提交 8fee5a93 编写于 作者: W wizardforcel

2020-07-10 22:48:45

上级 866dc252
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ id(2) = 9302208
![Memory diagram of a variable](img/8e3c21e63f8a64674e3edc5cbf22272f.png "Memory Diagram")
Memory diagram of variables in Python
Python 中变量的内存图
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Hello
![Nested Namespaces in Python Programming](img/ff842860b03567ecdbc3206f0d184539.png "Different Nested Namespaces")
A diagram of different namespaces in Python
Python 中不同名称空间的图
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Python 将非零值解释为`True`。`None`和`0`解释为`False`。
![Flowchart of if statement in Python programming](img/d24ba938b4eb482eb7883046955ce095.png "If Statement Flowchart")
Flowchart of if statement in Python programming
Python 编程中`if`语句的流程图
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ else:
![Flowchart of if...else statement in Python Programming](img/72f33199a45a63e4f951216b0f88815a.png "if...else statement flowchart")
Flowchart of if...else statement in Python
Python 中`if...else`语句的流程图
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ else:
![Flowchart of if...elif....else in Python programming](img/ea825cb1d7a6379cd10db87eadcb48a0.png "if...elif...else statement flowchart")
Flowchart of if...elif....else statement in Python
Python 中`if...elif....else`语句的流程图
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ for val in sequence:
![Flowchart of for Loop in Python programming](img/bfd5149358cdcbca75d37d4f1c4a1f3e.png "for Loop Flowchart")
Flowchart of for Loop in Python
Python 中`for`循环的流程图
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Python 将任何非零值解释为`True`。`None`和`0`解释为`False`。
![while Loop in Python programming](img/06cb2a9df7e822da67c54b2af8b7b675.png "while Loop Flowchart")
Flowchart for while loop in Python
Python 中`while`循环的流程图
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ break
![Flowchart of break statement in Python](img/45ab60b74c9df2e1dcbdad452de07fd9.png "break Statement")
Flowchart of break statement in Python
Python 中`break`语句的流程图
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Flowchart of break statement in Python
![How the break statement works in Python](img/accebe7e5997e0d60b50265a8008db1a.png "How break statement works")
Working of the break statement
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ continue
![Flowchart of continue statement in Python](img/d2325cc713b1c854ad54035b67cb3878.png "continue Statement")
Flowchart of continue statement in Python
Python 中`continue`语句的流程图
......@@ -90,8 +90,7 @@ Flowchart of continue statement in Python
![How continue statement works in python](img/c085ea36c70b914ad24a1d026f5247dd.png "How continue statement works")
How continue statement works in python
`continue`语句如何在 python 中工作
### 示例:Python `continue`
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ print(absolute_value(-4))
![How function works in Python?](img/7910dcce01330177bdd83d227dedfda0.png "How function works in Python?")
Working of functions in Python
Python 中的函数原理
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
![Python Recursive Function](img/12195680bec401300a2f73ce201131e6.png "Python Recursive Function")
Recursive Function in Python
Python 中的递归函数
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ factorial(3) # 1st call with 3
![Factorial by a recursive method](img/109484af45d57aafb6bb8e27b019b3a3.png "Factorial by a recursive method")
Working of a recursive factorial function
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
![Package Module Structure in Python Programming](img/642658db561640ab35eca32f7022300e.png "Package Module Structure")
Package Module Structure in Python Programming
Python 编程中的包模块结构
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ p
![Python list indexing](img/460e0bc4a5aa46da48aff4bb067f8ea7.png "Python list indexing")
List indexing in Python
Python 中的列表索引
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ print(my_list[:])
![Element Slicing from a list in Python](img/e1ffea4f316ee85208db934ac59a2a89.png "Element Slicing")
Element Slicing from a list in Python
从 Python 中的列表进行元素切片
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Thonny IDE 随附了捆绑的最新版本的 Python。 因此,您不必单独
![Run Python in Immediate mode](img/e0ae368ab7ff6afbc9d8bfa31104cf36.png "Run Python in Command Prompt")
Running Python on the Command Line
在命令行上运行 Python
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Python IDLE
![Run Python programs in IDLE](img/1ef3543fc6c08ab97eaa4b5b9d223d68.png "Run Python programs in IDLE")
Running a Python program in IDLE
在 IDLE 中运行 Python 程序
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ print(my_tuple[:])
![Element Slicing in Python](img/e1ffea4f316ee85208db934ac59a2a89.png "Element Slicing")
Element Slicing in Python
Python 中的元素切片
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ TypeError: string indices must be integers
![Element Slicing in Python](img/e1ffea4f316ee85208db934ac59a2a89.png "Element Slicing")
String Slicing in Python
Python 中的字符串切片
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ set()
![Set Union in Python](img/b20d9a7cf4a55c0eb15fb3f215387cd4.png "Set Union")
Set Union in Python
Python 中的并集
......@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ print(A | B)
![Set Intersection in Python](img/9595a67c8ad7796c3257dc5189f47ba8.png "Set Intersection")
Set Intersection in Python
Python 中的交集
......@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ print(A & B)
![Set Difference in Python](img/3af0aa522ae62f2e61d1585a0d82e523.png "Set Difference")
Set Difference in Python
Python 中的差集
......@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ print(A - B)
![Set Symmetric Difference in Python](img/d4aeddb8256c7790d72753d4085ff828.png "Set Symmetric Difference")
Set Symmetric Difference in Python
Python 的对称差集
......@@ -214,5 +214,5 @@ NameError: name 'c1' is not defined
![Deleting Object in Python](img/9688875b5859e048a719e6026160a2f5.png "Deleting Object in Python")
Deleting objects in Python removes the name binding
在 Python 中删除对象会删除名称绑定
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class MultiDerived(Base1, Base2):
![Multiple Inheritance in Python](img/768eee4ef17522c45f34ec1807376c4a.png "Multiple Inheritance")
Multiple Inheritance in Python
Python 中的多重继承
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class Derived2(Derived1):
![Multilevel Inheritance in Python](img/5edd36180ec94e316d533bd69907f5ec.png "Multilevel Inheritance")
Multilevel Inheritance in Python
Python 中的多级继承
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ MRO 必须防止本地优先级排序,并且还必须提供单调性。 它确
![Multiple Inheritance Visualization](img/db8bf444f77f36a15838f8e99e9ce24a.png "Multiple Inheritance Visualization")
Visualizing Multiple Inheritance in Python
在 Python 中可视化多重继承
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