提交 33edfe87 编写于 作者: W wizardforcel

2020-04-15 09:41:51

上级 e40d3963
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title: C89 本子合集 BiliDrive 备份
title: C89 本子合集 CDNDrive 备份
date: 0000-0-0 00:00:00
......@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ tags:
## 下载方式
pip install BiliDriveEx
pip install CDNDrive
# 或
# pip install git+https://github.com/apachecn/BiliDriveEx
bdex download <link>
# pip install git+https://github.com/apachecn/CDNDrive
cdrive download <link>
## 链接
| 文档 | 链接 |
| --- | --- |
| (C88) [しもやけ堂 (逢魔刻壱)] 早苗さんと性的過ぎる夜の生活 (東方Project).epub (2.27 MB) | bdex://85fe6bb100653cfbad716e1726109ff9246bd10e |
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