提交 fdc8274f 编写于 作者: W wizardforcel


image: node:7
- apt install imagemagick
- apt install pngquant
- npm install sync-request
- npm install cheerio
- npm install gen-epub@git+https://github.com/258ch/gen-epub
- node kaggle $NAME
- pushes
- merge_requests
- mkdir out
- mv *.epub out/
- cd out
- git init
- git config user.name ${GL_UN}
- git config user.email ${GL_EMAIL}
- git add -A
- git commit -am "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")"
- git push "https://${GL_TOKEN}@gitlab.com/${GL_USER}/${GL_REPO}.git" master:${GL_BRANCH} -f
GL_UN: wizardforcel
GL_EMAIL: 562826179@qq.com
GL_USER: wizardforcel
GL_REPO: kaggle-crawler
\ No newline at end of file
npm install sync-request
npm install cheerio
npm install gen-epub@git+https://github.com/258ch/gen-epub
需要 Image Magick 和 pngquant
var request_ = require('sync-request')
var fs = require('fs')
var {URL} = require('url')
var cheerio = require('cheerio')
var genEpub = require('gen-epub')
var crypto = require('crypto');
var os = require('os')
var path = require('path')
var betterImg = require('./img-better.js')
function requestWithRetry(method, url, kwargs, n=5) {
for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
try {
return request_(method, url, kwargs)
} catch(ex) {
if(i == n - 1) throw ex;
function processImg(html, pageUrl, imgs) {
var $ = cheerio.load(html);
var $imgs = $('img');
for(var i = 0; i < $imgs.length; i++) {
try {
var $img = $imgs.eq(i);
var url = $img.attr('src');
url = new URL(url, pageUrl).toString()
var picname = crypto.createHash('md5').update(url).digest('hex') + ".jpg";
console.log(`pic: ${url} => ${picname}`)
if(!imgs.has(picname)) {
var data = request('GET', url).getBody();
data = betterImg(data)
imgs.set(picname, data);
$img.attr('src', '../Images/' + picname);
} catch(ex) {console.log(ex.toString())}
return $.html();
var request = requestWithRetry
function getCode(html) {
var code = /source":(".+?")/.exec(html)[1]
return '<pre>' + JSON.parse(code) + '</pre>'
function getContentUrl(html) {
return /https?:\/\/www\.kaggleusercontent\.com\/kf\/\d+\/.+?\/__results__\.html/.exec(html)[0]
function getBody(html) {
return cheerio.load(html)('body').html()
function getToc(id) {
var url = `https://www.kaggle.com/kernels.json?sortBy=hotness&group=everyone&pageSize=10000&competitionId=${id}`
var j = request('GET', url).body.toString()
j = JSON.parse(j)
return j
function compToId(name) {
var url = `https://www.kaggle.com/c/${name}/kernels`
var html = request('GET', url).body.toString()
var id = /kaggle\/(\d+)/.exec(html)[1]
return id
function main() {
var name = process.argv[2]
console.log(`name: ${name}`)
var id = compToId(name)
console.log(`id: ${id}`)
var toc = getToc(id)
var articles = []
var imgs = new Map()
for(var it of toc) {
var prefix = 'https://www.kaggle.com'
var url = prefix + it.scriptUrl
console.log(`url: ${url}`)
var html = request('GET', url).body.toString()
var realUrl = getContentUrl(html)
var co = request('GET', realUrl).body.toString()
co = processImg(co, realUrl, imgs)
co = getBody(co)
} else {
var co = getCode(html)
var from = `<p>From: <a href='${url}'>${url}</a></p>`
var score = ''
score = `<p>Score: ${it.bestPublicScore}</p>`
var au = `<p>Author: <a href='${prefix + it.author.profileUrl}'>${it.author.displayName}</a></p>`
co = `${from}\n${au}\n${score}\n${co}`
articles.push({title: it.title, content: co})
articles.splice(0, 0, {title: `Kaggle Kernel - ${name}`, content: ''})
genEpub(articles, imgs)
if(module == require.main) main()
\ No newline at end of file
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