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Delete utils.py

上级 30bf4382
# Module: Utility
# Author: Moez Ali <moez.ali@queensu.ca>
# License: MIT
version_ = "2.0"
def version():
def __version__():
return version_
def check_metric(actual, prediction, metric, round=4):
Function to evaluate classification and regression metrics.
#general dependencies
import numpy as np
#metric calculation starts here
if metric == 'Accuracy':
from sklearn import metrics
result = metrics.accuracy_score(actual,prediction)
result = result.round(round)
elif metric == 'Recall':
from sklearn import metrics
result = metrics.recall_score(actual,prediction)
result = result.round(round)
elif metric == 'Precision':
from sklearn import metrics
result = metrics.precision_score(actual,prediction)
result = result.round(round)
elif metric == 'F1':
from sklearn import metrics
result = metrics.f1_score(actual,prediction)
result = result.round(round)
elif metric == 'Kappa':
from sklearn import metrics
result = metrics.cohen_kappa_score(actual,prediction)
result = result.round(round)
elif metric == 'AUC':
from sklearn import metrics
result = metrics.roc_auc_score(actual,prediction)
result = result.round(round)
elif metric == 'MCC':
from sklearn import metrics
result = metrics.matthews_corrcoef(actual,prediction)
result = result.round(round)
elif metric == 'MAE':
from sklearn import metrics
result = metrics.mean_absolute_error(actual,prediction)
result = result.round(round)
elif metric == 'MSE':
from sklearn import metrics
result = metrics.mean_squared_error(actual,prediction)
result = result.round(round)
elif metric == 'RMSE':
from sklearn import metrics
result = metrics.mean_squared_error(actual,prediction)
result = np.sqrt(result)
result = result.round(round)
elif metric == 'R2':
from sklearn import metrics
result = metrics.r2_score(actual,prediction)
result = result.round(round)
elif metric == 'RMSLE':
result = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(np.log(np.array(abs(prediction))+1) - np.log(np.array(abs(actual))+1), 2)))
result = result.round(round)
elif metric == 'MAPE':
mask = actual != 0
result = (np.fabs(actual - prediction)/actual)[mask].mean()
result = result.round(round)
return result
def enable_colab():
Function to render plotly visuals in colab.
def configure_plotly_browser_state():
import IPython
<script src="/static/components/requirejs/require.js"></script>
paths: {
base: '/static/base',
plotly: 'https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js?noext',
import IPython
IPython.get_ipython().events.register('pre_run_cell', configure_plotly_browser_state)
print('Colab mode activated.')
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