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Merge pull request #71 from apachecn/feature/flink_1.7_doc_zh_40

Feature/flink 1.7 doc zh 40
......@@ -5,15 +5,18 @@
# License of the RabbitMQ Connector
Flink’s RabbitMQ connector defines a Maven dependency on the “RabbitMQ AMQP Java Client”, is triple-licensed under the Mozilla Public License 1.1 (“MPL”), the GNU General Public License version 2 (“GPL”) and the Apache License version 2 (“ASL”).
Flink的RabbitMQ连接器定义了对“ RabbitMQ AMQP Java客户端”的Maven依赖关系,在Mozilla Public License 1.1(“ MPL”),GNU General Public License版本2(“ GPL”)和Apache License版本2下获得了三重许可。 (以下简称“ ASL”)。
Flink itself neither reuses source code from the “RabbitMQ AMQP Java Client” nor packages binaries from the “RabbitMQ AMQP Java Client”.
Flink本身既不重用“ RabbitMQ AMQP Java客户端”中的源代码,也不打包“ RabbitMQ AMQP Java客户端”中的二进制文件。
Users that create and publish derivative work based on Flink’s RabbitMQ connector (thereby re-distributing the “RabbitMQ AMQP Java Client”) must be aware that this may be subject to conditions declared in the Mozilla Public License 1.1 (“MPL”), the GNU General Public License version 2 (“GPL”) and the Apache License version 2 (“ASL”).
基于Flink的RabbitMQ连接器创建并发布衍生作品(从而重新分发“ RabbitMQ AMQP Java客户端”)的用户必须注意,这可能要遵守Mozilla Public License 1.1(“ MPL”)(即GNU)中声明的条件。通用公共许可证版本2(“ GPL”)和Apache许可证版本2(“ ASL”)。
# RabbitMQ Connector
This connector provides access to data streams from [RabbitMQ](http://www.rabbitmq.com/). To use this connector, add the following dependency to your project:
......@@ -27,25 +30,32 @@ This connector provides access to data streams from [RabbitMQ](http://www.rabbit
Note that the streaming connectors are currently not part of the binary distribution. See linking with them for cluster execution [here](//ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.7/dev/linking.html).
#### Installing RabbitMQ
Follow the instructions from the [RabbitMQ download page](http://www.rabbitmq.com/download.html). After the installation the server automatically starts, and the application connecting to RabbitMQ can be launched.
#### RabbitMQ Source
This connector provides a `RMQSource` class to consume messages from a RabbitMQ queue. This source provides three different levels of guarantees, depending on how it is configured with Flink:
1. **Exactly-once**: In order to achieve exactly-once guarantees with the RabbitMQ source, the following is required -
1. **精确一次**:为了使用RabbitMQ源实现精确一次的保证,需要以下内容-
* _Enable checkpointing_: With checkpointing enabled, messages are only acknowledged (hence, removed from the RabbitMQ queue) when checkpoints are completed.
* 启用检查点:启用检查点后,仅在完成检查点时才确认消息(因此,从RabbitMQ队列中删除了消息)。
* _Use correlation ids_: Correlation ids are a RabbitMQ application feature. You have to set it in the message properties when injecting messages into RabbitMQ. The correlation id is used by the source to deduplicate any messages that have been reprocessed when restoring from a checkpoint.
* 使用相关ID:相关ID是RabbitMQ应用程序的功能。将消息注入RabbitMQ时,必须在消息属性中进行设置。从检查点还原时,源使用相关ID对重复处理的所有消息进行重复数据删除。
* _Non-parallel source_: The source must be non-parallel (parallelism set to 1) in order to achieve exactly-once. This limitation is mainly due to RabbitMQ’s approach to dispatching messages from a single queue to multiple consumers.
* 非并行源:源必须是非并行的(并行度设置为1)才能一次。此限制主要是由于RabbitMQ的方法将消息从单个队列分发到多个使用者。
2. **At-least-once**: When checkpointing is enabled, but correlation ids are not used or the source is parallel, the source only provides at-least-once guarantees.
2. **至少一次**:启用检查点但未使用关联ID或源为并行时,源仅提供至少一次保证。
3. **No guarantee**: If checkpointing isn’t enabled, the source does not have any strong delivery guarantees. Under this setting, instead of collaborating with Flink’s checkpointing, messages will be automatically acknowledged once the source receives and processes them.
3. **保证**:如果未启用检查点,则源没有任何有力的交付保证。在此设置下,源将在接收并处理消息后自动确认消息,而不是与Flink的检查点协作。
Below is a code example for setting up an exactly-once RabbitMQ source. Inline comments explain which parts of the configuration can be ignored for more relaxed guarantees.
......@@ -96,7 +106,7 @@ val stream = env
#### RabbitMQ Sink
This connector provides a `RMQSink` class for sending messages to a RabbitMQ queue. Below is a code example for setting up a RabbitMQ sink.
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