我特别讨厌这个城市 * 从: 我遇见他的那个城市 * 合: 我特别讨厌这个城市 我遇见他的那个城市 * I really hate the city In the city I met him. * I really hate the city in which (in which=where) I met him. * I really hate the city where I met him. > on which = where 我还记得你喜欢的那个城市 * 主: 我还记得那个城市 * 从: 你喜欢的那个城市 * 合: 我还记得那个城市 你喜欢的那个城市 * I still remember the city you like the city. * I still remeber the city which you like. 我特别讨厌我遇见他的那张床 (on 是本来就有,所以才有 on which=where, where 是一个偷懒的行为) * 主: 我特别讨厌这那张床 * 从: 我遇见他的那张床 * 合: 我特别讨厌那张床 我遇见他的那张床 * I really hate the bed On the bed I met him. * I really hate the bed on which (on which=where) I met him. * I really hate the bed where I met him. > on which = when 我都忘记了你在那个日子来的 (on 是本来就有,所以才有 on which=when, when 是一个偷懒的行为) * 主: 我都忘记了日子 * 从: 你在那个日子来的 * 合: 我都忘记了日子 你在那个日子来的 * I have forgeten the day you came on the day. * I have forgeten the day on which (on which=when) you came. * I have forgeted the day when you came. > which 这是一本我正在找的书 (介词不提前,主要是 for和looking关系更紧密一点,are looking for 作为谓语) * 主: 这是一本书 * 从: 我正在找的书 * 合: 这是一本书 我正在找的书 * This is the book I am looking for the book. * This is the book which I am looking for. > which's = whose, who's = whose 我有一条蓝色眼睛的小狗 (which's = whose, who's = whose) * 主: 我有一条小狗 * 从: 小狗的颜色是蓝色的 * 合: 我有一条小狗 小狗的颜色是蓝色的 * I have a dog a dog`s eyes are blue. * I hava a dog which's eyes are blue. (当然没有 which's 这种写法) * I hava a dog whose eyes are blue. > as 像 > for which = because of which = why 我不理解他离开我的原因 (for which = because of which = why) * 主: 我不理解这个原因 * 从: 他离开我的原因 * 合: 我不理解这个原因 他离开我的原因 * I don't understand the reason he left me for/because of the reason. * I don't understand the reason for which/because of which he left me. * I don't understand the reason why he left me. ## 非限定 定语从句(补充说明) - 插入语 * I like my father, who is good to me. * He left without bye bye, which made me sad. * I'm from China, which is my home. ## That 偷懒行为 (which/who = that) * which = that * where = (in/on) + which * 所以: where != that (而 in that 因为; 原因是;) * I'm from China, which is my home. * => I'm from China, and that is my home. (两个句子连接,需要连接词,不然就变成2个句子了) ## 必须用 that 有强调作用 all, everything, anything, nothing, little, much, any, each, no, some, few, the only, the very, the ---est, the ---th. * You are the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. --> 特例(严谨性) You are not the only one who understands contract.(用who主要是想说这是人,而that(不合适)因为它还可以表示物) --- I know the man (who is) smiling in the car = I know the man smiling in the car.