未验证 提交 b6a0168d 编写于 作者: S Simone Perazzoli 提交者: GitHub

Update Regression Tutorial Level Beginner - REG101.ipynb (#183)

* Update Regression Tutorial Level Beginner - REG101.ipynb

Updating description: replacing final_knn by final_lightgbm

* Adding Regression Example: Predicting ENEM Math Grades with PyCaret
上级 5ef5d4fd
......@@ -3186,7 +3186,7 @@
"id": "QmJjaIkrzZwQ"
"source": [
"**Caution:** One final word of caution. Once the model is finalized using `finalize_model()`, the entire dataset including the test/hold-out set is used for training. As such, if the model is used for predictions on the hold-out set after `finalize_model()` is used, the information grid printed will be misleading as you are trying to predict on the same data that was used for modeling. In order to demonstrate this point only, we will use `final_knn` under `predict_model()` to compare the information grid with the one above in section 11. "
"**Caution:** One final word of caution. Once the model is finalized using `finalize_model()`, the entire dataset including the test/hold-out set is used for training. As such, if the model is used for predictions on the hold-out set after `finalize_model()` is used, the information grid printed will be misleading as you are trying to predict on the same data that was used for modeling. In order to demonstrate this point only, we will use `final_lightgbm` under `predict_model()` to compare the information grid with the one above in section 11. "
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