# 机场口语 * 一个没生活和视野的人,谈不上生活的质量!【不是事业】 * 谈到这个,我们就从英语开始,因为这才是打开视野的一种有趣方式。 * 你想去什么什么国家,你想去浪漫的土耳其?富得流油的沙特?还是放荡不羁爱自由的美国? ## 机场场景 * Can you give me a booklet? * 你能给我个小册子吗? * I can`t find my baggage. 我找不到我的行李了 * Where can I apply for lost things? * 我可以在哪里申请寻物启事? * Where`s the bus stop? * 公交站在哪里? * This is my hotel address. * 这是我宾馆的位置。 * This is shortcut. * 这是条捷径 * You can go there by bus. * 你可以坐公交去这里 * It`s very near. * 很近的哦 * Can you show me the way on the map? * 你可以在地图上给我标注下吗? * You exceeded the speed limit. * 你超速了 * You are driving too fast. * 你开的太快了 * Diving license please. * 请出示你的驾驶证 * Do you hava a map of this area? * 你们有这个地方的地图吗? * Where can i find? * * How fat is it? * * How do I get there? * 我该怎么到那里呢? * I`ve run out of petrol * 我没油拉! * May I use you phone? * 我可以用用你的手机吗? * Can you send a mechanic? * 你们能派过来一个修理师傅吗? * How would you like to travel? * 你想哪种方式去旅行呢? * Can you rent a car there? * 你能在那租赁一辆车吗? * I`m only carrying my hand luggage * 我只带了我的行李箱 * The flight has been canceled because of the storm. * 由于暴风雪,航班已经取消了。 * What`s weather like? * 天气怎么样? * What about getting a drink together? * 一起喝一杯怎么样? * I have lost my luggage * 我把我的行李弄丢了 * Describe your luggage please? * 请描述一下你的行李 * Would you call a cab? * 你能叫个出租车吗? * Where do you wish to go? * 你想到哪去? * Where does the train leave from? * 那列火车从哪里出发的? * I hope we will be on time. * 我希望我们能按时到达 * Where will you stay? * 你将会呆在哪里? * What`s the purpose of your visit? * 你此次路行的目的是什么? * Can you spark our language? * 你会说我们的语言吗? * What`s in this box? * 这个箱子里面有什么?