# 虚拟句 (虚-假的,拟-假设;不可能发生的事情 or 和假设相反的;用来加强语气,表达强烈的情绪) * 主将从现:(本来应该都是will,但是为了让句子逻辑的先后关系更加通畅,所以 rains 现在时更符合!) * if it rains tomorrow, I will pick you up.(不是虚拟,因为有可能成立!) ## -- 对现在的虚拟 * 本应该是现在 I am you, were比was显得更离谱,但是为了突显假设,用错误的方式来表达一种更强烈的语气-强化语气-夸张手法 * 如果我是你,我就弄死他! * If I were you, I would kill him. * 如果我是个女的,我就嫁给他。 * If I were a girl, I would marry him.(虚拟写错的话,就更好理解:我不是要去做手术,而是一种仰慕之情。) * If I am a girl, I would marry him.(所以一切可能发生的事情,必然发生or已经发生) ## -- 对过去的虚拟 * 如果你昨天(就已经)告诉我,我昨天就(已经会)来了。 * If you told me yesterday, I would came.(看单词yesterday是个时间点) * If you had told me yesterday, I would have come.(和中文逻辑一样,相对于今天而来,是一个时间段,从昨天到今天,已经假设完成的状态) ## -- 对将来的虚拟 * 如果明天地球炸了,我也要和你在一起。(be to do 将会怎么做) * If the earth were to explode tomorrow, I would be with you. ## -- 杂交, 混和 mix up * 如果你当时说爱我,那现在我就是你的人了。 * 前面对过去的虚拟,表示已经完成 * 后面是将来的虚拟 * If you had said it, I would be yours now. ## -- 简化语句 (倒装句--用于强调句子) * If you had told me. * 简化语句,把重要的内容提前 * Had you told me. * If I were you * Were I you. ## -- 心愿 * It is time that we made greater efforts at work. * It is high time --- * It is about time --- ## -- 建议 * I suggest that you go home now.(平等的建议, should 是一般都省略) * I order that you should go home now.(命令是的建议, should 在语气上加强来语气) ## -- 天然虚拟 * If only 如果。。。就好了 * If only I were you. * Would rather 宁愿 * I would rather I hadn`t made Alibaba. * As if 貌似(看起来好像是,但其实不是的) * He talks as if he knew everything. * Lest 以免 * Take the umbrella, lest you would get wet.(记得拿伞,以免打湿;已经带伞了,还担心打湿吗?) * But for 若非, 若不是 * But for you money, we would have lost. * It is time that 是时候该干嘛了 * It is time that we went to bed. (是时候该去睡觉了,但是我没去) * Wish 祝福(超越现实: 例如,祝你长命百岁) * I wish I could fly. * I wish someone had told me all this when I was 13.(真希望我在13岁就有人告诉我这一切) --- 名言名句 * Don`t lecture me! * Don`t judge me!